jussy123 Member


  • I think getting up early is the best thing. I get up at 4:30 in the morning, prepare lunches, have some coffee and half a banana and work out for an hour, then get ready, get them ready and go to work. I do all my meal prep on the weekends. I know that we all have to take care of ourselves, but I also have to take care of…
  • My background: I run 5 - 10 k several times a week (pace around 6:30 min/km for a regular run), and have done so for 3 years, along with strength training. I am maintaining for 3 years, around 130-132 lb at 5'8", female, age 37. I think I am of average fitness - there are much fitter people on here. I downloaded it a long…
  • This is not a protein powder suggestion, but for your blender issue - why don't you just clean your blender with a few squirts of dish detergent, warm water, and then blend it for a bit? That's what I do, and it cleans it really well.
  • We eat a lot of Indian food, all of it homemade and healthy. Some good recipes include mung bean dahl from www.thehealthychef.com and no-butter butter chicken recipe from bal arneson of the food network. We don't normally have naan or roti - these can really pack on the calories. I usually make a large side of veggies, and…
  • No one has mentioned it, but are you pregnant? Being bloated and feeling tight around the abdomen was one of my first signs. Maybe peeing on a stick is a good idea.
  • Hi tomatoey, I think that you have done a great job to give yourself as much resistance work as you can, while still protecting yourself from any further injury/damage. When you are new to resistance training, you can build muscle a little bit easier (aka newbie gains). I would eat at maintenance for this reason. (plus…
  • The only thing I would add is to buy running gloves, especially if you get cold hands easily. I love running in the fall, but my hands get cold quickly. When I don't have my gloves on, it's not nearly as enjoyable a run.
  • I don't use that DVD, but I also don't do planks, or side planks on my hands, for the same reason that it hurts my wrists. I do them on my forearms, on a bosu ball. (I find it engages my core a bit better.) You don't need to buy the bosu ball though, if you don't have one. Good luck, and take care of your wrists!
  • I lost my weight after my babies. I am 5'8", and went from around 155 pre-pregnancy to around 130-132 now. I gained a minimal amount of weight during my pregnancies (under 20lb for each of them). Being at home is a very difficult thing sometimes with snacking. You often are probably grazing without realizing it. Also, I…
  • I agree that you should check out the specialty running stores to get properly fitted. Bring a worn pair of running shoes so they can see the wear pattern. I also have the same issue. I have very flat feet, and I supinate when I walk and run, wearing out the outsides of my soles. Like you said in a previous post, it is an…
  • Congratulations on your little one! I don't normally comment, but I wanted to add my story. I gained weight while nursing! (Both times) I absolutely loved nursing, but I had an insatiable appetite while doing so. The first, I stopped after 6 months, the second, I stopped after 8 or 9 months. As soon as I stopped, the…
  • Have you tried the instant flavoured coffees? It might be a good alternative. You can make them with hot water and add a little milk or cream to give you that creaminess without as many calories.
  • Hi, I am currently in maintenance, and have been so for about a year after losing 25lb. I'm around 130-132 at 5'8". I eat 1800 calories a day, and I eat back half my exercise calories (to account for some underestimations in my calorie count, as I don't weigh and measure everything). I use a fitbit to get a more accurate…
  • I get up at 4:30 in the morning, have a light breakfast, organize myself for the day, and work out from 5 to 5:45 in our home gym. Early works for me!
  • I just started running several years ago, and kind of restarted after each baby. I found the following helpful: 1. Do a couch to 5k program, or anything that slowly ramps you up to running. Personally, I used the running room system on my own (each week, run 1 min, walk 1 min, and then run 2 min, walk 1 min, to get all the…
  • I don't think it's a big deal to use a treadmill. I prefer the outside, but when there is solid ice and snow everywhere and it's -40C, having a treadmill is a very nice option. I have used an AFG for the last 3 years. I really like it. It's very solid, has a long belt (long and solid enough for me - I'm 5'8", 130-132lb),…
  • Thanks! I will order NROLFW. I know it would have been better to use free weights, but this is what I have.
  • Thank you very much for your help! I have downloaded the series of workouts for my gym, and have been doing them the last 3 weeks. I wanted to get more background on how many reps I should do and diet information etc. I have looked around on the internet a lot, but would like a book to read through as well. My background:…
  • You might be having low blood sugar or low blood pressure, or both, or another issue, like a problem with your heart. I would eat something 1 hour before you workout and make sure you are well hydrated and have water at hand when working out. I had the same problem when I started running, and my issue was that I didn't eat…
  • I found the lululemon Tata tamer very good. I also had an underarmor one that was good, but lost it:( I also use a bra, and then wear the tops that have built-in-bras. I get no movement at all, and I run. I am a 32ddd