

  • WOW!!! So many great ideas out there! Thanks sooo much, I have so many of them to use up that I think I'll be able to try at least 3 or 4 of these ideas! YAY!
  • Just have one thing to say: W-O-W! Inspirational, to say the least! Definitely have to look into Zumba, apparently it works! :D Thanks for the post, it's always great to see fellow MFP victories!
  • Hi, I'm in the same boat as you, have been sticking to the MFP recommended intake and hit a plateau after losing 4lbs... going to take the girls' advice and use the site: apparently I have to up my intake from 1200kcal to 1600kcal and we'll see what happens! :D Good luck!!!
  • Ger, I'm so proud of you my friend... you've lost 8kg already! WOW! Keep going strong, and we'll both be going to the beach in no time! Maybe make it a field trip, LOL! ;)
  • Wow Gez, that's a lovely idea!!! I have also being avoiding the cameras, and beaches, and nightclubs, and anything else where I have to expose myself and feel awful. So I guess when I reach my goal I want to enjoy all those things. Be able to put on something nice and go out at night, or go around the beach in a bikini and…
  • Hey gals! I'm 31 turning 32 yrs old, started MFP a week ago at 206.5lbs here at starting point. Currently at 203.7lbs and hoping to get to around 133lbs within a year. Remember ladies, this is not a race. The aim is to lose slowly but surely, not fast and furious! The faster we lose it the more easily it will creep back up…
  • 206.5lbs here at starting point last week. Currently at 203.7lbs and hoping to get to around 133lbs within a year.
  • LOL It's also cute when people talk like all 792,200,000 "Europeans" (whatever that means...) are the same. Europe is not a country, to those of you who think it is. :P
  • Well... I could disagree with you on this one: "taza" in Spanish is like "taça" in Portuguese... it can mean a whole bunch of things. It can mean bowl, wine glass... the rule in cooking is that you use the same measuring "instrument" in that recipe (if you use an empty yogurt cup to measure one thing, then you should use…
  • @ Stormieweather: Thank you very much. I feel quite ridiculed for asking a question, and I honestly don't think that's what this site is supposed to transmit to its users. :s
  • OK, so US use the term "cup" for something very specific... hmm. Then I would think it useful for the MFP site to include that info for those of us who are not in or from the States. Not UK either. But again, thank you all who helped. And to those who think it funny or reason to pass judgement: think twice, we are not all…
  • :flowerforyou: thanks, that's exactly what I mean!
  • @ slkehl: Actually, not that confusing. Do you only have 1 kind of cup in the US? In my cupboard I have expresso cups, coffee cups, tea cups, milk cups, wine glasses, water glasses, juice glasses, etc etc etc (I could go on, but I don't see the point). See why it is a legit question now? A pound is a measurement, a cup is…
  • Well, actually I am a biologist. And yes, I'm European. All I wanted was a measurement for the "cups", that's all. Thanks.
  • Thanks for your help! ;)
  • Thanks everyone, for the encouragement! It's great to have support, people rooting for us! LETS DO THIS!!! :D
  • Hi Wendy! I'm starting today! Feel free to add me, maybe we can keep each other on track!
  • Hi Notfortyyet. Thanks! I know it won't be overnight, I'm not expecting miracles... but I do want to feel good again! I know 30kg is a massive amount to lose (and keep off!), and being in the 30s doesn't help, but I know that with support and a little TLC I and WE can do this!!!
  • Hi June, thanks for the positive comment! I'm glad you are reaching your goals, I hope I get there too!