gthing1978 Member


  • Jools, I did not know you are woking on your dissertation… PhD in what? I am a Psychologist… my D topic was "Identifying Risk Factors for Postpartum Depression" :) Once that thing is knocked out it is such a relief! I had a 2 lb loss last week which was a shock since I went camping last weekend and ate whatever I wanted. I…
  • I hear you all with the weekend temptations, feeling really bad seeing an increase, and the bloating :( One thing that I am proud of myself for though is the fact that I am still weighing even when I am pretty sure I will see an increase. I feel like keeping that commitment is keeping me from abandoning my mission. Plus, I…
  • A villa in Italy?! You win!!! Man that sounds amazing!!!!
  • Fortune cookies sound perfect and yummy too :smiley: I'm going to Hawaii... 5 days on Oahu and a 7 night cruise.
  • Where are you going? Not sold on the sting duo?
  • One of the reasons I have not been on much is because I have been very busy taking care of wedding and engagement party planning/prep. Now that the engagement party is done, I can put all of my focus on the wedding/honeymoon. Here is what I have accomplished in the past couple weeks: bought dress/shoes, secured make up…
  • Awe hun… it will be gone quickly! What goes on quick tends to come off quick as long as you get back in the swing. I tend to eat rather healthy usually so I will stick to that. As it has been mentioned, if I stick to my calorie limits I lose as predicted, so I am going to really try and stick to them 100% during my work…
  • We looked and looked for a band that did not take away from the heart shape. I was going to just get a white gold band but then 2 weeks ago we went to one last store and found this... I love it :). We got it and his ring as well.
  • Ummm… I'd like an invite please ;) I'm with you… every detail about our day is going to be "us". There is really nothing that will be "by the book"… we are writing our own book. That is funny about "Jane's Famous chocolate chip cookies", by brother (Dave) has "famous" choc chip cookies too. He is making a big version of…
  • That is awesome!!!! Those things are going to make the day even more special and meaningful to you guys. Our thing is hearts. My engagement ring is a heart so we are gong to incorporate hearts into as much as we can (our invites, our cake topper, part of the table scape, etc).
  • Boy oh boy it feels like I have been away forever! I fell short of my goal by 1.6 lbs. Yesterday was my housewarming/engagement party that I was supposed to be no more than 155 by. Oh well… I have 91 days left and if I get just under 150 by then I will be thrilled! I am at 156.6 so 7 lbs in 3 months… heck yes I can do it!…
  • Hi all. I have been so busy lately but still doing well. I have cheated a little but remained committed to logging everything (which is huge for me!) Despite a few cheats last week I still lost 2 pounds so I am super happy about that. I was feeling so bloated and I was constipated to boot and really really really did not…
  • That is something I am still working on. I find myself thinking "how can I possibly make this meal that I do not know exactly what is in it look like it's not too high calorie when in fact I know it is"… Work in progress. Sarah, you gotta enjoy your Birthday (and other special occasions)! The more you try and refrain…
  • Jools- are you following any particular diet plan or just sticking to calorie goals? Hitting that "healthy weight for height" mark is huge! I'm teetering there myself. You can do it!! Jill- sounds totally doable! Once I get to within 5 pounds of where I want to be I plan on doing the same... good during the week but looser…
  • It is a gym for women that is circuit training designed to get you in and out in 30 minutes.
  • Looks like we are picking up momentum… time for August Challenge :) I started working out at Curves today. felt good. I usually go to the reg gym (and am continuing my membership) but Curves is nice and quick.
  • Yeah not too bad sweetie. I have successfully completed 3 days of sticking to my calorie goals! Woohoo! I am on my way.
  • What an awesome post!!! Your pic does look gorg! Congrats :) Do you have honeymoon plans?
  • Sounds like most of us are in a slump. I have been in that "I am just a bout to start a diet so now I can eat whatever I want because I may never get to eat it again" mode. :o Sunday is 19 weeks until D day. I HAVE to fully commit. My plan is to start logging all my food and sticking to my calorie goals to lose 1 pound a…
  • Jill, I know right? Brunch rocks! Your wedding sounds like it is going to be quite an event!!! That pic you posted looks like my venue. I love the treat table idea, yummy yummy yummy!
  • Awe Sarah :( At least you have some time, right? How many guests are you thinking you will have?
  • Sarah, just ask yourself… "what is MOST important to me?" Is it color, over all feel, food, decor, flowers, entertainment? Pick one and create a kick *kitten* plan for that then just build around it. I think so many brides try to focus on too much and they end up a) spending way to much trying to make everything perfect,…
  • Oh, sorry that was so long :blush: I got carried away. I have been so busy moving and then with recovering from my surgery that writing it all out helped to get me back into wedding mode! Thanks for letting me ramble.
  • My wedding is a second wedding. Any one else on their second? I am enjoying this process a lot more than the 1st time around (I was 21 and just wanted to get it over with). This time the focus is going to be on being with all of the people who are important to us and having a good time with good food. We expect about 110…
  • By the end of the month I will be going to gym at least 2x a week and sticking to my calorie goals!! Still feeling really run down from my surgery last week so I do not want to commit to a date other than by the end of the month.
  • I like to (I say that relatively speaking, lol) go to the gym because it is hotter than Haties outside this time of year (most days are 105) and outdoor play is very limited. I like to get in and out and check it off my list. During Fall and Spring I play with my kids outside a lot. On weekends we typically swim at my…
  • I'm here too, my name is Rachel. My life has been crazy in the past 2 years and my weight has been creeping up. I am getting married on 12/6/15 and need to lose at least 10 pounds (but would be thrilled with 15). I just cannot seem to stick to any sort of eating plan as there has been so much going on (new job, new house,…
  • I love Alli! I have tried just about every diet under the sun and Alli is my favorite. I lost about 20 pounds on it last year (have since regained 8- after a major free-for-all all-you-can-eat buffet from Halloween-New Years). It is easy to avoid the side effects (treatment effects) if you follow the fat guidelines. The…
    in Alli? Comment by gthing1978 January 2010