P90X Protein Drink Help?

AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
I received my P90X DVD's the other day in the mail.

Question: It recomends having a Protein drink after the workout. I have never purchase or used these before. I know this workout is extream so I am wondering what others that have done the P90X have experienced with and without this protein drink. What proten powder did you use? Any other advice for this workout is welcome.

I am also looking for someone that maybe starting this work to join me and help motivate each other.


  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    I know it sounds cheesy, but you can't beat the P90X Recovery formula. I get it autoshipped to me every month. It's just freaking amazing. It tastes like an orange creamsicle. I do notice a difference if I don't drink it after a workout (or during for some of the harder ones). I used it after my half-marathon in February and it drastically cut down my muscle soreness.
  • shmarlyboo
    I have done P90X but never tried their recommended recovery drink. lately, I've been drinking a protein shake after my weight training workouts and, like previously stated, i too have noticed a decrease in muscle soreness. also, my nails seem to grow 10x faster and are much stronger! nails are not something i ever used to have unless i paid for them *wink*. those reasons along with the fact that i ACTUALLY have more visible muscle definition are all good reasons, for me anyways, to drink a protein shake!
  • ftoddw
    ftoddw Posts: 37 Member
    After workout and just before workout are key times to drink protein drinks. It speeds the body's uptake of the protein for building muscle, right when your muscles need it. I like EAS Whey and Muscle Milk. Recovery drinks are a bit different. They are designed to help re-hydrate and fight off muscle soreness. Cytomax makes a good recovery drink that helps get rid of lactic acid (it makes your sweat smell like amonia), Gatorade and others have their recovery drinks as well, I've never tried p90x's, but my guess is that they don't make the drink, they just put their label on it. P90x is part of Beach Bodies branding empire.

    I read an article about extensive research done on recovery drinks and the conclusion was none performed better than simple chocolate milk. Rocket Fuel is a protein enriched chocolate milk recovery drink based on those findings, drank that after my half marathon and it did the trick.

    I'd start with a high quality protein powder (EAS, Muscle Milk, Optimum Nutrition, Champion, GNC etc.) Mix it with skim milk for after workout, fruit and water or fruit juice before, and you're good to go. If soreness is a problem - give the p90x stuff a try and compare it to the protein shakes. You've got time to find what works for you - It's not a sprint, it's a new lifestyle - enjoy it!
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    Thank you all for your responses - I think I will try Optinum Nutrition from GNC first since it is close by and easy to pick up when I run low.