
  • This time around I have been giving myself a lot more freedom when it comes to letting loose. I let myself have drinks on golf night, volleyball night and hockey night. I do work a rotating shift and can only drink on the nights I don't work, so it is not like it is 3 times a week everyweek. I also have been giving myself…
  • I have been doing the max insanity workouts instead of plyo and this week I went back to plyox. I was shocked how hard rock star hops were, but the rest seemed lame compared to the max plyo. For those looking for a mix give the insanity workouts a try. I didnt care for the program as a whole, but they fit nicely in with…
  • It has been a few days since I have checked in. I am much better at checking in when I am working and I had 6 days off. I have still been pressing play and yesterday was day 1 of week 2 of phase #2. I was pretty shocked how sore my biceps and forearms got from week 1 of phase 2. I love that feeling tho. Nice to see how…
  • I am sure wiped out from chest, shoulder and triceps/ab ripper. I feel like I will be sore for a few days. My wife and I have had different schedules and she is the one that has been doing my measurements, I will get them tonight and post. Don't think I have the guts to post my photos. Keep pushing play!
  • Good for you! you look great, I wish I had taken photos like that to look as great as those. Nice work! I had golf tonight and had to much to drink I had to be picked up. Man, I hope stilll goes as planned. I dont reget the beers but I wish they didnt do this to me.
  • Last day of first recovery week.. So, week 4. Looking forward to getting back to it tomorrow.
  • Wow, some impressive numbers everyone. My rest day today and I will measure tomorrow to see where I stand (photos maybe :(). I have played 27 holes of golf so far today and have walked 10.8 miles. I still have mens league tonight another 4-5. Not a bad day off I guess. Keep it up all!
  • Did core syn today and ended up with a couple rug burns on my knees from the plank/chatarunga run, my hips are not that flexible to get them out wide enough when in chatarunga. Looking forward to getting back to phase 2. Back and biceps is one of my favs! I also am not sticking to the p90x food portion guide, but still…
  • Good thing I only had the stretch today, because we ended up going to the bar after work this morning for 4 tall beers and an all meat skillet. I woke up a little unmotivated to say the least. Got it done and back at it again tomorrow. Hope work goes by quickly tonight!
  • I cut up asiago cheese and spinach chicken sausages and add them to my 2 eggs and 2egg whites along with cut up red and bell pepers and 1/4 cup shreded cheese. very good! Yes it is chicken but you would never guess. I like to grill mine on the grill and cut them up.
  • I love Chicken sausages, homemade jerkey and homemade dried fruit
  • day 3 of my recovery week (kempo) in the books! My hamstrings are a little tight after kempo and now I get to sit in a car all night at work. A little stretching will be a good thing tomorrow.
  • Call me crazy but I have a "reload" day where I will eat 5000-8000 calories. It has not hindered my results, as long as I'm working out!
  • Screwed up and did core syn yesterday when I was supposed to do yoga......Oh, well! I did yoga today and it went well. I forget how much I like core syn, it is one of my top workouts. Those dreya rolls come with time..... Stick with it and once you get the form down they are not that bad. I think they are more form then…
  • I have done the x several times.. i usually just do the first 45 min until the balance postures start. I then skip to yoga belly 7 (cant miss the ab work) it takes about a half hr off the dvd, making it much shorter. I have also thought about doing the max recovery dvd from insanity, it is only 47min long and is similar to…
  • Got my legs and back workout in on 3 hrs of sleep before heading off to Easter sunday get together yesterday. Good day today. Just got done with kempo and am now off to golf a round and a double header of sand volleyball tonight. I can smell the fat burning away. It was nice to hear the wife say she could see my abs again…
  • Yoga went well today. It really is a nice mix up in the middle of the week! shoulders and arms yesterday. Very happy that I was able to do all the ab ripper with the extra mason twists, starting to feel good at that again. Lovin life and pressing play :happy:
  • I would not be honest if I said I followed the diet to a T every round. I lasted about a year with the diet and then gave into some of my wants.. I also stopped doing the x for about 3 months last fall. I do a lot of upland hunting and I am out of town for about a month and a half hunting. I put on 15 lbs in that 3 months,…
  • Week 3 started with chest/back, I was proud how well I improved since last week! Today I did max plyo interval from insanity to mix my cardio up. It went well and I feel greeeat so far! As far as what to do when you are done doing the 90days... Well, after my first 90 days I went from 226 lbs down to 180.. I lost 46 lbs…
  • ok, that makes sense. I just find it hard to believe that, I don't feel too tired after and i usually have worked out before golfing. I am 6ft and about 185. Also, I use a push cart and do not carry. Thanks
    in Golf Comment by LOVINLIFEGUY April 2011
  • When I was working days I would workout around 8pm and after eatting my last meal. I use accelerade during and after my workout to refuel. It is good and has the perfect carb to protein ratio. I will also take a protein shake b4 bed, that is about 2 hrs after my workout.
  • Kempo done! Week two in the books after a little stretch tomorrow. My hammys seem to be a little tight after kempo.
  • Been sticking with it the last few days and heading down to do kempo right now. Things have been going well! Getting stronger and feeling better:smile:
  • Week 2 plyo done! as far as yoga, i do mix it up a bit. I do the first 50 min until it gets to the balance postures (no thanks) I then fast forward until yoga belly 7. it takes about 20 min off and it helps. In the past it didnt seem to effect my results at all.
  • week 2 day 1, chest and back is done! This workout along with back and biceps are the two I look forward to the most. Now at work and I can feel the pain in my abs from ab ripper. love it!
  • I finished week one of the classic today with kempo. Looking forward to week 2. Finished insanity a couple weeks ago and I am very excited to get some muscle tone back. I love p90x. I think this will be my 11th round! Lets do this!
  • Today is my final fit test for insanity and I will be done. I did p90x for nealry 2 years until this fall and decided to go to insanity for a mix and to hope to maybe get a little leaner. Insanity is a great workout, but p90x is a full body workout. I lost a little strength with insanity and to be honest just didn't look…
  • I use accelerade in the fruit punch flavor. it has the 4:1 ratio and is very tasty. Works great for me since I work out at night right now and after I eat my last meal..
  • Thanks, I think I will give it a shot
  • We found out my 4 yearl daughter has celiac in march. It is difficult at first but is much better now. I am short on time right now, but even if you are not getting symptoms or pain from eatting glutten, it is still doing damage to the intestine and that is what causes all the health problems. We were told as little…