Guilty feeling- Addicted to the GYM & WORKING OUT



  • Jesusjohnjames
    Jesusjohnjames Posts: 378 Member
    If your husband doesn't mind watching the kids, why is it a problem?
    We both pick the kids up after school, and then I head to the gym. He do sent mind staying with the kids for a little while. I just feel guilty sometime.

    It;s not all Cooking & Cleaning, I'm just giving an example of what I could be doing.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    The best way to properly care for your family is to take good care of yourself. That way you can give them the best of you.
  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    It's such a tough thing to balance isn't it? It's interesting that I saw this post because last night I was feeling guilty, so I decided to get up today at 5 to workout so that I could spend the evening with my family. It was so hard because I am NOT a morning person at all. And I'm still trying to evaluate whether my workouts are more effective in the AM or the PM. I'm going to take it one day at a time and see if I can maintain this. But I can say that it feels really good to get my workout done and have tonight free! :)
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I think all mom's feel guilty some times. I only get about 3 hours a day with my kids since I work 8 -5pm and they are in bed at 8pm. I go to the gym around 8:30pm when they go to bed or work out on my lunch since I'm lucky enough to have a gym at work. I don't feel guilty on those couple days a week when I go to the pool from 7-8pm. My kids need quality time with daddy too. He and I both have days where we just need an hour or two of "me" time. He goes to baseball games, I go to the gym.

    Let's face it. Life is overwhelming. My house could always be cleaner, but I think its more important for me to feel good than my house to look good. Once you clean up or cook something someone will come behind you and mess it up or eat it. If you feel bad about not cooking dinner, make some casseroles on Sunday or cook something in the crockpot that morning so they can help themselves.
  • Diana_GettingFit
    Diana_GettingFit Posts: 458 Member
    Does your husband complain or give you any reason to feel guilty? If not then go on ahead. There's nothing wrong with putting yourself first for that hour and a half. I bet it puts you in a better mood which makes you more fun to be around. As for the weekend maybe skip the gym and do some sort of activity the kids will enjoy and it will teach them a healthier lifestyle. You're also setting a great example for your kids about living healthy.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Hubby gave me a little attitude yesterday about my work out. I normally do all my working out at home. And, he is usually working a part-time business after his regular job, and often doesn't get home until 7:30 or later. I do my stuff at home because we have 4 kids and I prefer no monthly fees. Some of the kids even do the cardio (fast walking with intermittent jogging) with me.

    Well, hubs came home earlier than usual plus I worked later than usual. He didn't complain directly, but he definitely displayed a little attitude that implied I should be cooking dinner as he was starving and couldn't wait to eat. I reminded him that his arms weren't broken, and he does know how to cook.

    My point is, you do need to make your own health a priority. And, if you ALWAYS let others' needs outweigh your own, you will never have time for yourself. However you choose to do that is your business, and I don't think anyone should judge you for that. But, if YOU are feeling guilty, maybe look at your routines and see what you can change or do at home while involving your kids.

    Free weights are fairly inexpensive, especially when picked up at 2nd hand stores and auctions. Walking/jogging is free.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    If you don't take care of yourself, you won't be able to care for anyone else.

  • jussy123
    jussy123 Posts: 22 Member
    I think getting up early is the best thing. I get up at 4:30 in the morning, prepare lunches, have some coffee and half a banana and work out for an hour, then get ready, get them ready and go to work. I do all my meal prep on the weekends.

    I know that we all have to take care of ourselves, but I also have to take care of my children. By getting all my exercise out of the way early, I can take care of them in the evening and maintain their routine. It is difficult, but it is worth it.
  • Upstate_Dunadan
    Upstate_Dunadan Posts: 435 Member
    For perspective, I have 4 kids (18, 16, 8, and 5) and a wife.

    I'm fully in agreement with the gym/working out being addicting. Shortly after I finish one workout, I can't wait until the next. I actually force myself to take a day off to let my body recuperate (not that I think I need it, but since I know it does). Best drug out there.

    With regards to feeling guilty - During the week, I usually workout (sometime) during the work day since my job (work from home) allows me the flexibility to move my "lunch" around, I can finish my workout in 60-75 minutes, and the gym is 5 minutes away. But on days where I know I won't be able to squeeze it in during the day, I'll go in early morning (5-5:30 am) so I get back before the younger kids wake up to get ready for school and older kids catch the bus. On the weekends, I normally wake up and hang out with wife and kids and have breakfast and coffee, then run to the gym when there's nothing going on (sports games, etc). If I have to go out later in the day, I will. I don't really feel guilty because I know it's something I have to do to stay healthy and active. I want to be around when my 5 year old daughter has grown up and has a family of her own. That's not selfish in my book.

    Just last night I was outside with my younger kids, and our 4 month old lab, and all 3 of us were chasing him around the front yard trying to get a tennis ball back. The puppy loved it, the kids were laughing their heads off, and I was thinking (while sprinting after the dog) that a few years ago I would never have had the energy to do this. It doesn't get better than that, and provided nice incentive today at the gym while busting my butt with HIIT jump rope intervals.

  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    sm4astan wrote: »
    For perspective, I have 4 kids (18, 16, 8, and 5) and a wife.

    I'm fully in agreement with the gym/working out being addicting. Shortly after I finish one workout, I can't wait until the next. I actually force myself to take a day off to let my body recuperate (not that I think I need it, but since I know it does). Best drug out there.

    With regards to feeling guilty - During the week, I usually workout (sometime) during the work day since my job (work from home) allows me the flexibility to move my "lunch" around, I can finish my workout in 60-75 minutes, and the gym is 5 minutes away. But on days where I know I won't be able to squeeze it in during the day, I'll go in early morning (5-5:30 am) so I get back before the younger kids wake up to get ready for school and older kids catch the bus. On the weekends, I normally wake up and hang out with wife and kids and have breakfast and coffee, then run to the gym when there's nothing going on (sports games, etc). If I have to go out later in the day, I will. I don't really feel guilty because I know it's something I have to do to stay healthy and active. I want to be around when my 5 year old daughter has grown up and has a family of her own. That's not selfish in my book.

    Just last night I was outside with my younger kids, and our 4 month old lab, and all 3 of us were chasing him around the front yard trying to get a tennis ball back. The puppy loved it, the kids were laughing their heads off, and I was thinking (while sprinting after the dog) that a few years ago I would never have had the energy to do this. It doesn't get better than that, and provided nice incentive today at the gym while busting my butt with HIIT jump rope intervals.

    The last paragraph is NICE.... and eeeeww to the jump rope intervals (it sounds like pain)...
  • beachmom678
    beachmom678 Posts: 1 Member
    I love going to the gym too, especially right after work. It helps me unwind from my desk job and there are fun classes in the evenings. My 5 year old does not like going straight from day care to gym day care, so I only go 3-4 days per week. My husband is on the road for weeks at a time so leaving the kid with him is not an option most weeks. I would go every day of the week otherwise.
  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    I don't think you should feel guilty but you could compromise. As someone said, your setting a great example (provided you stick with it) for your kids. You could compromise by going in the early morning some days and other days in the afternoon. I think that kind of schedule would be perfect and you will begin to enjoy those morning workouts more than in the afternoon because of how they start your day off. Good luck.
  • lizzocat
    lizzocat Posts: 356 Member
    The kids don't need you around every single second. That 1.5 hours that they spend with their father is important bonding / developmental time between them as well. Just because you are a parent doesn't mean you stop being a person with needs, that gym time will ensure you stay healthy for yourself and your children in the future.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    It;s not all Cooking & Cleaning, I'm just giving an example of what I could be doing.

    are you putting off essential chores endlessly for going to the gym- or making your husband do literally ALL of the work??

    Of course you COULD be doign something- you COULD be sitting on the couch- if you are doing A that means automatically you aren't doing B- Z but you COULD be.... You could be sky diving.

    It isn't right or wrong- merely a balance.

    And honestly if you are only 8 pounds a way - you might reconsider your 6-7 day a week training schedule and build some rest time in for you. No need to workout 7 days a week.