p90x - Round 1 beginners



  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Week 2 day 1 DONE! I'm not quite as sore as I was the first day.
  • Finished week 1 today with Kenpo, which was quite enjoyable. Had my off day yesterday and did my stretch along with walking 9 holes of golf which was around 3 miles with a bag on my back.

    bring it week 2!
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    I got the push up stands yesterday, and it makes a huge difference on my push ups (it was harder with the bars than without)... I still do modified, hoping to do regular ones in a few weeks :)
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Finished Kenpo. Loved it. Also got my HRM today. Said I burnt 883 calories doing it. Makes me wonder if I might of way undercut myself for calories burnt during plyo with saying 600.

    For those that have a HRM, do you stop the training recording before cool down or when your heart is back down to normal? I waited till my heart was back down to normal to stop it and I kind of feel like it effected my average heart rate. While exercising it seemed to be steady between 165-175 with the max being 185 according to the HRM. But since I waited till my heart rate was below 100 to turn off the exercise tracking, my average dropped to 150. But I guess the calories burn would be more accurate waiting till heart rate is below 100. What do you think?
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Finished Kenpo. Loved it. Also got my HRM today. Said I burnt 883 calories doing it. Makes me wonder if I might of way undercut myself for calories burnt during plyo with saying 600.

    For those that have a HRM, do you stop the training recording before cool down or when your heart is back down to normal? I waited till my heart was back down to normal to stop it and I kind of feel like it effected my average heart rate. While exercising it seemed to be steady between 165-175 with the max being 185 according to the HRM. But since I waited till my heart rate was below 100 to turn off the exercise tracking, my average dropped to 150. But I guess the calories burn would be more accurate waiting till heart rate is below 100. What do you think?

    WOW!! 883? I Just finished plyo and burned 450. Really wanted over 500 and pushed hard but didn't get there. I wait until i'm out of the zone before stopping my HRM.

    LOVE kenpo as well, it's a fun work out!
  • mrk1day
    mrk1day Posts: 54 Member
    Week 2 day 1 of lean - man i love dripping in sweat after the Tony Horton workouts!
  • mrk1day
    mrk1day Posts: 54 Member
    And please friend me because this is my second attempt - I am awful at quitting because of my school schedule!
  • Jbluver
    Jbluver Posts: 9
    Just finished day 2 of p90x. Any others out there who are just starting? Check in here for questions, answers, and support.

    I just ordered it a day or 2 ago, can't WAIT to get started! :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Quitting is not allowed!! :)
    I am in recovery week for Phase 1 but I had to modify the heck out of it because my race is in 5 moredays ...

    I did post some 30 days pictures though ... if anyone wants to see (warning fat girl in sports bra)

  • OhSnaps
    OhSnaps Posts: 25
    Quick question to my fellow P90X 'ers. I've incorporated the P90X cardio exercises into my weight lifting program since running is just way too boring for me, and was wondering how you chart down the cardio done on this sites workout charts.

    By the way, I can't wait for Plyo tomorrow!
  • I finished week one of the classic today with kempo. Looking forward to week 2. Finished insanity a couple weeks ago and I am very excited to get some muscle tone back. I love p90x. I think this will be my 11th round!

    Lets do this!
  • Did the yoga this afternoon. I found it kinda boring, maybe I'll like it better next week. What do you all think of the yoga x? Those with HRM, how many calories are you burning?

    I dont' like the Yoga either. It's way to long. I'm going to start sustituting with another Yoga. Either Jillian Michaels Meltdown or Biggest Loser Yoga.
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    What is p90x????
  • LeAnn_Mae
    LeAnn_Mae Posts: 263 Member
    Doing Day 2 today (Classic)
  • And please friend me because this is my second attempt - I am awful at quitting because of my school schedule!

    stay with it this time!

    started week 2 today...feels good but tired. did a "double" yesterday with kenpo in the morning and an hour racquetball match in the evening. according to my herar rate monitor, i have burned about 4000 calories in the last 24 hours.
  • What is p90x????

    fitness/ nutirition program. check out the website for more info.


    join us...
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Quick question to my fellow P90X 'ers. I've incorporated the P90X cardio exercises into my weight lifting program since running is just way too boring for me, and was wondering how you chart down the cardio done on this sites workout charts.

    By the way, I can't wait for Plyo tomorrow!

    You mean for logging it on mfp and calories burnt? I just created my own exercise and put in between 500 and 600 when I was guessing. I believe Tony on one of the DVD's says around 500 calories burnt is normal for p90x.
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Finished Kenpo. Loved it. Also got my HRM today. Said I burnt 883 calories doing it. Makes me wonder if I might of way undercut myself for calories burnt during plyo with saying 600.

    For those that have a HRM, do you stop the training recording before cool down or when your heart is back down to normal? I waited till my heart was back down to normal to stop it and I kind of feel like it effected my average heart rate. While exercising it seemed to be steady between 165-175 with the max being 185 according to the HRM. But since I waited till my heart rate was below 100 to turn off the exercise tracking, my average dropped to 150. But I guess the calories burn would be more accurate waiting till heart rate is below 100. What do you think?

    WOW!! 883? I Just finished plyo and burned 450. Really wanted over 500 and pushed hard but didn't get there. I wait until i'm out of the zone before stopping my HRM.

    LOVE kenpo as well, it's a fun work out!

    Thanks for the info. I was thinking about it a little more and it doesn't really matter if it effects my average heart rate. If I'm checking my heart rate during every mini break between exercises, I know if I'm dogging it or not anyways. So the main thing would be knowing when I should turn it off for the most accurate calorie burnt number.

    And congrats on making your Feb and March goals!
  • Just finished day 2 of p90x. Any others out there who are just starting? Check in here for questions, answers, and support.

    I just ordered it a day or 2 ago, can't WAIT to get started! :)

    great - join us when you start!
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Day 10 in the books. I'm amazed at my improvements just in one week. I lifted weights before, not a lot, but enough where my arms are toned, so that has helped. But, comparing week 1 to week 2 so far, I upped the weight on each side by 2.5 lbs and still did the same # of reps. I also don't wear out as quick.

    Ab Ripper is still tough for me, I hate the bicycle and reverse, I can do about half of each. I can do them all, but just not the amount they do on the DVD, they are tough. If they are doing 349, I'm probably doing 250 at best.

    I also started a recovery drink (Dark Matter) over the weekend and that seems to have helped, my body isn't sore really much at all.

    Down 3 lbs as of this morning. Having an impossible time trying to consume even 1800 calories a day but getting close to the 50/30/20 p/c/f ratio. Love my healthier eating habits and haven't had much in the way of cravings. The temptations over the weekend were there, lots of good beer, cookies, and pizza. And none of interested me. Sticking to my goals, no matter what. Well, I hope!

    Keep with it all!!
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