JanetP124 Member


  • You've lost a good chunk of your tummy! I'm curious if you are tracking measurements because you seem to be losing quite a few inches.
  • My fitbit does a very good job of helping me to match my calorie consumption to my real activity levels. I think the people who have the most problem with it are the ones who expect 100% pinpoint accuracy from it.
  • I really don't have much to say about the OP other than to point out that she's not truly the bestest parent in the world until she teaches her child to self-regulate all those treats rather than just shoving everything into her mouth that is offered to her by whomever. In other words, the problem isn't other people…
  • It's not that I disagree with you - I think she is ill, both mentally and physically. Her writing screams with it ... she rants about her medical staff only seeing her as a "problem" while ignoring her accomplishments and knowledge yet she also makes sure to interject her physical descriptions of them (various forms of…
  • Not disgusting to me. She is where she is right now in dealing with the traumatic stress of her past. I sincerely hope for her that eventually she'll heal to the point where she can develop a more healthy physical outlook for her life, but right now she is healing herself mentally and she just isn't there. People can call…
  • The number on my scale will change by 1/2 a lb or so if I try to put most of my weight back on my heels rather than balanced or up on my toes. But yes, I think it is pretty obvious that my at home scale is not a scientifically exact weight down to the tenth of a pound. I look at it as more of a pretty good estimate that…
  • It is definitely time to hit the weights. I'm sure you'll get lots of help with the caloric needs. But honey, your body is not gross. It makes me sad to hear an 18 year old girl think of herself that way. Let's build muscle and a positive body image attitude - okay?
  • I'm not sure you'll like my answer but .... He's an adult. You've given your opinion and he's made a different choice. That really should be the end of it for now as far as I'm concerned. If he starts complaining to you about not feeling well or being frustrated with his results then by all mean say "I've seen so many…
  • This is a great pick me up post. Look at you!!!! You don't even seem to have much loose skin. How awesome you must feel!!!!
  • I think what has everybody confused is your profile pic. If that is at all close to current, you just don't seem to be at a weight that would justify the use of one of these VLCD plans. I see from a previous post that you are being supervised through a Bariatric surgeon and that would make more sense as I've known a couple…
  • If you want to notice a huge difference, I'd start concentrating on weight lifting and muscle strength. I think I've looked at hundreds of success story and progress pics and the ones who have the most dramatic changes into great looking bodies seem to be those who quit obsessing about the scale number and start working on…
  • I had a diet coke addiction like nothing else. I haven't had one in a little over a month now. But just seeing the words "Diet Coke" makes me want one.
  • If I buy a salad from the Deli or Wendy's or something I log that. If it is just a bunch of random vegetables I cut up at home, I usually just throw 60 or 70 calories into my tracking and call it a day. Fruit I usually log because it is higher in calories and natural sugars.
  • Wow! Not even 7 months - that is an amazing transformation.
  • I love the Success Stories board. I started with numbers pretty similar to yours in May and I can only hope I look 1/2 as good as you next summer. Good Job.
  • Hi Well there is a bunch going on here. I'm going to start with the pain from exercising and the arthritis. In my view this is a pretty important issue because you are pretty young to be experiencing such debilitating pain. This needs to be addressed now because it is not going to improve on it's own and if you don't solve…
  • I have no easy answers here because there is no way anybody on a message board can have a complete picture of your marriage and home life. I can tell you that my husband is a great guy and reading your posts the first thing I've wondered is if your kids are of an age where their supervision is an issue. Boot Camp +…
  • It really doesn't matter what aspect of health you look at - you will find an "expert" somewhere who takes an opinion to the extreme. I do firmly believe that muscles are an important factor of long term health and that strength training aids in promoting a healthy metabolism which in turn can lead to weight loss. That…
  • I read your words, and then I look at your beautiful pictures and I feel sad. :(
  • Well, all of you is looking fabulous but those cheekbones you are sporting are something else. Good job, you. As far as I'm concerned you can post your joy and happiness success every week.
  • When I do a solid cardio workout day I can easily fit a glass of wine or even two into my day. I don't always choose to, but it is a nice option.
  • LOL - I have a whole bunch of deeply depressing emotional **** but I'm also another one of the fat clothes wouldn't fit anymore and I simply refused to buy another set of even fatter clothes. Seriously, I was down to two (TWO) pairs of jeans that I could squeeze into and then I popped off the deeply riveted button on one…
  • I avoid the gym. The potential minefield of disturbing everybody else by breaking unwritten and vague social norms or inadvertently being offensive with improper techniques makes me want to hyperventilate.
  • LOL - I usually just call it a high calorie day.
  • Congrats! I understand completely. I am hugely looking forward to being overweight myself in about 10 more pounds.
  • I have one and have never noticed any accuracy problems. The only thing is I had to stop having my weigh ins post to my wall which it was doing automatically. I weigh myself everyday and it started to feel kind of silly to have all my friends cheering over all those .2 and .3lb weight blips you see over a day to day basis.…
  • I do get headaches when my blood sugar starts dropping too low. A light snack usually takes care of that. Otherwise, I felt terrible when I went off Diet Coke --- that was like a week long Detox. yuck.
  • I'm not sure what your weight is but I don't think an internet message board such as these can adequately advise somebody with your medical history. If you need a health program that involves your diet and or weight, then it needs to be supervised by a qualified medical team.
  • Fitbit logs for me, so I really don't consciously log anything. I've been doing some at home resistance training and I don't log it. I probably should - not for the calorie tracking but to keep a record.