Start Me Up - The Rolling Stones
Starting weight 180 lbs Start weight this month 170 lbs Goal weight this month 160 lbs Target goal weight 130 lbs Sept lost 10 lbs Oct 1- 170 lbs
- Do this workout twice a day 5 days a week. It's very good. I've started doing it as a beginner too.
Make sure you eat one magnesium tablet each day (250 or 300 mg), it will help a lot. Good luck
Drink horsetail tea everyday, it helps with the water retention.
Keep up the good job sweetie!! You are doing GREAT!!!!! Never give up!
Wouldn't stop taking selfies!
Didn't like Breaking Bad.
The way you look tonight - Frank Sinatra
You're doing too much cardio sweetie, and way less strength weight. You should do weights 3 times a week, every day should include different muscles, don't do them all in one day. 20 minutes should be fine, 3 times a week. + 40 minutes cardio 5 times a week.
Diets suck!! You just have to embrace a healthy lifestyle, healthy choices and that's it.
Congrats!!!! way to go!
1200 calories is just fine! That's what I do. If it works for you then stick with it.
I know people who eat whatever they want and I mean, processed food, sugar, cakes you name it and they don't gain a single pound! I guess they're just lucky they have such high metabolism. I think it's the same thing with the people who don't count calories.
I always wear them while exercising, otherwise I would get headaches.
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I weigh myself on Sunday morning, before breakfast.
One bad meal is not gonna make you gain weight, same as one good meal won't make you lose weight. simple as that!
Not really, the only time is when I'm on my period. That's it.
1 pound a week equals 4 pounds a month, which also equals 48 pounds in a year, so I have to say that is quite impressive if you can accomplish that. Just keep that in mind and keep up the good work. Never lose hope even if you see no changes on the scale for week or two. Never forget that.
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I think that's a reasonable amount of calories, 72x3=216 calories per hour (more or less). If you wanna burn more, you have to work out for at least one hour.
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Happens to me every month, that's why I stay out of the scale during my period, before and after. because the weigh comes off a few days AFTER the period is over.
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American Hustle