TamiHudson Member


  • Try Chalean Extreme from Beachbody. I am doing my 2nd round of her 90-day strength training program. She can teach you how to create your own resistance using the amount of weights you have on hand...but one of the best things you can do is to invest in heavier weights...but I totally understand how expensive that can be!
  • Hey thanks, Ryan Horn! I appreciate your response! I have the bands so hopefully that'll do the trick. Have a great New Year's Day!
  • thanks ladies! I'm finishing up the last phase of my chaLEAN Extreme (I did it over again this fall to get myself back into a more rigid working out schedule) so I will pick up P90X3 probably mid-January. Smckee422, I do not have a pull up bar...is it absolutely necessary that I use one or does Tony offer a modification in…
  • Chalean Extreme ROCKS.....
  • That was aweosme!! I am in the tail end of chaLEAN Extreme, which is a 3-month program all about lifting heavier. I totally know the scale-issues of which you speak. Your post was exactly what I needed to read today!!!
  • Hello everyone! New member to the group. So glad to have found this group as not only to women in general need each other every day for every thing, but Christian women, especially. I LOVE some Mandisa!! Greater is HE that is in us, then he that is in the world. Jesus trumps the darkness everytime. So when we have those…
  • I would not attempt Level 2 without getting a good grip of level 1. Level 2 is way more intense. :smile:
  • This may sound like a stupid recommendation since most of her DVD's seem to be for women - but Jillian Michael's does have "Yoga Meltown" and it's not sissy stuff. And frankly...it's 30 minutes - if that - from start to end. Just a suggestion...
  • Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30; 30 Day Shred; Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. Just about anything Jillian is worth your money. :smile:
  • I began Ripped in 30 Monday Apri 4th. I am just finishing up week 1 (tomorrow's my last day of week 1). I have loved week 1, but being a JM fan and having done most of her other videos I KNOW the insanity that's to come. Has anyone made it yet to week 3 and week 4? Any words of advice?? Or prhaps WARNING??? :)
  • I agree with everyone else...www.walkathome.com. Leslie Sansone workouts are a great way to get in some cardio. Her Walk Slim series is great.
  • I actually tend to feel more of a "burn" in my obliques than my core. My suggestion - give level 2 a try and see if that might be a more challenging workout for you.
  • Jillian Michael's DVD's (30 day shred, Ripped in 30, etc.), Leslie Sansone Walk at Home (www.walkathome.com), Tony Horton's Power Half Hour series & Slim in 6 (www.beachbody.com). Depending on your fitness level and how much you want to lose all of these work great. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • It will absolutely get your heart racing. You know she says "your heart garggling in your throat"...yup...it's just like that. It's an awesome workout. Good luck with it!
  • This is a great ab workout!! I have yet to make it to level 2...which is on my "to-do" list come April 1st. But level 1 is awesome. You WILL see a major difference if you stick with it - but don't forget to perhaps add a day of cardio (in place of 6W6P) to burn fat. But no worries...JM adds cardio in 6W6P...of course...who…
  • Hi! I love this site as well and have dropped 12 pounds since joining it back in February. Naturally your body will not drop the pounds as fast as they initally came off. Water and fluids was the first to be shed, which always puts up some high numbers at first. But it's actually healthy to drop 1-2 pounds a week - we're…
    in Hi Comment by TamiHudson March 2011
  • Whatever you do educate yourself on the good carbs vs bad carbs and begin eating the good carbs (sweet potatos, 100% whole grain breads, for example) ... your body needs a certain amount of (good) carbs a day to give you energy and help you burn stored fat. If you google "good carbs"...you should come up with a great…
  • First of all let me say: I feel your pain. Although I have one less than you - two kids ages 5 and 15 months - I work full time out of the home as well. I do not have a gym membership and rely on my trustie DVD collection to get me through. I have done my workouts as late as 9pm some nights because by the time I get home,…
  • Completely change up your workout. If you've not done circuit training (Jillian Michaels, Curves, etc.) then do that. Your body needs to be challenged and "shocked". If you do the same workout, the same moves over and over again your body gets used to it and doesn't change. You may also want to check your sugar…
    in PLATEAU Comment by TamiHudson March 2011