getting really tired of seeing "you are eating too few calor

It says I ate 1023 calories today after my work out, now its demanding that I eat 455 more calories. I see this atleast 3x a week and it's starting to get on my nerves. I'm still eating over 1,000 calories, it shouldn't be a big deal. =/

when you see that "notice" do you just ignore it? how often do you get that "notice"?

It's especially hard to see that notice about how much I could weigh in 5weeks (a really good number in my opinion!), that makes me wanna continue doing it lol!


  • jesienia
    jesienia Posts: 294
    I get that notice pretty much everyday. I ignore it. I'm eating as much as I can handle and if I ate as much as they say I should, I would be so sick all the time!
  • xomelabellaox
    I am the same as you. I see that alot and I basically just ignore it. I normally eat less and some days I am over (not often but it does happen). So i think it is fine and balances.
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Seems like if your net is under 1200, you get the message. That's the lowest MFP likes you to go on your net....
  • purnurple
    purnurple Posts: 102
    i feel like a failure if i dont get that. its just that there is no "great job you are eating just right" its either too little or too much.
  • LillysGranny
    LillysGranny Posts: 431
    The reason for the warning is that eating too little leads to starvation mode, which will ultimately impede your weight loss, and starvation mode leads to deprivation mode. Deprivation mode is my own term for that time--usually after 6-12 weeks of eating 1200 or fewer calories a day--when you start eating EVERYTHING you can until you've gained back all the weight you lost and and then some. It's your choice, though. Do you want to be fit and trim for a few months or for the rest of your life?
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    No, don't ignore it! I'm not saying eat all your exercise calories but your NET should be at least 1200. If you're not hungry and you're undereating, something is wrong. Your metabolism is probably too slow to handle it all. Are you skipping breakfast? Don't. You should be eating an hour and a half or sooner of waking up. You should have protein within an hour and a half after your workout. You should be getting plenty of fiber and eating healthy carbs and healthy fats. These will keep you full but will have enough calories to fill your day so that your body can function.

    If you have a lot of weight to lose, you can have a large deficit. Otherwise, you need to be eating more. Everyone should net at least 1200 or you will go into starvation mode. Don't roll your eyes, it happened to me. I lost 20 lbs then STOPPED. For 2 months, I didn't lose... the 2nd month everyone told me eat more, eat your exercise calories, etc. As soon as I did, within 2 weeks (allow your body to adjust to big changes), I lost again.
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    I've seen it maybe once or twice since starting MFP in January. I guess I eat plenty!
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I wish I had this problem. LOL
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    If you eat less than 1200 calories MFP will give you that notice.

    That said the MORE important number is your NET calories for the day, MOST (not all but most) people will find that long term they won't lose weight if they NET less than 1200 calories, which is why so many people harp on eating exercise calories back.

    Your body needs fuel to rebuild itself and to know it's not in the middle of a famine.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I never see that message...I'm usually at 1200 before dinner! :laugh:
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    I am the same as you. I see that alot and I basically just ignore it. I normally eat less and some days I am over (not often but it does happen). So i think it is fine and balances.

    I went over three days this week! =/ not by much though.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Start eating back your exercise calories and you won't get that message... simple as that.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    If you go too low, your body goes into starvation mode and starts holding on to every ounce it can.
    1200 is a pretty good minimum for most -- unless you're super super tiny. I stopped losing at 1200 so I actually upped it ot 1450 and started losing again. I exercise quite a bit but still try hard to eat at least 1450 back.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Their "magic formula" is based on a lot of statistical averages. If you have a slower metabolism, or a smaller frame, or are at a certain time of the month, that can all affect how many calories your body really uses. Without a thorough doctor's examination, it's really pretty ridiculous for them to claim they know how many calories your body needs or uses. I use the site's info as a guideline but feel free to go over or under as I see fit, based on how my body feels. Everyone is different, don't be afraid to just listen to your body. If you're tired & depressed, you probably need more calories. If you feel great, you're probably doing just fine, no matter what it says.
  • smkcx♥
    smkcx♥ Posts: 317 Member
    No, don't ignore it! I'm not saying eat all your exercise calories but your NET should be at least 1200. If you're not hungry and you're undereating, something is wrong. Your metabolism is probably too slow to handle it all. Are you skipping breakfast? Don't. You should be eating an hour and a half or sooner of waking up. You should have protein within an hour and a half after your workout. You should be getting plenty of fiber and eating healthy carbs and healthy fats. These will keep you full but will have enough calories to fill your day so that your body can function.

    If you have a lot of weight to lose, you can have a large deficit. Otherwise, you need to be eating more. Everyone should net at least 1200 or you will go into starvation mode. Don't roll your eyes, it happened to me. I lost 20 lbs then STOPPED. For 2 months, I didn't lose... the 2nd month everyone told me eat more, eat your exercise calories, etc. As soon as I did, within 2 weeks (allow your body to adjust to big changes), I lost again.

    I'm currently 206lbs on a 5'5 frame. I have about 50lbs to lose. I eat three meals a day, drink lots of water. etc. But I guess I could find something to eat?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I never see that message...I'm usually at 1200 before dinner! :laugh:

    And va va va voom with the back muscles. :tongue:

    (don't worry guys, SBS and I have known each other for a loooong time).
  • LordRahl
    LordRahl Posts: 48 Member
    My daily is 2250 and I exercise some days 2500-3500, I am also 6'7, 292 lbs and want to lose 50lbs. I do not think I could eat 4500-5000 "good" calories. On these exercise days I am happy to keep a total "eat" to under 3000.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I never see that message...I'm usually at 1200 before dinner! :laugh:

    And va va va voom with the back muscles. :tongue:

    (don't worry guys, SBS and I have known each other for a loooong time).

    I haven't seen you around in FOREVER! :D And thanks! :)
  • Casey9968
    Casey9968 Posts: 17
    The reason for the warning is that eating too little leads to starvation mode, which will ultimately impede your weight loss, and starvation mode leads to deprivation mode. Deprivation mode is my own term for that time--usually after 6-12 weeks of eating 1200 or fewer calories a day--when you start eating EVERYTHING you can until you've gained back all the weight you lost and and then some. It's your choice, though. Do you want to be fit and trim for a few months or for the rest of your life?

    I agree, I've discussed these things with a doctor. However i do not add all my exercises into the log until i'm done eating and recording for the day. I DO NOT eat my exercise calories. However I also have a limit of 1500 calories a day at this point. I would not go below 1200 calories/day excluding exercise calories.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I've literally never seen that notice. lol