58 Years Old and 81 Pounds Gone (Pics too!)



  • Wildflowers70
    Wildflowers70 Posts: 72 Member
    Look at you - you are totally a new person! So inspiring and great words of wisdom. Thanks for sharing your story!
  • Congratulations on your transformation and thank you for sharing your story. As a 50 year old with similar amounts to lose, that gives me hope. I am finding it harder to lose or maintain weight as I get older, but you've proven it CAN be done!
  • Khushi22
    Khushi22 Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you for sharing your story, pics & weigh-ins... its so inspiring!!
  • WOW! You go girl! You are rightfully proud of a healthy, successful weight loss... Congratulations on changing your life - I loved reading your story and you have motivated me to get with the program and STICK to it! Thank you!
  • LabrakaDebra
    LabrakaDebra Posts: 47 Member
    Can't add much that hasn't already been said...but THANK YOU for the inspiration!
  • chargers8709
    chargers8709 Posts: 103 Member
    Congratulation!! We are so proud of you!! You look great!!!
  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
    Wow congrats on the loss! You look great!
  • byrdiebee
    byrdiebee Posts: 85 Member
    Just what I needed to see today. I'm 85 days into MFP, had some success but today I started a real plan. I was just swatting away the idea that "I'm older now and the weight may not really come all off" I'm 46 and perimenopausal.

    I saw your last picture and the HOPE surged! Thank you so much for sharing your story. I have bookmarked it for future reference if I get discouraged. The chart you showed of your weight lost over time is SO encouraging!

    Thank you so much for sharing. You made a real difference for me today.
  • ljdborton
    ljdborton Posts: 51 Member
    you Go Girl!!!!!! what an awesome testimony and what a great accomplishment!!!! you look amazing!!!!
  • buxfan
    buxfan Posts: 12 Member
    WOW!!! What an amazing story (and pictures)!! You are such an inspiration to me; I'm 50, trying to lose about 150 pounds and have seriously been considering weight loss surgery primarily because at my age I really doubted it was possible to do on my own through diet and exercise alone -- you (and your sister) have blown that myth right out of my mind!! So wonderful to see that with drive, determination and support - it is so possible!! You look amazing - congratulations!!
  • tanana1
    tanana1 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 53years old and YOU are such an inspiration... I needed to see this post today! I started MFP 6 months ago, and have been off of it for the last 3 months.. I encouraged other people to do it with me, and THEY stuck to it and look great! I was very successful with the weight loss while I was tracking, not sure why I stopped. .BUT TODAY IS A NEW DAY! I am back on.. and thanks to you I feel more motivated.. Congrats a million times over!
  • pml_rs
    pml_rs Posts: 3 Member
    :smile: I can really relate to a lot of what you have said. Thank you for posting your pictures! It gives me tons of encouragement! !
  • kimmycool2003
    kimmycool2003 Posts: 20 Member
    You are amazing !! Great job you look great!!
  • simonsaysso
    simonsaysso Posts: 72 Member
    Wow- you look amazing!

    Thank you for sharing - you are providing motivation for me that at 51 - I CAN do it.

    All the voices in my head tell me that:

    -I'm too old
    -My mom is heavy so I will never be thin

    I am at my heaviest weight right now without being pregnant and I so want to just say F#@k it but you have just given me inspiration!
  • JanetP124
    JanetP124 Posts: 50 Member
    This is a great pick me up post. Look at you!!!! You don't even seem to have much loose skin. How awesome you must feel!!!!
  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    Wow, you look amazing! Congratulations! :)
  • peanutbutterz
    peanutbutterz Posts: 74 Member
    What an amazing inspiration you are!!! Wow!!!
  • Sumiro
    Sumiro Posts: 11
    Well done! You are an inspiration to us all (menopausal or not! ).
  • Goddesskat
    Goddesskat Posts: 71 Member
    Well, I'm 59 years old and 5 ft. 7 in. and you certainly have inspired me. You look amazing. Nice to see that the excess goes away and there's no hang left behind to deal with. I guess the exercise takes care of that. I've started here and have fallen off the program. Trying to get myself motivated to get back on the horse again. I'm an emotional eater and have had a lot of changes in my life since I started here on this program. Seems I was thinking more about my emotions than thinking about logging in here to keep myself from being that emotional eater that I am. Seeing you and reading your story has gotten me thinking that if I could just hang in here and stick it out for a year, I will certainly be able to accomplish a substantial weight loss. Thanks again for sharing. Keep up the fantastic work :smile:
  • elenabrodet
    elenabrodet Posts: 18 Member
    awesome story! what an inspiration you are ! Keep up the great work. If you can do it than so can I!
  • lsuz
    lsuz Posts: 74
    Such a great inspiration and just the story I needed to read. It's possible! Thank you for sharing.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    nicely done!! Congratulations on all your success and thank you so much for the book titles!!:flowerforyou:
  • Wow!! What an amazing job! I'm impressed :)
  • svelt123
    svelt123 Posts: 173 Member
    You have spoken to my heart:flowerforyou: Thank You. I really needed to hear from someone like you.
    I will be 50 next year. I have been on MFP since Aug. 2012. It hasn't been easy. but I am still trying! I will never quit! I am still learning about weight loss. Tonight, I think I have just learned something about myself. This is the first time that I actually allowed myself to feel this pain that I have been hiding and pretending to not allow myself to feel. I have had many cries but this was a river. Thank you. You are a beautiful person inside and out.
  • anitasongs
    anitasongs Posts: 129 Member
    Amazing...congrats.. You are an inspiration! You look great~
  • loistryin
    loistryin Posts: 70 Member
    Wow, thanks for sharing!! It is so encouraging to read about others success. it is SO true about finding the REASONS one overeats....gluttony. It is so true one needs COURAGE and HELP to respond to those reasons in ways that help and not hurt!!! I won't even get on the scale right now but my guess is it is about 230. I am 57, turning 58 in a month. My life is a little more manageable this summer as I am a teacher and am not working. (Do not be too envious....only the second summer since I was about 15 that I didn't work) Your story is again so very encouraging. If you check out my profile and want to be friends here on MFP I would like that. I keep a blog too that will tell of my journey. Keep up the good work!!
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    such a inspiring story!!! keep it up
  • You are such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing your pics, and wishing you all the best!
  • srgtbiggles
    srgtbiggles Posts: 170 Member
    Great story! Thanks for sharing!
  • TheBrownHornet7
    TheBrownHornet7 Posts: 2 Member
    Wow!!! Congratulations.... You deserve a commercial!
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