How to LOSE muscle?



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    who's the wimp in your profile pic?
  • I have a strong feeling in a few years time you will regret it if you lose muscle mass now. Why lose something that serves you well and will help you maintain a strong and healthy body in the years to come?
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I think you look great, messaging pics to you now. :)
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    this post enrages me
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Cool troll thread from someone who looks like a twig.

    Try a wheelchair for a couple months, that should get you to your desired goal.

    Edit: make sure it's motorized so you don't "bulk up" your arms in the process.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Your friends are stupid./thread.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    116...getting called bulky? What? I don't believe you. Troll thread.

    Yeah but she got lots of validation that she looks great. What more could you ask for?

    She's also been losing for a while and keeps lowering and lowering her goal weight while complaining of her body shape. I suggest we stop feeding someone who obviously has some issues with body image and food.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    116...getting called bulky? What? I don't believe you. Troll thread.

    Yeah but she got lots of validation that she looks great. What more could you ask for?

    I suspect OP will consider this thread "mission accomplished".

    Oh, and OP: it will serve you well if you can learn not to worry about what other people think/say (or what you *think* they are thinking/saying).
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any tips on how to slim down.

    A little background. I was a competitive gymnast for ten years, from age 7 - 17. I quit 2 1/2 years ago. I was pretty bulked up not to mention chubby at 143 lbs and 5'3. I was in shape though. Now I am hovering at around 116 (still 5'3). Since then the only exercise that I have done (a few times per week) is cardio. Usually the elliptical. Yet I haven't lost that "muscular" look, even when I was at my lowest weight of around 110.

    I am incredibly insecure about how I look. It is very common for people to come up to me and say "Wow! You are so muscular! Are you a gymnast?" I don't want people making jokes about how I could beat up my guy friends. It is extremely embarrassing and people have always joked about how I have a man body.

    Hearing people describe me as "musuclar" and "bulky" makes me cringe. I don't want to be seen that way. I want to stay toned while at the same time achieving a more lean body rather than looking manly and bulked up. I would rather be seen as just skinny or thin or normal. My legs have slimmed down and my 6 pack has faded, but I still have extremely muscular legs and arms. I still have that "gymnast" body. And I don't do any weight lifting whatsoever.

    Any help would be appreciated :)

    Please get some help with your body dysmorphic disorder. You are wasting your youth being miserable and negatively self centered.
  • BrookeLee2
    BrookeLee2 Posts: 39
    Aside from the abs as I perceive from your profile picture, I don't see where these people are coming from! I presume you don't typically show off your abs aside from maybe going to the gym/swimming, depending on what you wear.
    I'd probably gain some fat if I were in your position. That'll cover the muscle up a little bit:)
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    All i know is i would be mortified if people thought i was strong too. Like you said, how embarrassing.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,933 Member
    Word of advice: don't listen to the people who don't know what the **** they are talking about.

    You just made my test go up a level.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Andrea8985
    Andrea8985 Posts: 107
    :huh: You look amazing to me. If you don't want that body, I'll take it.
  • Zaniejane
    Zaniejane Posts: 329 Member
    I'm a ****ing expert at this one: stop using you right hand( if you are right handed). Wear a sling for 40% of the time. Stop all arm movements including pouring coffee, housework, washing hair etc. for six months. Run. But slowly, not really increasing in speed or endurance much. Don't lift weights. Sometimes do passive pulley exercises to keep your mobility. Sit, alternating heat and ice for hours at a time. Watch all the episodes of breaking bad and walking dead from the pilot. Dictate all reports at work instead of typing. Eat below TDEE, lose weight, consume less protein.... And voila!! Watch shoulders shrink and muscles atrophy!

    Personally, I'd rather have some strength.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    you look gorgeous and not bulky or manly at all. yes you can see some muscle definition that a lot of us are jealous here I'm sure. but you look great, try not to let comments like that get to you, I'm sure they don't mean it that way..
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    I have a strong feeling in a few years time you will regret it if you lose muscle mass now. Why lose something that serves you well and will help you maintain a strong and healthy body in the years to come?

    Yes. This.

    One lesson to learn is that complainers, whiners, and people who want to get you down are going to do it no matter what you do. Some people are just born with the "devil's advocate gene. It's just who they are. Don't take it personally. You are not going to find affirmation in other people for how you look. You must find that within yourself and just be confident with what you have to add to the table. If other people cannot value that, move on or have thick skin to ignore it. Otherwise, you are bound to a miserable existence trying to make everyone happy...and you never, ever will. You truly look great. It is true...women spend the rest of their lives getting those arms, abs, and muscled'll lose it in time without trying if your done with gymnastics. You just won't be able to keep eating the same if you lose muscle. I say, do what you can to KEEP it. it's truly lovely-- you'll grow into it.
  • Cara2628
    Cara2628 Posts: 64 Member
    Thank you for all of your replies.

    Contrary to a pretty popular belief on this post, this is not a "troll thread" or anything for attention, I was honestly asking for help. So please stop posting rude comments and making fun of me. I have been struggling with my body image my entire life, and I cannot even go to a forum that is supposed to be supporting without still being made fun of. I will definitely keep that bin mind next time I post anything...

    So thank you to all of you who gave me serious replies. Like some of you, my mom is trying to get me to see a counselor about all of this so maybe it is a skewed perception on my end. I'm not sure, but regardless, I guess it is good to know that not everyone makes fun of how i look when they see me like most people I know.

    I will try to eat some less protein and see if that helps anything.
  • algrant1
    algrant1 Posts: 17
    I have a strong feeling in a few years time you will regret it if you lose muscle mass now. Why lose something that serves you well and will help you maintain a strong and healthy body in the years to come?

    Totally this! More muscle now will serve you well as you age.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    When I hear "muscular, bulky gymnast" body, I think Aly Raisman. I think she's awesome, but she's more muscular than I'd personally want to be.

    When I see your pics, I think, "DAMN! That's one hot chick!" :glasses:
  • JanetP124
    JanetP124 Posts: 50 Member
    I read your words, and then I look at your beautiful pictures and I feel sad. :(
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    Thank you for all of your replies.

    Contrary to a pretty popular belief on this post, this is not a "troll thread" or anything for attention, I was honestly asking for help. So please stop posting rude comments and making fun of me. I have been struggling with my body image my entire life, and I cannot even go to a forum that is supposed to be supporting without still being made fun of. I will definitely keep that bin mind next time I post anything...

    So thank you to all of you who gave me serious replies. Like some of you, my mom is trying to get me to see a counselor about all of this so maybe it is a skewed perception on my end. I'm not sure, but regardless, I guess it is good to know that not everyone makes fun of how i look when they see me like most people I know.

    I will try to eat some less protein and see if that helps anything.

    I agree with everyone else who suggested counseling to deal with your body image issues. Also, consider having a chat with your friends who are making you feel bad. If they can't refrain from making disparaging comments about your body, then it's time for them to go.

    Best to you.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Ok. Op?



    See the difference? You're iddy-bitty and georgous.....and she's built like a brick shyte-house and I wouldn't want to meet her in a dark alley.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Thank you for all of your replies.

    Contrary to a pretty popular belief on this post, this is not a "troll thread" or anything for attention, I was honestly asking for help. So please stop posting rude comments and making fun of me. I have been struggling with my body image my entire life, and I cannot even go to a forum that is supposed to be supporting without still being made fun of. I will definitely keep that bin mind next time I post anything...

    So thank you to all of you who gave me serious replies. Like some of you, my mom is trying to get me to see a counselor about all of this so maybe it is a skewed perception on my end. I'm not sure, but regardless, I guess it is good to know that not everyone makes fun of how i look when they see me like most people I know.

    I will try to eat some less protein and see if that helps anything.

    see a counselor. there is something "off" with how you see yourself compared to how others see you.

    there are tens of millions of women in this country that would KILL to have your body. you should be proud of it. those muscles you have are supposed to be there and you look the way you do because of your years of hard work as a gymnast. you look like a fit, athletic woman is supposed to look... and not a bit bulky. not a bit manly. not even the tiniest bit.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Ok. Op?



    See the difference? You're iddy-bitty and georgous.....and she's built like a brick shyte-house and I wouldn't want to meet her in a dark alley.

    There is no need to put down one woman to make another one feel better.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    There is no need to put down one woman to make another one feel better.

    I agree. Jeeze.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Preserve your muscle, for God's sake. You will need it.
  • YOUR goal is to look as you do for the rest of your life! And yes anyone that is giving you a hard time is simply putting their insecurities on to you -- easier to knock you down than to work on themselves. You have obviously put a lot of hard work to be as you are -- even if the outside was not your goal. Fit is the new skinny! Fit is healthy, skinny is not.

    Frankly you would do well in fitness competitions. Check out Cathy Savage's coachings -- tell her I sent you!

    Dont lower yourself to help others feel good about being down there.... be proud of you!!! I am!! says the Performance Nutrition Coach
    Certified in Sports and Exercise Nutrition (PN1)
  • btw ignore the scale! you are not overweight! your body comp is fabulous and therefore the references for bmi and such do not apply to you! :D Best wishes to you!!!
  • Dogwalkingirl
    Dogwalkingirl Posts: 320 Member
    You are young and young people can be mean. You just need to put it behind you and ignore it. I PROMISE you, they are jealous of you. Your body is amazing! (I would trade with you in a heartbeat!)

    I swam all of my life and in my teen years I had super broad shoulders and a huge back and biceps. I thought I was built like a man and I was teased in school for being "flat chested and having arms bigger then the guys". I now would be SOO grateful to have that body back. The body people made fun of is now perfect in my eyes.

    I know you are self conscious so this is something you have to work on from within.

    I would not try to eat less protein and gain fat. I think you may regret it. Speaking for past experience. With age it is not going to be easy to get your muscle back!!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member

    I will try to eat some less protein and see if that helps anything.

    That's all you took out of the advice you've been given? Eating less anything is not the answer. Seeking professional help is the answer. Reading back through your posts since you joined you've gone from a weight that was minimally over ideal with a goal that was healthy to having a very disordered body image and eating patterns. Your goal has kept getting lower and lower and your eating less and less.

    Please listen to your mom and the posters here encouraging you to seek help. You are heading down a dangerous eating disorder road that will affect your health for the rest of your life.

    I really wish people would stop posting how fabulous you look rather than really reading the issue.