

  • Yesterday was my last day of Insanity Asylum Vol. 2! I loved the program it was a great mix or cardio and weight training. I can see a big difference in muscle definition after doing it and got much stronger on the fit test! I will be using some of these workouts now to mix in with other cardio until I decide on my next…
  • Sorry it has been a while since I updated life has been crazy! Almost done with week 3 and really stepped it up this week. I increased the weight I am using for all the workouts and last night did Ab Shredder twice since Shaun T challenged me to it! Feel great right now can't wait to see how many reps I get in the ft test…
  • Yesterday did Ab Shredder after Power Legs for the first time and really liked it. Today I did Back and 6 Pack and also Pure Contact afterwards. The schedule says not to double up until next week but I was ready to push myself so I went for a it a week early! Stretch tomorrow then Championship on Saturday!
  • There are lots of fun moves in this workout! Don't worry about the back you have a whole day of that coming up soon!
  • Did Championship yesterday and it was awesome! Can't wait to do it again next week and try and improve on my reps. Off Day Stretch again today and getting ready to start a new week. How was everyones week of working out?
  • Great Job! Today I did Off Day Stretch and I needed it for sure have Championship tomorrow for the first time and I am sure that will be Insane but I am excited for it!
  • I can't wait to hear what you think when you start! So far I think this is going to be an awesome program the workouts are tough but I have loved them! Everyone feel free to post about any workouts that you are doing if you had a great day or struggled we want to know lets help motivate each other the keep pushing through!
  • Did Upper Elite this morning and wow that workout is a beast! I can tell by how I feel after that I will be sore tomorrow and that I am going to see a big change over the next 4 weeks doing that
  • Motivation is the biggest key to me. Don't focus on how many days you have left or how hard it is going to be because if it was easy everyone would do it! Just focus on that workout and doing the best you can. If you need to take a break and get water then do it catch your breath and get back at it. I know sometimes the…
  • Thanks! The first 2 were really intense so I am sure this one will be just as tough but it will be worth it!
  • That is awesome! I am excited to get started and can't wait to see the change after these 30 days. Be sure to post about what you think or how you feel after the workouts
  • Crystal Lake here also, been working out and eating healthy for a couple years and just about to my goal. Feel free to add me love to help people on the same journey!
  • That is awesome! Congrats! I am so glad you stuck with it because you are right the 2nd month is really where you see the big changes. Finish out this last week strong and be sure to post and let us know when you are an Insanity Graduate!
  • Way to go Sam we have all been through the same point you are at! Don't worry the soreness gets better and you will actually start to love it lol
  • Great Job! It does make you insane like Shaun T says "Im smiling because I love it" I know once I got done I couldn't wait to start The Asylum to keep going thats when you know you are insane lol
  • If you keep up what you are doing I would say probably about 8-10 weeks and you will reach your goals but obviously that is a rough estimate and will depend how your body reacts to the calories. It will be important to pay attention to your energy levels and how you feel because you may need to raise your calorie intake in…
  • Well your calorie intake is at the range of extreme fat loss so do not reduce that anymore because it will start to become unhealthy. When you exercise what kind of work outs do you do? Are you doing only cardio or strength training?
  • That is awesome! Enjoy this week of recovery and get your body rested because like you said month 2 is going to be pretty intense but think about this if you lost 9 lbs and a jean size in month one imagine what you can do in the more intense month!
  • Welcome to the site! I am also in my late 20s and lost 82 lbs since joining here so I know you can do it!
  • These are great goals because they are based on things you want to do and how you want to feel not just a number which is important to remember
  • I would say if you around 1600 or 1700 calories a day you would be losing about 1 pound per week because based on your height, weight and exercise you probably use about 2100 a day or so.
  • I think you have set a good goal for yourself and remember don't just focus on the number, pay attention to how your clothes fit and most importantly how you feel!
  • Your welcome! Ideal weight is something tricky because it has will vary based on body type and composition. From the information I found it looks like around 130 would be a good point. Medically speaking the range for someone your height would be 118-155 and that is based on a Body Mass Index (BMI) range of 19-25. If you…
  • Think about losing weight in terms of calories. If you burn 500 more than you eat per day then you will lose 1 pound per week. If you are working out 6 days a week I think 1200 calories a day may actually be to low for you. How tall are you?
  • Congrats on deciding to take things into your own hands and make the change! I can tell you I used to eat the same way before I made the changes in my life and I know you can do it too. A great book I use is called Now Eat This by Rocco Dispirito. It has tons of recipes of foods that everyone loves but doing them in new…
  • Thats great Dawncia you are almost halfway through already. Can't wait to see your numbers compared to your first test!
  • That is awesome improvement! Keep up the hard work you can see it is paying off and it will only get better trust me!
  • That is an AWESOME improvement! I love the Fit Tests because of the exact thing you said it seems like you are not getting results and then you see that. It is not all about the scale number because 5.5 inches and your improvement in the moves is an amazing change! Keep it up!
  • Live in Crystal Lake and work in Elgin feel free to add me
  • Jenny, glad to hear you got started and you are drinking Shakeology which should really help your results. How is everyone else feeling right now? Are you sore? Do you find that you are tired or have more energy now?