Ladies: are you retaining a lot of water?

Not sure if I am retaining water or not, what are you stories?


  • miyamiya82
    I always feel like I am, and someone told me to try a cleanse, not sure which one is healthy or a good choice?
  • derkacs
    Yes we do a ton of more than men!

    Especially during our "time" of the month.. :(
  • bullmastifflover
    bullmastifflover Posts: 128 Member
    If I have too much sodium it totally shows in my face.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    When I am retaining water I can tell because I get very puffy. Usually in my face, hands, and feet. I try to combat it by taking my weight, minus 100, and drinking that many ounces of water a day. When it is really bad, I'll try to get in my weight in ounces - which is damned near impossible, but I try!

    Also, watch your salt content, especially around TOM, and you should be able to get it under control. GL!
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    Have you noticed it causes you to gain some weight?
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    i drink ALOT of water.. most days too much water.
    (* we are suppose to drink at least 80oz a day, and some say drink half your weight in water ex: 200lb , drink 100 oz)

    I only drink water most days with a boost protein and sometimes Sprite. ( put down 160-200oz a day)
    SO I know I retain really bad . maybe 1-2 lbs of it but I feel better with it b/c it helps my bowels move daily and me to sweat out toxic yuck from the body
  • shmarlyboo
    If you feel you are retaining too much water, try drinking more. i know it sounds odd but your body will retain water if you aren't drinking enough. always keep yourself hydrated!! also, it could be caused by having a high sodium diet. keep an eye on your soduim levels and if you are a diet soda drinker, beware! you will def retain water if you drink too much diet soda. that was my problem :indifferent:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Not so much anymore. I retain a little water on the weekends because I don't move around as much or I eat more carbs or sodium - I'm a little lax with food on the weekends. But I try to drink at least 80oz of water per day and I do my best to keep my sodium under 1500 (not 2500). I gain about 3lbs during TOM.

    Drinking lots of water give your body "permission" to release water.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Have you noticed it causes you to gain some weight?

    YES! After a particularly high sodium day last weekend, I was up about 7 pounds and I know I didn't gain that from food in 24 hours. The water flushed it out in a few days.