

  • Optimum Nutrition Double Rich Chocolate. It's pretty good when I mix it with other things. It also keeps me full.
  • Does this have anything to do with metabolism? Or people simply not eating even though they're hungry and binging later? Kind of like shopping on an empty stomach. Eat if you're hungry. Don't eat if you're not hungry. If you're smart about it, that's basic common sense. I find that if I eat breakfast, I end up getting…
  • Anything with sugar has carbs in it. Therefor, chocolate with sugar added, fruit, some yogurts, and peanut butter have carbs. So no, this is not carb free. Carb free diets are typically sugar free diets. 1 tsp of sugar has 4.2 g of carbs in it.
  • 5'4" and 122. I wear a size 4 in women's. In juniors, I wear a 7 or a 9. A small top in women's. A medium in junior's. All my weight is in my thighs, so my jean fit is ridiculously weird. Once I drop the remaining weight, it will all come from my hips, as there's really nowhere else for it to come from. I've already got…
  • It is easier to make lifting weights more challenging just by adding additional weight. It is a bit more complicated to make bodyweight exercises more difficult. Since I don't like the school gym, and I canceled my PF membership last week, I do bodyweight exercise. That's push-ups, chin-ups, squats... etc... Then you move…
  • I think I found a new love. Right after McDonald's fries and half-baked ice cream.
  • Nice. If I get below 120, or get my hips around 32", I think I'm going to go all out with clothes/hair. Maybe in September? Maybe?
  • I think it's a good addition to cardio. But it was kind of amusing watching the ripped guys in my power yoga class struggle through simple movements because a) they had no flexibility, and b) they had ****ty endurance. Cardio + Strength + Flexibility > Cardio, or Strength, or Flexibility. Repetitive thread for nothing but…
  • Exactly. 8 pack means even more. It's scientifically proven.
  • I overate yesterday, too. By about 1,728 calories. It was unplanned and I regret it and I simply won't do it again. But after thinking long and hard, I'm not going to restrict today. I'll just work out a bit more and remember not to overindulge. Yesterday was a generally horrible eating day for me, though I did manage to…
  • It's not so much the number as opposed to what it looked like on me. Last year this time I was 154 and set my goal for 110, what I weighed two years previously. The fat around my hips and thighs bothers me because my waist is so small in proportion to them. It makes it hard to find jeans that actually fit. Either they're…
  • Thanks! I'm going shopping today so I'll probably pick up some of those things. It's hard teaching myself to like yogurt again and to actually eat meat (I used to be a vegetarian but I don't care to eat all the processed tofu products and I like seafood too much), but it tastes about a million times better than Clifs. By…
  • Glad you liked it. For me, water breaks aren't really breaks so much as a) do I run to the fridge to fill up my water glass again, or b) do I run to grab another sweat towel. I hope you enjoy adding in Cardio Abs later on. It really is a nice burn.
  • Tomorrow is my last day of week #4. It's hard, but not impossible. First week is killer. My favorite video is probably Pure Cardio. Least favorite is Plyometrics. I'll probably do Asylum when I finish. But I'm also doing Power Yoga five days a week, Step Aerobics twice a week, and Spinning once a week. My instructor for…
  • Congrats. I'm almost done with week three. I'd say it gets easier, but that's a lie. You do get stronger, though.
  • Delicious is an understatement. I would kill for that back. I wonder if her abs are just as fabulous.
  • Yes! Swimming is excellent for your triceps, biceps, deltoids, and quads. And your abs with certain strokes. When I was swimming three times a week, I saw quite a difference in my arms. And then I tore a rotator cuff and it slowly started dissipating.
  • In New York, you can run topless. It'd probably be painful if you're well endowed up there, but it's legal. Cops were actually instructed not to arrest women who do it. Wear what you want. Ignore the idiots. Especially the oogling teenage boys (and creepy guys) who need to get hobbies and sex lives.
  • Yes. This. Three episodes of Kitchen Nightmares will make you never want to eat out again. At least at some chains, they've got cameras monitoring the kitchens so customers can see what's going on in the back.
  • You forgot Alli. And the adult diapers. Combined, those are sure to work. I'd throw in some castor oil to be safe.
  • You can lose weight eating at Taco Bell. Or Wendy's. Or any fast food restaurant. It's not surprising. And it's not their responsibility to keep you healthy. Their main priority is to make money. I, for one, will probably be picking up some fries this evening. And boy are they tasty. I was on the "Taco Bell diet" a while…
  • It's not that bad. I've certainly seen worse. Just remember—even super skinny girls get bikini anxiety. The goal is to have fun, no? If you're going to spend the entire time, nervously trying to hide your middle section with a towel, just go with a tankini. No need to spend the day feeling anxious. I'd wear it, though.…
  • This thread makes me want to get two large fries and a fil-a-fish. God, I'm hungry. I feel like finishing off the pack of cigs I have in front of me, too. :smokin: :devil: Maybe after I finish my insanity work out of the day.
  • Those are awesome! I've watched them all except for My Big Fat Diet. They're like my "good" weight loss television, with The Biggest Loser and ANTM (don't judge me) being "bad" weight loss television. There's also some show (can't remember the name) about this woman who goes on a journey to become a size 0 and recounts how…
  • Ok.... baby mush is gross. I honestly can't understand living off of it (though it's no different than going on a juice diet or a cleanse, IMO). BUT—baby biscuits are awesome. Just saying. When my brothers were young, my parents bought them those things to munch on. I think I ate more of those than they did. Kind of…
    in Baby food? Comment by carchie94 May 2013
  • How tall are you? Last year, I started at 154 in July and was down to 134 by October. I'm 5'4. Been building muscle since. I won't say it's not possible, but since you're female, it's going to be quite hard. Especially when you get 10lb away. Good luck. I would try HIIT and a bit of weight lifting.
  • I love water, but Reeses Cups are my Achilles heel. If it was possible, I would eat nothing but them.
  • Look at the sub-forum you're in. :laugh: To the OP. Never cared about being stronger than or weaker than a BF. Big guys never really did it for me. I prefer a lean guy around, or a bit taller than my height. I really don't see, or feel, the need to be protected. From what, exactly? I'll take this:
  • Grossest **** ever. Worse than when I bit into a nyquil capsule. I do, however, love turkey bacon and coconut water. But I don't eat pork and Gatorade is a waste of calories, IMO.