

  • You can definitely work out like normal. I'm covered in tattoos and owned a shop. Once your done working out just clean it, rinse it and dry it then leave it alone like you normally would. Hope it helps :flowerforyou: xoxo
  • Hi !! let me tell you , i know how you feel . I have met some of the greatest, most supportive wonderful people on here ( i steer clear of the negative,judging or mean ones) Heck, i've even met a girl on here that has become an actual friend. someone i look forward to getting messages from each day. So, if you'd like to…
  • I love a giant Julienne salad. Tons of lettuce, hard boiled egg, grated cheese, chunks of turkey, tomato, shredded carrots. Then either just some oil and vinegar, or some balsamic dressing !! Its sooooo good ! We serve these at most restaurants and they're so big , i usually can't even make it through half of it ! But, its…
  • Hi, i do feel for you, and it does seem like most of your waking time is spent thinking of your weight. Which makes me think there may be a concern. Second , your the same height as me and i've never seen a chart where it said being less than 119 max was a healthy weight for you. Trust me, i've been at that weight, and it…
  • Hey, i i'm 5'7" or taller, and i'm down to 159. Aiming for 120. I was that weight 4 years ago and was running 6 to 12k a day. Need to get back to that girl ! feel free to add me ! i'm on here everyday !
  • I own a shop, so i have a ton, but i'll still get more. !! heeheee I like them bright and fun ! Some i've had for ages ! and they're still bright !!
  • I wanna say, congratulations on starting to eat healthy ! your doing great ! try no to worry, the body will fluctuate on you a bit !! keep eating healthy, get lots of sleep, drink tons of water, and keep moving as much as you can in the day. Go for walks or take the stairs whenever you can and i bet in a week you'll see…
  • I say its best to get into the habit of logging everything. Theres a spot to log water and it has no calories. I log my tea consumption and it has no calories. If, you log every single item then at least your aware of everything your eating in a day. I find its usually more than we think. Hope it helps :flowerforyou:
  • Oh, and easy to use, it tells me everything from calories burned, steps taken, the amount of sleep i've gotten, whether i've done moderate exercise or vigorous, tracks food intake and so on ! awesome !! body media ! heehee
  • I love, love, love my body media !! Its awesome !! The best thing ever !!
  • i'm a 32 F. So, i need lots of support ! theres a sport bra by lulu lemon called the tata tamer !! And it holds me in and holds me firm:other than that , its hard to find something to fit a larger chest tightly. Under armer would be good if they made larger cup sizes. hope this helps.:flowerforyou:
  • Its totally up to you if you wanna give it a go. Just see how your feeling each day. You may get a headache in the beginning. Its nice that you've got her to help you and advice you. Do it for as long as you feel comfortable and see if you feel better after doing it for a few days. If you don't enjoy it, or feel awful then…
  • Hi ! will be 37 i'm 5'7" weigh 159 now. My goal is to get back down to the weight i was 4 years ago, which was 120. Please feel free to add me too !!
  • I plan to work hard, play hard. Walk my dog everyday and lose at least 30 pounds.
  • I weigh myself tomorrow morning ! but, i'm sure i'll be up a few pounds too. Don't panic, just get back out there, up there, on there !! heehehe whatever it is that you do to exercise or burn off the calories. I plan to get back outside and walk more.
  • There are some amazing surgeons here in canada. after i had my son , i wanted augmentation. My husband kept saying i didn't need them, i didn't need them. I think he was afraid once i had them, i'd start running around everywhere topless heeheee. I did it just over 4 years ago and love them to death. They made me feel more…
  • Your never alone !! i'll send you a friend request !! i know what its like to know what to do, but need the help and friends to help you get there ! anytime you need to chat ! or vent oe even just b**ch about a bad day ! hehehehe you can count on me !! xoxo:flowerforyou:
  • Obsession for men is sexy, and 1 million for men is the new sexy !!!! ohhhhh baby !!!
  • For me personally. I wouldn't allow more calories because i worked out or exercised. I'd try to stay consistent either way, and i would try to cut down on all the bread . You seem to eat quite a bit . e.g.. on subs and stuff. Maybe less processed foods ? eat cleaner, mostly fruits and vegetables. Not sandwiches. Hope this…
  • He was such an entertaining guy in his day, and of course he admits he can't do anything just once. So, he was addicted to heroin, drank, did coke, ate tons of processed food and even ended up in jail. He has since then quit smoking, stopped all drugs and booze. Stopped eating any bread, sugar or processed food. He eats a…
  • I like a funny man, yet quiet .Not the loud obnoxious man always looking for attention. A sweet man,an animal lover is a must. Someone i can trust. oh, and a nice round bum doesn't hurt ! heeheee
  • I went from 160 to 119. before . and honestly i don't think many people noticed, if i didn't point it out, until about 30 pounds. Then everyone started going crazy, and saying things all the time. When i was 119, everyone started saying "omg" how did you do it" tell me what to do !!! heehee But, i'm long legged and arms,…
  • i'm glad to hear there's others using it too. I think its the best thing in the world !! i'm back to being so aware of everything i do . The sleep thing is amazing too. I laid down the first night i wore it for 91/2 hours, yet only got 61/2 sleep. Good to know heeheeee. There were times it showed my heart rate up and me…
  • Add meeee tooooo!!!! i love cheese !! and will always take the time to chat, support, listen and joke with you !! as well as give some advice or anything else you may need !!!
  • Heeheee Cause every woman loves shoes !!! especially a sexy shoe !! it just makes you feel hot !!
  • I love em all ! as long as their sweet !! heeheee big tall creeps are just as creepy as short ones !! if you love me, treat me well and show me respect !! then i don't care if you have legs !! Its what comes out of that mouth thats the deal breaker !! And a lovely mind is a beautiful person !!! Go for love over height !!…
  • Well, i finally got it up and running. I forgot how long it had to charge for and the work on the internet to get it all in sync. But, i'm ready. I've been through alot,but it has helped me to see why being over weight isn't an option for me :happy:
  • Thats awesome. I wore mine everyday as well. It make me vary aware of everything i was doing ! Good and bad !haahaaa I got down to 119 pounds with that thing and felt amazing ! and i'm 5'7" when i lost it, i got lazy and stopped being accountable for how much i walked, ate and even hours of sleep. I'm super excited to have…
  • What happened to yours ? I used mine everyday ! Did you find it helped with the weight loss ? i found having it strapped to my arm helped to remind me not to over eat. I picked up a new one today, cause i missed it so much. Get wait to get it hooked up. i wish you still had yours. I havent met anyone to compare things with…