Afraid to eat :(



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Ok, let's ignore everything else about this entire conversation for a second.

    If you know that you lose weight eating 1200-1300 calories per day then eat 1200-1300 calories per day.
    There. Glad we got that cleared up.

    My thoughts exactly.

    Honestly, with all the yo-yo dieting and VLCDs, it is good that you can still lose on 1200-1300. Just do that.
  • godlikepoetyes
    godlikepoetyes Posts: 442 Member
    I did not read all these replies, but I know exactly what you're talking about. If I don't eat enough, my weight loss slows down. Not eating is also unacceptable for me. I like to eat. I hate to be hungry.

    When I began MFP, I set my target as 1 lb a week. And then I ate all of my calories (and often a lot more) and I have lost steadily, at first about 2 lbs a week, now about 1 lb a week. But I had a LOT of weight to lose. It's harder if you have less to lose, or only a little.

    In any case, if you follow the plan, you should lose weight, but maybe not as quickly as you'd like. And why should it be fast? Every study shows that most weight loss doesn't last and that quick weight loss is almost always gained back and is unhealthy. So pushing yourself to lose quickly is a good way to sabotage your best efforts.

    I will tell you what has worked for me. I tried Weight Watchers many times. I would lose twenty pounds and then stop because I'd get angry, or bored, or tired of the whole thing. But there are two things that set MFP apart.

    No POINTS. Points are just calories in disguise and they are a good way to play games with yourself and try to cheat the system which is really just Calories In = Calories Out. For me, it's easier to just record my food and let MFP count the calories.

    The other HUGE difference is the message at the end of each day--"If Every Day Were Like Today, You'd Weigh "X:" in Five Weeks. This message, for me, has made all the difference. It's a little bit of accountability.

    I have also stuck to weighing ONCE a week. NO more. And I don't play "games with the scale." I don't weigh and then move it to the right and then weigh again, then move it forward and weigh again. I get on the scale, see my weight, and record it. This is important for me because I become easily obsessed with the scale and will allow it to control my mood. That's why it's so important for me to never weigh more than ONCE a week.

    This is what has worked for me. You will find what works for you. It may not be MFP. It may be something else. But I am confident that you will find something and it will work if you commit yourself to a serious lifestyle change.

    One more thing--you may want to see your doctor if you don't lose weight after a couple of months.

  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Hey OP. I totally get having anxiety about food.

    I recently bumped up my calories to try and hit some macro recommendations and start lifting weights. Stressing me out for sure. I know I should expect to at least not lose for a week or two. Hate it.

    And what do I usually do when I'm stressed? Comfort eat. It's a sticky wicket.

    Dealing with all the noise in your head is the biggest struggle. If 1200 - 1300 works then definitely just do that.

    As far as VLCD (not recommending it) I suspect that it isn't something you could stick with for very long. That's normal and perfectly okay. But if you did do it, you would lose. I did 800 calories for 3 months followed by 1000 for another 6-7 and lost 100 pounds. To me 600 doesn't sound like a doctor supervised sounds like a quack HCG drops type of thing.
  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Ok, let's ignore everything else about this entire conversation for a second.

    If you know that you lose weight eating 1200-1300 calories per day then eat 1200-1300 calories per day.
    There. Glad we got that cleared up.


    Of course none of this was mentioned in post #1, just starvation mode and fear of eating, which has "eating disorder" written all over it. Now I'm Oprah! Holy lack of pertinent information, Batman!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    It is real. I tried a VLCD twice; 600 calories a day meal replacements, and I didn't lose hardly any weight. I've calorie counted before, and if I go below 1000 calories, I don't lose weight. If I eat between 1200-1300 calories, it drops off! I've had all the doctors blood tests going, I'm as healthy as an ox, despite being overweight; low cholesterol, low BP, etc. I am partially disabled so exercise is difficult. But still, for a 4st overweight woman, being on the WW plan and not losing weight should be an impossibility. Hence moving back to calorie counting. Just a bit traumatised, thanks Oprah!!!

    Sounds like you should eat between 1200-1300 calories. If you've found the sweet spot what works for you, why would you be afraid to eat at that level?

    And if you believe that eating less causes you not to lose, why in the world would you ever want to say 'what's the point, I should just go without'??
  • Thomaskerrya
    Thomaskerrya Posts: 34 Member
    edited February 2016
    Thank you all so much! I am overwhelmed by how helpful everyone is :smile: even those that are alarmed or disbelieving are showing they care. I definitely don't have an eating disorder, I am however impatient and frustrated! When you've wasted six weeks on a plan that doesn't work, you either feel like giving up and eating everything or giving up eating altogether! Not saying I will, of course not, that's just how frustrating it is.

    BUT I have learnt from my previous attempts and failings. Hence being here, and starting on a sensible journey, even if it won't get me there in a hurry. Just FYI, I am 44, 5'5", long-term injured (but not permanently, hopefully) so on pain meds, and want to lose at least 56lbs, with a stubborn body! I think it just doesn't like all the messing around I've been doing with it (food/diet wise) over the years. I have a list of excuses and reasons as long as your arm, but the short of it is that I want & need to lose weight so I will stick to my 1200 calories, wait a week without hopping on and off the scales and see how it goes. It nothing happens then maybe I'll see the doc again.
  • ModernRock
    ModernRock Posts: 372 Member
    edited February 2016
    I will stick to my 1200 calories, wait a week without hopping on and off the scales and see how it goes. It nothing happens then maybe I'll see the doc again.

    How about sticking to it for two months, logging all food every day, weighing once a week, to see how it goes before seeing a doctor? You can print out your food and weight log to take with you.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    If you think starvation mode is real and think you've experienced it as well as are afraid to eat then you might need more help than random people on the internet can provide.

  • Thomaskerrya
    Thomaskerrya Posts: 34 Member
    ModernRock wrote: »
    I will stick to my 1200 calories, wait a week without hopping on and off the scales and see how it goes. It nothing happens then maybe I'll see the doc again.

    How about sticking to it for two months, logging all food every day, weighing once a week, to see how it goes before seeing a doctor? You can print out your food and weight log to take with you. [/quote.]

    You're quite right, they wouldn't listen after a week anyway. And tbh after a couple of months, it probably will have worked anyway!
  • Thomaskerrya
    Thomaskerrya Posts: 34 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    If you think starvation mode is real and think you've experienced it as well as are afraid to eat then you might need more help than random people on the internet can provide.


    Love it! Lol
  • upoffthemat
    upoffthemat Posts: 679 Member
    Congrats to the OP for hearing the positive messages and grabbing on to them. Nice to see someone post like this and not get defensive, but hear solid advice for what it is.
  • Thomaskerrya
    Thomaskerrya Posts: 34 Member
    makingmark wrote: »
    Congrats to the OP for hearing the positive messages and grabbing on to them. Nice to see someone post like this and not get defensive, but hear solid advice for what it is.

    I certainly am listening. It's all being stored to reinforce the positives and force out the negative voices in my head. Only time will prove (to myself) that this diet will work. Trying to be positive :) Thank you xx
  • yourhiddengem
    yourhiddengem Posts: 171 Member
    makingmark wrote: »
    Congrats to the OP for hearing the positive messages and grabbing on to them. Nice to see someone post like this and not get defensive, but hear solid advice for what it is.

    I certainly am listening. It's all being stored to reinforce the positives and force out the negative voices in my head. Only time will prove (to myself) that this diet will work. Trying to be positive :) Thank you xx

    You seem like you have a great attitude! I think you'll be able to get this to work. The plan was inside your head the whole time, you just didn't realize it :) You already know that sticking to 1200 to 1300 calories works for you so go get your goals!