p90x - Round 1 beginners



  • As far as what to do when you are done doing the 90days... Well, after my first 90 days I went from 226 lbs down to 180.. I lost 46 lbs and was in the best shape of my life. I was so happy with the results that I just started from day 1 and did it again, I even followed the diet the same way for every month. I did that for a couple years and I liked the results.

    In Jan I did insanity for the first time and even though I had a few pounds to lose from the holidays, I did not like all the cardio and I lost some strength. Now Im back here doing p90x and loving it again. I do plan on switching every other week from plyo to max plyo.. just to keep it fresh.

    I just love the p90x workouts

    Wow, I'm not so sure I could do P90X for years, that takes some committment, you probably had the dvds memorized by then!

    I would not be honest if I said I followed the diet to a T every round. I lasted about a year with the diet and then gave into some of my wants.. I also stopped doing the x for about 3 months last fall. I do a lot of upland hunting and I am out of town for about a month and a half hunting. I put on 15 lbs in that 3 months, so I gave insanity a try. I lost the lbs, but I just didnt care for it.

    I have several guys I work with that have been doing it as long as I have..... Yes, we can pretty much go back and fourth saying a whole dvd. We call them Tonyisms.
  • I started on Tuesday(4/19) with Plyo and I finished legs and back yesterday (4/23) it all seem great so far. I just hope I could be like my 9yr old daughter she does ab ripper when she gets home from school then plyo and ab ripper after she takes a nap and home work "she's a beast" I don't let her do any of the strength training but she loves everything else.
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    I started on Tuesday(4/19) with Plyo and I finished legs and back yesterday (4/23) it all seem great so far. I just hope I could be like my 9yr old daughter she does ab ripper when she gets home from school then plyo and ab ripper after she takes a nap and home work "she's a beast" I don't let her do any of the strength training but she loves everything else.

    Kids just have way too much energy! I'm certain my son burns off anything he eats because he never sits still. I always tell him I'm jealous of his abs, haha, he's only six.
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    3 weeks down, 10 to go. Love to see the changes in my body so far, love the extra energy I have, eating better, feeling better. 30 day mark is just around the corner. Woo-hoo! Keep it going everyone!
  • Yoga went well today. It really is a nice mix up in the middle of the week! shoulders and arms yesterday. Very happy that I was able to do all the ab ripper with the extra mason twists, starting to feel good at that again.

    Lovin life and pressing play :happy:
  • Amairee
    Amairee Posts: 71 Member
    Week 2 Day 2:

    Amazing Plyo workout, didn't have to pause once and was able to do just about everything at tempo with the rest of them. Still find those high knee jumps and rock star jumps difficult, typically have to rely on my arms to get the height I need, but I'm improving! Definitely the most kick-butt workout of them all thus far, but I love it for how many calories it burns and for how great I feel once I finish.

    Glad to see people here posting about the results they are getting, or have gotten, with P90X. It's really a great motivator to hear that other people are achieving their goals and really loving the program. Thanks for sharing everyone! =)
  • 3 weeks down, 10 to go. Love to see the changes in my body so far, love the extra energy I have, eating better, feeling better. 30 day mark is just around the corner. Woo-hoo! Keep it going everyone!

    same here - just finished week 3 and enjoying the program. down over 10 lbs so far and hoping to drop 30 by the end of 90 days.

    bring it everyone!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Week 2 Day 1 in the bag! Had a really great Chest/Back workout...now that I have the pull-up bar to use, I feel like I'm going to get a lot more out of it. Also got in the AbRipper X..that's brutal, but I just did what I could and took the breaks. Eventually it will get easier. I hope. :laugh:

    I was able to find a recovery drink that isn't orange flavored, so I'm set on that front too. Good times.

    Happy Easter to those who celebrate, and a great Sunday to all! Keep pushing play!
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    Today is Day 30 for me! Although I missed my workout yesterday, so today I have to do arms, and plyo. Do any of you do that? Double up on workouts when you miss a day? Do you think it makes a difference in the long run?
  • Today is Day 30 for me! Although I missed my workout yesterday, so today I have to do arms, and plyo. Do any of you do that? Double up on workouts when you miss a day? Do you think it makes a difference in the long run?

    yes, sometime life gets in the way and you have to be flexible. i haven't doubled up any workouts yet as i've been luck enough to do this in the morning before my day gets away from me. i doubit it matters in the end for you...the important thing is staying on plan and not letting missing a day throw you off track. sounds like a brutal "doubles" workout for you... :)
  • Got my legs and back workout in on 3 hrs of sleep before heading off to Easter sunday get together yesterday. Good day today. Just got done with kempo and am now off to golf a round and a double header of sand volleyball tonight. I can smell the fat burning away.

    It was nice to hear the wife say she could see my abs again last night, even after the easter meal:laugh:

    It's a start!
  • TanicaShante
    TanicaShante Posts: 27 Member
    I'm not using P90, but I'm about to begin Tony's 10 Minute Trainer and I would love to be a part of this challenge!!!! :)
  • alonnadodd
    alonnadodd Posts: 66 Member
    Did the yoga this afternoon. I found it kinda boring, maybe I'll like it better next week. What do you all think of the yoga x? Those with HRM, how many calories are you burning?

    I only did 32mins and I burned 126 cals.

    Hey I'd love to join you in this convo! I started week 2 of Lean today. Did Yoga for the first time on Thursday last week and can't remember the exact number off hand but it was over 400. It was a killer. I wanted to punch Tony in the face partly out of boredom and partly out of frustration at my inability! In the end I was so glad I finished it and am (amazed to say) kind of looking forward to this week!
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm not using P90, but I'm about to begin Tony's 10 Minute Trainer and I would love to be a part of this challenge!!!! :)

    Cool, I'd love to hear more about that program, let us know how that goes.
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Hey I'd love to join you in this convo! I started week 2 of Lean today. Did Yoga for the first time on Thursday last week and can't remember the exact number off hand but it was over 400. It was a killer. I wanted to punch Tony in the face partly out of boredom and partly out of frustration at my inability! In the end I was so glad I finished it and am (amazed to say) kind of looking forward to this week!

    Haha, this is a pretty common reaction, I think most of the feedback on Yoga X is negative. But I'm like you, once it is over I feel good that I did it. But it's not going to stop me from *****ing and complaining every time I do it! That girl on the video is like Gumby.
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Today is Day 30 for me! Although I missed my workout yesterday, so today I have to do arms, and plyo. Do any of you do that? Double up on workouts when you miss a day? Do you think it makes a difference in the long run?

    Oh my goodness! I doubled up yesterday (legs/back and chest/back) and I am HURTING today! LOL. Today will be even worse because I have to double up again with kenpo and plyo. I'm tired just thinking about it! But after today I'll be back on schedule. I had such a busy week last week plus I was sick and just couldn't get Thurs and Fri workouts in.
  • bobbijo72
    bobbijo72 Posts: 63
    I'm not using P90, but I'm about to begin Tony's 10 Minute Trainer and I would love to be a part of this challenge!!!! :)

    i also have 10 minute trainer as well as p90 i thnk though i was supposed to start p90 today i will do 10 minute instead.. good luck
  • karmagl81
    karmagl81 Posts: 8 Member
    Tonight will be my husband and I 's firs night of p90x. I did insanity for 3 and a half weeks and everyone doing it with me quit and then the owner of the videos needed them back, so I didn't get to finish :( . I bought p90x so this won't happen again. I think my biggest fear is that my husband will quit, I hope not. I am really dreading Yoga, I love high impact and even the short stretches test my patience so I know I will struggle.
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    Hey everyone! I've been a MIA for a few days, but I'm back after a pretty bad weekend fitness/nutrition-wise. I didn't workout at all nor did I eat well! But I did Chest/Back and ARX when I got home from work and I feel great! Now to get to the grocery store for some recipe ingredients and to replace the snacks that I dog got into :grumble:

    Does anyone have a favorite recipe/meal from the nutrition guide? Any good substitutions?
  • calixt0
    calixt0 Posts: 10
    I've considered doing the p90x but am very intimidated!... I'm pretty weak and very heavy... Health is much better than it was at the beginning of the year but still horibly out of shape. been working out 4 or 5 days a week for 40 to 45 mins at a time. Is this something someone very heave and pretty weak could do? where do you all recommend someone start?
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