new guy needs a jump start!

OK so Im on day 2 of the diet and its killing me! When Im used to eating garbage all my life and stop cold turkey one day it hits me bad! Im already starting to feel like I want to binge!

Goals and the things I want:
- nice looking physique
- bigger arms
- smaller gut
- only 1 chin please!
- to be healthy and fit

Ok so I dont know the 1st thing about taking supplements or whatever so whatever Im doing is; for the most part all natural. I work monday to friday 8-5 and saturday- sunday 9-4 so sometimes getting to the gym might be a little harder for me. Im a structural engineer at an office 40 hours a week on weekdays and a professional auto detailer on the weeknds pulling 3-5 cars on any given weekend. Not too strenuous but but keeps me moving a lot.

My eating habits altho probably not conventional are 10x better than what they were. I cut out pizza, pasta, bread, soda and candy. My meals are now as follows:

To maintain I need approx 2200cals Ive cut down to 1800cals per day.
I also drink 50+oz of water a day

Breakfast: 9am
3 egg whites

Salad w/ grilled chicken
Grilled chicken w/ brown rice and spinach
is subway any good?

Grilled chicken w/ brown rice and spinach(if i didnt have it for lunch)
small steak with veggies

I drink nothing but water all day. Sometimes ill have coffee for flavor (black no sugar) I get really hungry between lunch and dinner so I usually end up raiding the fridge and pigging out. Now Ill have a shake or 100 calorie snack or something.

My workout schedule is as follows:
monday: 60 minutes cardio
tuesday: 30 minutes cardio and 60 minutes lifting
wednesday: 60 minutes cardio
thursday: 30 minutes cardio and 60 minutes lifting
friday: 60 minutes cardio
saturday: 60 minutes cardio or off if work out the other weekend day
sunday: 60 minutes cardio or off if work out the other weekend day

My cardio consists of walking on the treadmill or the elliptical. Ill do 5-10 mins in my "comfort zone" then step it up just a touch so Im outta the zone.

I weigh myself everyday but am only logging it in here once a week on monday mornings. Since Im writing this on wednesday... Ill let this week slide. I have a digital scale from weight watchers so I guess its accurate. I will worry about my bf% when i get down a little. Here goes...

7/13/2011 - 249.1


  • noexcuses1218
    noexcuses1218 Posts: 332 Member
    Seems like you've got a great start. Food-wise, the first week was hell for me, too - and sometimes it still is - but you do get used to it, your stomach shrinks a bit, and exercise is the best appetite supressant I know.

    Subway could be a lot worse - just like everything, though, you have to know the pitfalls, the condiments and sodium levels, especially.

    You might try eating smaller meals evenly spaced throughout the day. Might help your blood sugar level out and make the initial hunger a little easier to deal with.

    Welcome and good luck!
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    No wonder your getting can still have food just gotta get lean meats.....example: I just had a NY strip steak lastnight and baked potato with salad.....I didnt cut my dr peppers out completly cause i knew if i couldnt have at least 12oz i would end up drinking a whole 2 liter......Just remember that this is changing how you eat and not depriving can still have a rally burger once in a while just not every day.....I also only work out 5 days a week.....Include strength training in your workout...I do a total of 1 hour...30 mins strength and 30 mins cardio (elliptical) can friend me I would love to help support you!
  • chari2011
    chari2011 Posts: 108
    I know what you mean :( we all start so motivated but for some reason this is so hard. I need to see real people like you that share their frustrations so we can work from them. Actually I started on Monday, but then ... there it goes, I failed again, and I am sick of me. Oh Boy! But we can't quit, they say "If you dream it, you can do it", so let's give some sense to this quote :)
    Good luck on your journey!
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    Baby steps! YOU CAN DO THIS! :happy:
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    I know about repetitive eating but.. its the only think I know how to make thats healthy. I cant cook my way out of a paper bag!
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    yeah i know you like to grill??? i have found I love cooking when I grill..
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    I can grill a washing machine if theres nutritional value to it! I love to grill lol
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Options 2...go look at my dinners and see what i had....mmmmm
  • bkw2488
    bkw2488 Posts: 190 Member
    Think that’s the hardest part trying to think of healthy meals to make that are easy. Easier order a pizza on a busy night ;0) with six kids, there never seems time to cook, and I hate cooking!
  • carbons2k
    carbons2k Posts: 383 Member
    Monday morning weigh in: 245.2
    Its been a week since starting and I have to say im happy so far. If i can lose 4-5lbs a week... Ill be on pace for 36-45lb weight loss by my birthday mid sept.

    Had a rough weekend.

    sarurday- 1st bda party at my friends house. They had nothing healthy there. I tried to have as much of the vegetables and dip... not too much dip then I had a little of what was offered. I think I came in at around my calorie count for the day

    sunday- went RC racing upstate and had a hot dog no bun and burger with bun. lots of water a 50 cent bag of chips and a pepsi. Dinner was a salad with grilled chicken.

    Monday Im back on it and hitting the gym hard!
  • Casey9968
    Casey9968 Posts: 17
    I think so far your doing great and in the right mind set. When I had started "dieting" a couple years ago I had the same problem with figuring out what to eat and not repeating it all the time. Thats where you will run in to problems, no one wants to eat the same stuff all the time. Also you shouldn't weight yourself everyday because your weight can shift a pound or two a day and thats normal. I weigh myself once a week on thurdays same time everyweek. I am also finding it very hard to keep eating healthy. You just need a good support system. I wish you luck on your weight loss goals and if you would like a friend to swap recipes with(or to instruct you on how to cook), and vent to you may add me as a friend.
  • Betsybeee
    Betsybeee Posts: 113 Member
    I've been working out twice a week with a trainer in a smal group. She is a big advocate for protein shakes and always have something to eat every 3-4 hrs. Add protein smoothie with a fruitf and throw a handfull of spinach in there--- you won't taste the spinach but it will add some nutritional value. Good luck!
  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Im very proud of you!! You have been working hard and you know Im there for support if you need it....And when you need to vent....Im very glad I met you on MFP cause your a great person....I consider you my MFP weightloss special buddy :0)....and you was right...I cant