Worried that P90x Yoga is going to make me give up P90x prog

Okay, I am going to sound like a whiner but here goes. I just "attempted" the first few minutes of Yoga X today. First of all, I'm not thrilled to do an hour and a half of any exercise, call me lazy but I like to stick to 1 hour workouts max. Secondly, I am not a fan of Yoga in any way, shape, or form as my flexibility is not great and I just don't dig doing it. So after about 10 minutes of trying I basically said, "screw this" and turned off the DVD. I've worked out with 4 other P90x DVDs and loved the challenges of each one. However, I have absolutely no motivation to do the Yoga workout.

I am certain everyone will tell me how beneficial it is and that it will get easier with time. Yet, I honestly don't see myself taking an hour and a half to do something I don't find any enjoyment in. Any suggestions? All the stuff I researched online basically stated you "HAVE" to do the Yoga portion or you won't get the benefits of the workouts. So does this mean it's pointless to do every other P90x workout?

I have been highly motivated thus far, with all the other DVDs, but the Yoga one just makes me want to throw the whole set out. Possibly I could find another Yoga DVD that is shorter and that might help? Anyway, just thought I would check with some of the other P90x users. Thanks!


  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    I sub it with Plyo X or Kenpo X
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    You don't HAVE to do the Yoga. I use to skip it alot!! and sub it with the stretch or just plyo.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    When I first started P90X I tried the yoga once and then for a period I started subbing it out for X Stretch. I recommend two of Tony's other yoga DVD's that are available. They are shorter than the 90 minutes and just as effective.
  • skbruewer
    skbruewer Posts: 144 Member
    Seriously, I just posted on my hatred of Yoga yesterday! Believe me, you are not the only person who dislikes Yoga. I in fact, hate it with a live burning passion that consumes my soul! :grumble: I did a round of P90X, and I really only did the last 45 minutes of YogaX, and I pretty much half-assed it, at that. I think that you could probably substitute the Stretch workout for it. I think the goal is to help to get you more flexible, which I personally think you can do with stretching.
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    It's really really hard. I started by doing 30min and then working my way up.
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    You could also sub it with the Cardio X option

    However, you could also do what my husband does - the yoga x is basically four parts: 45 minutes of "moving" exercises that are hard and take a lot out of me, 10 minutes or so of balance, about 10 minutes of a rough little ab workout and then about 20 minutes or so of light stretching. I usually do all of it but my husband cherry-picks and just skips ahead on the dvd from the ones he doesn't want to do - it ends up being about 55 or 60 minutes after he skips parts of the moving exercises and most of the balance and the light stretching.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I sub it with Plyo X or Kenpo X

    Or Cardio X (since it has a little bit of Yoga, Plyo, Kenpo, and Core).

    I finished up P90X over a week ago, and you know what? I didn't finish a single Yoga X routine during the whole thing. Always subbed out.

    Don't feel too bad about it.
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Hated it.

    Used Stretch instead.
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    I was like that the first few weeks of yoga...8 weeks into it now with yoga classes and I feel AMAZING!!! I would recommend atleast doing those 10 minutes each time and you may see it get easier..

    Just saying
  • TamiHudson
    TamiHudson Posts: 83 Member
    This may sound like a stupid recommendation since most of her DVD's seem to be for women - but Jillian Michael's does have "Yoga Meltown" and it's not sissy stuff. And frankly...it's 30 minutes - if that - from start to end. Just a suggestion...
  • HawkeyeMatt
    All of you are awesome! I'm loving the feedback already. Great to hear others have "substituted" other workouts and have seemingly still succeeded.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,742 Member
    When I first started P90X I tried the yoga once and then for a period I started subbing it out for X Stretch.
    This would be my suggestion. In fact, I'm starting a new, abbreviated round of P90X next Monday, and with the exception of the recovery week, it's what I'll be doing. I've done it both ways, and while the yoga has its benefits, it you absolutely despise it, there really isn't any point. Better to do 60 minutes of something you like than 90 minutes of something that makes you feel miserable or, worse, nothing at all!
  • Pheef52
    Pheef52 Posts: 254 Member
    That is the main reason why I quit p90x no time for a 90 minute yoga workout and I am not really and yoga fan. Switched to Insanity instead.
  • ♥♥YoungMrs♥♥
    I think you should keep trying it a few more times because there are some major benefits to Yoga (this coming from a person who also hates Yoga X) ...its definitely a love/hate relationship..if you still cant stand it after a few tries then sub with something else..Good luck!!
  • inertiadriftsc
    Sub it with stretch!!! the flexibility is so important to your overall fitness. Once you gain the additional flexibiiity you need, try it again, it is very very hard, arguably the hardest of the week! Honestly, I hated it when I first started p90x but now Yoga is a very nice day for me, I love the additional flexibility I have and the isometric holds have really improved my strength!
  • alonnadodd
    alonnadodd Posts: 66 Member
    I know what you mean - for me an hour of exercise is as much as I want to do. I've only done Yoga X twice now and the first time I wanted to pull my hair out and punch Tony in the face and run screaming from my house. I finished it even though I hated every minute of it and there was tons of stuff I couldn't do. Like you flexability is not my forte. However - when I finished that 1.5 hours I was so proud of myself for doing it. I felt taller actually. Somebody suggested I google all the extra health benefits of Yoga and I thought that was a good idea. This week when I did the dvd I was dreading it but it wasn't so bad since I knew what was coming. I considered subing something else but thought I should give it another chance - the first 45 minutes are the worst I think. After that it gets better (as in slightly more enjoyable for me anyway). Towards the end of the workout I started to feel more limber. So yes - I agree with you it really really sucks but if you can hang in there and do your best you just might feel like a million bucks at the end. Without jumping around to sweat your pants off!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,742 Member
    Wanted to add:

    My last (third) round of P90X, I did every single workout, including Yoga X, for the entire 90 days. The round before, I substituted X Stretch for Yoga X. I didn't notice any difference in my results one way or the other.
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I hate the P90X yoga too! When I have done it I usually sub it with another workout that I like usually kenpox that one is my fave. Goodluck with your workouts!
  • Bajehills
    Bajehills Posts: 3 Member
    I don't think it's going to hurt to skip it or sub it with another video. You could even sub it with a different yoga video if still wanted the benefits of yoga but hate that one.

    Our class I'm in alternates P90X and Insanity videos.

    Most important point is your doing SOMETHING.... so do what you love. That way you will KEEP doing it.

  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    My first round of P90x I rarely did YogaX, but I'm starting another round on Monday and actually am excited to commit to the 90 minutes once a week! I've been doing Rodney Yee yoga dvds for about a year now while I have done ChaLEAN Extreme. I really like Rodney Yee because it is much easier yoga, but is still beneficial. I would recommend:

    AM Yoga for Your Week - 5, 25 minute sessions. I've done this pretty consistently every morning before work.
    Conditioning for Athletes - This one's an hour long, broken into 3 segments. It's great. I have it on a disc called Power Yoga Collection. The disc has 3 hour long sessions on it. You could buy this dvd and substitute one of the sessions for YogaX each week.

    I know yoga can seem worthless to some people, but I promise you it will make you SOO much better at all the other workouts.