nee90 Member


  • true TNP is afraid of snakes
  • I like and find very feminine her body... it's her face I don't like...:P But I guess this is even more about personal preferences
  • I can touch my nose with my tongue! Does it count?
  • Wow ... awesome progress! You should be proud! Your body looks nice! I would suggest you to take a break , try to maintain, see how it goes for a while... Let your body relax a little bit... Then if you still want to lose more you'll already know how to do it! This is what I would do... But I definitely would take a break…
  • When I went on a vacation I took lots of nuts and digestive biscuits with me for easy and light snacking (you can take them even on the beach)! It helped me control the hunger and be more careful with my main meals!
  • 23 here! If you want a friend from Greece feel free to add me...
  • Love the series, didn't read the books. Love Arya,I wait to see her in real action... (but I guess it will take time) Would marry John Snow... Oh! He's so cute!!! I laugh a lot with Tyrion's lines...
  • I envy you . I've lost points from everywhere except my hips and inner thighs....
  • It works perfect for me! I eat whatever I want, just care to have a calorie deficit at the end of the day...and tried to add fieber, mostly from fruits. I lost 8kg in 2 months and still loosing...
  • Hahahaha... Well she was raised by her parents telling her she is too beautiful to work ...that's why I remembered her.... Of course now she's a FREAK...
  • There was a girl-"star" with the same believes in Greece. First she won some beauty contests... then she tried to become a singer.... Failed! Then she tried to become an actress....FAILED Last thing she tried.... to become porn star!... Yeah!She FAILED on that too!…
  • Digestion slows down when you are sleeping, so it's better to eat 2 hours before bed time or have a light snack 1 hour before. You shouldn't go to bed neither with full or completely empty stomach! Edit: The time depends on how fast digestion works for anybody. But this is not just a personal opinion... Both my trainer and…
  • Greek and Russian with some Mongolian roots I think... Born in Uzbekistan and grew up in Greece!
  • Of course busnisses try to make money... And I I didn't say that small busnisses don't... But there is huge difference on how they do it... At the grocery store in my neighborhood for example I'm sure they care more about my needs because they know me and I know them! It's not impersonal... + I give my money to a family…
  • This is only the one side of the coin... Don't forget we are talking about multinational companies, not small family business... They don't do it because they respect our needs or our different cultures... the target is clearly our wallets! And for sure their foods are not exactly what you would call "healthy"... Read the…
  • It is very intresting .... but also very disturbing...
  • i found these workouts to tone my inner thigh muscles... easy and fun! Still it won't help with fat... As everyone said, you should also do some cardio and diet....
  • I agree! I don't control how much I eat by how much I exersice... I just keep track... So if I overeated today ... I know l should be more carefull and eat less tomorrow... If I didn't workout enough today ... I''ll try to workout more tomorrow..
  • I weight myself almost every morning (before Breakfast) to keep on track.... But the differnces from day to day are so small (sometimes there is no differnce at all) .... so I record it only once a week ...
  • Deleted my account about 2 years ago! I feel great! Didn't miss it at all.... I stopped spending my time on stupid games just because a friend invited me...and now i have time to see my friend in reall for a coffee or sth... I don't spent so much time sitting on the computer... so I move more (and burn more…
  • I didn't say "don't drink water". I also drink a lot of water.Water is necessary ... Just try not to drink it during your meals and some time before and after them...
  • It's true! Metabolism is the key.... Also if I could add a tip: Don't drink water (or any other drink) 1/2 hour before and 1 1/2 hours after your meal. Water rarefy and impoverish stomach fluids and acids, so it slows down digestion and metabolism....
  • Can't choose just one... Some of them: Verve pipe- Colorful (From the movie "Rockstar") Muse- Knights of Cydonia Pendulum- watercolour and many many other....
    in Songs Comment by nee90 June 2013
  • I have allergic asthma and it gets really bad on humid weather too.. Sometimes I just get tired easier when I workout because of it... I slow down or stop for 1-2 minutes if necessary... just to breath better.... then I go on... Edit: I use my inhalers only through winter period when my asthma is at it's worst. But on…
  • I lost 5kg in 5 weeks. I started with a diet of 1500 cal. and exercise every day the 2 first weeks. Now that I exercise less I eat 1200 cal. per day and still loosing, so I think you can add some calories to your diet. Also your diet is not bad for 1 day but you can't eat the same every day, you need to change it every…
  • When you sleep your body burns calories much slower than when you' re doing anything else. Also it' s not healthy to go to sleep with a full stomach... that's why every expert says that you should eat 3 hours before you go to sleep. If you want to sleep during the day it's ok, but try not to do it after your meal. If you…