xavierjohn05 Member


  • my SN is Connery84, I've been trying to get my friends to do it but they aren't interested in working out with the xbox. I like competing with people. Add me, I'm trying to get back in the swing of working out.
  • Well, you are allowed to reward yourself every now and then. I'd suggest to portion the meals, ask for a box when you get the meal and put half of it away before you start eating, that way you get the good food while also getting another meal out of it another day (saves money by splitting 1 meal into 2, lets you have the…
  • That used to happen to me all the time when I was in high school and cutting weight for wrestling. All my friends would get their lunches and let me know how great they tasted and then offering me food. Depending on the person you can do one of 2 things, ignore it (which works on 1/2 the people), just show no reaction or…
  • Stress can cause a lot of people to eat. I know that food can be comforting so when people are stressed they can want more food. Also with the change in workout the 30day shred is a lot more strenuous than walking 2 miles, so your body may be wanting to regain some energy that you used up and therefore wanting some food.…
  • I've read it in a few places but do not know if it is 100% true, but if you drink a glass of ice water it will increase your metabolism by about 10% for 20-30 minutes while your body warms the water up. Also the big thing with me is when I get hungry water will fill me up (easier to make it between meals), or have a glass…
  • I'm in. 186 on 2/7/11.
  • I've had exercise induced asthma since I was little. Its not really bad for me, but it does affect me when I'm really starting to work out. I don't know about the heart rate, but when asthma kicks in, you get a wheezing sensation. It's really difficult to get a full breath of air and your breathing becomes fairly high…
  • Interval training is when you mix in intense intervals of working out during your normal workout. An easy example is like if you are out jogging and then every 3 minutes you sprint for 30 seconds, then go back to your normal jog. This will change up your workout enough to where the experts say that it will help you burn…
  • I've done both and both are very good programs (if you stick with them). Insantiy is a very high impact cardio routine (I didn't make it through the entire program because I have a bad knee and the pounding caused too much pain), whereas P90x is an overall workout (cardio, strength training, and yoga). Insanity requires…