MEN: Lose 10 in Feb. Challenge!



  • 24man
    24man Posts: 58
    OK. I started at 190, lost 2.2 lbs during the week but gained 2.2 over Super Bowl weekend.


    still 190 : (

    but 22 more weigh ins to go. Can still do it.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Weight today 2/7 221 i had a great time at the SB party but did watch what I ate and thought I did worse than I did. actually lost 1 lb from Saturday to today.
  • vzepol
    vzepol Posts: 131 Member
    Thought I was okay over the weekend, I guess not.

    SW 2-10 275 lbs
    Feb 1. 236 lbs
    Feb 7. 236 lbs
  • SW: 248
    CW (7th): 245
    Minus 3 so far.. better than I expected.
  • ziggythecat
    ziggythecat Posts: 62 Member
    Feb SW: 256
    CW (7th): 254

    2 down, 8 to go
  • okay

    feb 1st 293
    feb 7th 290

    3lb lost 7 to go
  • I thought weigh in would be tomorrow.

    Feb. 1 264
    Feb. 7 263.5

    I was at 262.5 before superbowl weekend, which I did watch what I ate, however there was some alcohol involved and could tell by my rings I had gained. At least I didn't gain during the week, but I know I need to get more cardio done.
  • My check in:

    Feb 1st - 260
    Feb 7th - 258...minus 2lbs for me!

    What do you think about editing the first post and putting our stats there as we go? This way we can easily track our progress easily on the first post.
  • Bad week.....Too many Brat's eaten celebrating the Green Bay victory...I gained

    232lbs CW
  • Check in!

    SW: 225.4
    CW: 220.4

    Goodbye soda!
  • I'd like to be in as well.

    I was 172 on 2/1/11 and this week I am 170.

  • xavierjohn05
    xavierjohn05 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in. 186 on 2/7/11.
  • Thanks to everyone who has posted their week 1 results.

    My results:
    2-1 252
    2-7 249.8
    Lost: 2.2 lbs.
    Right on track!

    I'm still waiting on about half our members to post their results and then I will post the table for group results.

    And welcome to the new-comers!

    Jay C.
  • Week 1 check-in

    SW: 243
    CW: 240

    Looking for some friends to keep me motivated!
  • Thanks to everyone who has posted their week 1 results.

    My results:
    2-1 252
    2-7 249.8
    Lost: 2.2 lbs.
    Right on track!

    I'm still waiting on about half our members to post their results and then I will post the table for group results.

    And welcome to the new-comers!

    Jay C.

    Thanks for taking this on!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Still stuck at 249 :( gotta get it in gear
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    I busted my *kitten* hard for this: 203.5!! started at 208 1/31/11

    I added an extra 15 min of Cardio into my daily routine and started a protein shake for lunch
  • kevinbc
    kevinbc Posts: 34 Member
    sad to report I didn't lose any weight this week.
  • here in Australia it is Monday 8-1-11
    I just weighed in at 92.6 kilograms
    which if you times it by 2.2 = 203.72 pounds.
    Feel free to make me a MFP friend.:smile:
  • Nucleartiger
    Nucleartiger Posts: 29 Member
    A week late but I am in. My weight on 1/29/11 was 290 My weight today 2/7/11 is 283.2
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