erica2h Member


  • :happy: great job!!!!!!!
  • you might just be bored, so pop a piece of gum in your mouth when you feel snacky, works for me anyways.Always eat a good breakfast!!!!God luck don't give up!:happy:
  • I think thats a great goal, I am 5'4" and I started at 136, now I am 125, people keep telling thats enough too, but I still have my goal at 120, just do what you feel is right, you will know when you've hit your ":feel great" weight! It's always easy to gain back if you get that low and don't like it!!:laugh: Good luck to…
  • good luck!:smile:
  • my belly is my hang up too, I hope if we keep plugging away, the right way it will come off!Good luck, vent and move forward!!!:smile:
    in Belly fat Comment by erica2h March 2011
  • :smile: wow, I can totally see the weight coming off, good job taking pics, wish I would have done that.You will get there don't get discouraged!You do not look like a "fat mom" you look fit!Just keep it up!I have 2 daughters so I know what pregnancy does to the body, I have to fight too, and I hate my stomach and…
  • congrats, great job!!!:smile:
  • I hear you, my sister was always so skinny no matter what growing up.I always felt huge next to her petite self, now we have switched places, this has helped me be smaller now than when I was in highschool, I was always stuck at 135-140.Now I am at 127, trying to hit 120 by summer, just hang in there, it WILL come of!!…
  • I agree, poor guy, good thing he is having sucess, have to feel GREAT about that! I have gotten my friend and cousin to do this site also, we all struggle with the last few pounds, since having kids, and we have all lost weight, we LOVE it! It is nice to finally know how many calories to eat each day, and to be…
  • "more" by Usher, perfect for keeping ya movin'!:happy: :happy:
  • I would eat something healthy, that will give you back some calories without ruining it, like an apple and turkey or something.Don't worry one mess up is normal, everyone needs a cheat day or we won't stay successful!:smile: