Thomaskerrya Member


  • Thank you all so much. It’s very reassuring. My stats: I started March 1st, at 16st 4lb. I’m 51, 5ft 5in, have arthritis, am menopausal. I know getting older sucks but I wasn’t expecting it to start just yet!! I work full time (desk job) and work out for 20-30 mins cross training, 10-15 mins stretching, on weekdays - only…
  • I should have said that I started this new journey in March. 12lb off. 40+ to go. I do feel better for it. But I’m concerned the hunger will never go! Even an hour after dinner, my tummy feels kinda empty and I’m hungry already.
  • It's a couple of weeks now, plus my TOTM has never affected my weight before, not an ounce!
  • Thanks. 100 calories is a considerable chunk of my daily 1300 though - I don't want to go that much over or under. Internet isn't really helping either. Guess I'll have to wait and see how it goes!
  • I had so many responses ready for this morning for all you lovely people - then I got on the scales (I do daily) and they've suddenly dropped 1.6lb!! I ate an extra 150/200 calories yesterday - fatty calories because my daughter bought 20% mince instead of my normal 5%. Whether that made the difference or what I don't know…
  • I don't cheat - even eating out I make it fit! Been on this diet a couple of months, but have yo-to dieted for years :( and have been exercising since day one (or this diet) plateau has been over a week now. I am more tired some days, thought it was the exercise but maybe it's not enough nutrition? My weight always drops…
  • I must admit, I trust the database, will be checking with more scrutiny from herein! The 0.25 pitta was based on a recipe I made with one whole one and shared between 5 (1/4 because they don't have 1/5!) namely stuffed mushrooms. I try to be as realistic in my logging as possible. Doc tested my thyroid - didn't tell me…
  • I don't eat back my exercise calories - I don't trust the figures! 20/30 mins on a cross trainer at resistance 8/9... Other than that I sit all day. Surely I don't need to eat more based on such small workout sessions? I have read a lot on adaptive thermogenesis (aka starvation mode) and it makes a lot of sense, I don't…
  • I weigh/scan everything I eat. Have been dieting a couple of months. Lost 11 for first few weeks (was v happy) then it just stalled. I have cut out junk food and drink lots of water. Should I increase my calories despite what MFP suggests?
  • ha ha, love how 'getting my **** together' changed to '*kittens*'!!!
  • It's fantastic that three years on this is still helping people! As a habitual crash and yo-yo dieter, becoming heavier than ever over the last year (now finally trying to get my *kitten* together) this article has been the BEST thing I have ever read, it explains so much - why my crash diets don't work after the initial…
  • Thank you. My reference to 'eating more' is in comparison to the WW plan, which I felt, IMHO, had me eating too little each day to keep within their recommended points. I am physically eating more on 1200-1300 calories, no doubt about it. I still believe in starvation mode, have witnessed it first hand several times (I'm…
  • This is really interesting guys. I have been in pain meds for a year and tried coming off the night ones, which led to sleep apnea. Happens to coincide with me starting my diet, which didn't work. I blamed it on stupid Oprah and her new WW system, but after reading your posts I am wondering if the apnea contributed to my…
  • I certainly am listening. It's all being stored to reinforce the positives and force out the negative voices in my head. Only time will prove (to myself) that this diet will work. Trying to be positive :) Thank you xx
  • Love it! Lol
  • Thank you all so much! I am overwhelmed by how helpful everyone is :smile: even those that are alarmed or disbelieving are showing they care. I definitely don't have an eating disorder, I am however impatient and frustrated! When you've wasted six weeks on a plan that doesn't work, you either feel like giving up and eating…
  • It is real. I tried a VLCD twice; 600 calories a day meal replacements, and I didn't lose hardly any weight. I've calorie counted before, and if I go below 1000 calories, I don't lose weight. If I eat between 1200-1300 calories, it drops off! I've had all the doctors blood tests going, I'm as healthy as an ox, despite…
  • Thank you Hondo Man, I wish I were 5'7" but alas I'm only 5'5" (so rounder than ever!) I am grateful for the advice, I'm taking it all on board and trying to plan accordingly. Trying to accept I have to eat more rather than less, and better foods at that. (I've crash dieted before, never exercised, and yes always put it…
  • Thank you. This all helps. I must admit, although I've been counting my calories I haven't been particularly bothered with where those calories have come from, thought that it wouldn't matter as long as I cut out pasta and bread. But after what you've said, and doing a bit of reading up, I can see it does make a…
  • And I know be scales are my enemy but I'm so desperate to lose weight ;( once I get into a regular routine that's working I will be able to put them away :)
  • Thank you. That's sound advice. I'm only 5'5" with a BMI calorie rate of 1550, but I understand eating under 1200 cals isn't good for you - so should I stick to 1200? I'd rather not eat back my workout cals at all, so is 1200 ok on workout days too?
  • Oh ok, just looked it up. My BMI rate is 1550 and my TDEE rate is 2000. But I'm scared to death of eating 2000 calories, that's a level that makes my scales go up! I could try it but I don't want to lose a week to experimenting. How long would I have to give this to see results?
  • I've not heard of TDEE, what is it? I'll try anything that helps. We do rest properly about every fifth day - but I kinda figure my workouts are so low paced because I'm so unfit and not capable of much, that I'm not really doing enough to warrant a rest yet?! I don't know if I'm scared of overdoing it or not doing enough.…
  • Niceguy, lovely smile and seem a happy chap :-) (and sorry I just changed my profile pic!)
  • Ha ha ZRJP, seems you've been caught in synchronised posting twice! You've obviously got a GSOH :-)
  • You look so happy :-)