

  • hubby is half Korean and I think he's sexy. Also I hate chicken legs.
    in Hottest Comment by Casey9968 July 2011
  • One day when I was sharing the bathroom with my husband he asked me what where those marks on my stomach (mind you i've never been pregnant and he knows that). I replied they are stretch marks. He then says to me "Were you ever pregnant?". My jaw dropped to the floor. It made me feel awful. They had never really bothered…
  • I've heard that one awhile ago but it still made me laugh so hard i was crying. Thanks I needed that :)
  • 54 lbs is amazing and you should be so proud of yourself! you rock! You should find a picture from when you first started and compare, I'm sure then that you will notice the difference.
  • I love reading the posts and blogs that people write. It helps to motivate me. It great to have a hobby to take your mind off your feelings so you don't trip and fall off the "wagon". It also helps me to read these posts and know that I am not alone. When I talk to other people and sit and read stories it makes it easier…
  • I agree, I've discussed these things with a doctor. However i do not add all my exercises into the log until i'm done eating and recording for the day. I DO NOT eat my exercise calories. However I also have a limit of 1500 calories a day at this point. I would not go below 1200 calories/day excluding exercise calories.
  • Here for support/ motivation also. Would love to have friends on MFP. I weight 220.5lbs right now and would love to be 140-150lbs again. I have a long road ahead and would like to be a supportive friend to someone. Please add me if you like. :)
  • I'm not 100% sure but i don't think so, ive seen people lose a lot of weight and still have them. There are like scars though and i've heard if you take vit e cream and apply it to them it will help them look diminished. hope this helps
  • I think so far your doing great and in the right mind set. When I had started "dieting" a couple years ago I had the same problem with figuring out what to eat and not repeating it all the time. Thats where you will run in to problems, no one wants to eat the same stuff all the time. Also you shouldn't weight yourself…
  • you make me laugh and your honest for that you get a 10!
  • unfortunately only a select few could pull it off....i'm sorry the rest of guys ruined it for you but i'd have to say no i do not find it attractive.
  • To msblueeyes, i love your eyes a total 10!
  • "straight shot" as in it's just a straight shot from there. (My husband says that all the time!) there are a few others he says but i can't think of them right now
  • I had to work last night and missed the show and haven't been home to see it yet :( Thank you for making me look forward to it even more though! I have to say that I love Eric and Alcide equally. Although I do have some pictures of Eric in my locker at work.....and on my phone
    in Dear HBO, Comment by Casey9968 July 2011
  • I'm somewhere in the middle on this....leave the leg/arm alone. I hate facial/back hair. If your chest hair is too much that should be trimmed along with everything else I didn't mentioned :) That being said I complained to my husband that he a freakishly long armpit hair and it was disturbing. I asked him to trim it and…
  • Hello, recently my husband and I took a road trip to flordia for 2 1/2 weeks and were on a tight budget also. The entire trip we used an app called trip advisor its free to sign up and they give you great suggestions for all over the U.S.. They are rated by users like me who have experienced the attractions. It's…