p90x - Round 1 beginners



  • halphord
    halphord Posts: 379 Member
    Im doing P90X lean program. I'm on day 9 now. Love it!
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Oh, before I forget...I know I should be using some kind of recovery drink, but I really hate creamsicle/orange flavored anything and can't bring myself to buy the BB one. Any other suggestions?

    I use Dark Matter fruit punch. I think it tastes pretty good!
  • kamikazikelli
    kamikazikelli Posts: 23 Member
    I am starting this week. Today was Day one. Mondays are my off days.
  • Amairee
    Amairee Posts: 71 Member
    Week 1 Day 5:

    Bit of a later reply here, but I did my workouts earlier. First time doing the Legs and Back routines and I really liked it, although my legs still kill hours later haha. Really hated/loved those tippy toe lunges and the wall presses, they certainly do a number on you. :)

    Also did Ab Ripper of course, still going well. Hope everyone else's workouts went great!
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    I thought today was my Yoga day, so I got up at 4:50am, only to find out it was Shoulders n Arms. Now I have all this extra time I coulda been sleeping! lol. I guess I could get on my bike, but my legs are pretty much spent from last nights Plyo workout.
  • Amairee
    Amairee Posts: 71 Member
    Week 1 Day 6:

    First day of Kenpo X and I LOVE IT! That's a really amazing style of cardio that's incredibly enjoyable and so much fun. My dog even managed to enter into the room and hop along with me haha. And thus tomorrow is my rest day, although I'll be trying the Stretch X, but my first week of P90X is almost completed and I'm more than excited to keep at it!

    How's everyone else's workout gone?
  • dukwia
    dukwia Posts: 4
    Just started P90X Lean and today is day6 of week 1>>Kenpo X.

    Fav workout so far is Yoga X as a beginner and very unflexible person it's almost impossible for me to do most of the moves correctly but when i finished the dvd i was surprised at how good i felt.
    i enjoy reading all the encouraging post. It does make it easier for me to stay modivated
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Week 3 Day 1 completed yesterday. On to plyo tonight. Ready for a killer calorie burner.

    Anyone noticing some good results?
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Legs and Back and Ab Ripper tonight for me, I have tomorrow off from work so I am going to try to do Kenpo in the morning which is different for me. Will be interesting to see what it does for my energy for the remainder of the day.

    Yoga last night wasn't bad, I really wish the first section was 15 minute shorter, so repetitve, but I still stuck with it. I love the last 45 minutes. I was surprised at my cal burn,643 calories, but it might be right, I sweat more this time than the first two times. I could almost do the Wheel! I could do the move but not arch myself as much as they all do. That's big progress for me.

    Overall, after nearly 3 weeks of doing the exercises and diet I've noticed it a lot of difference in my body. My belly fat has noticeably shrunk (the wife even asked if I was sucking in when I flexed for her and I wasn't, so I'll take that as a compliment!), my sides have really tightened up around the rib area and I can see and feel the muscle development there. My shoulders and arms have always been somewhat developed form weight lifting off and on before but I can see a difference there too. I'm also noticing much better flexibility in my streches and yoga. It's still early in the program but seeing this much change already is extremely encouraging. I'm excited to see the 30 day comparison photos.

    Keep pushing play!!
  • Amairee
    Amairee Posts: 71 Member
    Week 1 Day 7:

    Last day of the week, so I did Stretch X for the first time today. I liked it, it really worked the kinks out of my body from the weeks worth of exercise. I especially liked the bow move, that was just an amazing all over stretch for me.

    I'll probably do some light cardio later, but an hour long stretch session has really got me feeling good lol. :)
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member

    Overall, after nearly 3 weeks of doing the exercises and diet I've noticed it a lot of difference in my body. My belly fat has noticeably shrunk (the wife even asked if I was sucking in when I flexed for her and I wasn't, so I'll take that as a compliment!), my sides have really tightened up around the rib area and I can see and feel the muscle development there. My shoulders and arms have always been somewhat developed form weight lifting off and on before but I can see a difference there too. I'm also noticing much better flexibility in my streches and yoga. It's still early in the program but seeing this much change already is extremely encouraging. I'm excited to see the 30 day comparison photos.

    Keep pushing play!!

    I noticed some of this as well. Body lines appearing in places there wasn't any. My body overall just feels different. More energy and not as weak or bogged down. Hard to explain. The scale says i've lost almost 5 pounds since starting p90x. My wife poked me in my stomach area while walking by and went "Oh! I'm definitely doing Ab Ripper X over the summer." Still get that beer belly fat over it but my stomach definitely feels tighter. My measurements says I've lost an inch around my waist measuring at my belly button each time for reference. And I feel like my lats "believe that's the correct muscle" are building the fastest. That also might be cause I just did week 3 day 1 (chest and back?) last night.

    I have a feeling I'm going to regret not taking the day 1 photos.

    Edit: On a side note, how great would it be if beer was considered healthy food and helped with losing weight or building muscle?
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    After 90 days, do you start over or do a maintenance routine?
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    After 90 days, do you start over or do a maintenance routine?

    Not sure yet. Haven't completed first 90 days. I think what you want will determine the answer though. Personally, I'm over weight. I was dumb and let myself go. So I'm trying to lower my body fat %. Once it's down to an acceptable level, I might try to put on some muscle or maintain what I got depending on if I like what I see or not. If my body fat % isn't down to an acceptable level after the first 90 days, I might add another 30 days to the P90X and see where my % is then.
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    After 90 days, do you start over or do a maintenance routine?

    Yeah, it depends on you. I really can't say at this point either what I'll do. I'll evaluate as I get to the end of the 90 days. My thought right now is trying a P90X/Insanity hybrid or go right into Insanity. Not sure yet!
  • Week 3 started with chest/back, I was proud how well I improved since last week! Today I did max plyo interval from insanity to mix my cardio up. It went well and I feel greeeat so far!

    As far as what to do when you are done doing the 90days... Well, after my first 90 days I went from 226 lbs down to 180.. I lost 46 lbs and was in the best shape of my life. I was so happy with the results that I just started from day 1 and did it again, I even followed the diet the same way for every month. I did that for a couple years and I liked the results.

    In Jan I did insanity for the first time and even though I had a few pounds to lose from the holidays, I did not like all the cardio and I lost some strength. Now Im back here doing p90x and loving it again. I do plan on switching every other week from plyo to max plyo.. just to keep it fresh.

    I just love the p90x workouts
  • Vibette
    Vibette Posts: 9
    Hey Gals & Guys....

    I just started the Lean Version.... a few days into Week 1.

    Feel free to add me if you want -- I'm not around the forums all that much!
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    As far as what to do when you are done doing the 90days... Well, after my first 90 days I went from 226 lbs down to 180.. I lost 46 lbs and was in the best shape of my life. I was so happy with the results that I just started from day 1 and did it again, I even followed the diet the same way for every month. I did that for a couple years and I liked the results.

    In Jan I did insanity for the first time and even though I had a few pounds to lose from the holidays, I did not like all the cardio and I lost some strength. Now Im back here doing p90x and loving it again. I do plan on switching every other week from plyo to max plyo.. just to keep it fresh.

    I just love the p90x workouts

    Wow, I'm not so sure I could do P90X for years, that takes some committment, you probably had the dvds memorized by then!
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Yeah, it depends on you. I really can't say at this point either what I'll do. I'll evaluate as I get to the end of the 90 days. My thought right now is trying a P90X/Insanity hybrid or go right into Insanity. Not sure yet!

    I'll be doing this too. Insanity or the hybrid. :-D Can't wait!!! Do you have Insanity? I wanna try to do the fit test this weekend.
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Another day done. Tough work out today. My wife and child passed on their illness to me. Still pushing play though.
  • Amairee
    Amairee Posts: 71 Member
    Week 2 Day 1:

    Start of week two! Great Chest and Back workout, followed by Ab Ripper X and Cardio X. Trying to burn a lot these next few days to make up for what I know will be an indulgence come Easter dinner haha.

    Had to make cheesecake today for said dinner (my all time favourite sweet) and managed to not eat a single piece as of yet. Go me! Lol
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