p90x - Round 1 beginners



  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    Alright! I gave in and went to the dang doctor today about my shoulder but all she had was good good news! She thinks I strained either a muscle or a ligament. While that's not fantastic, it's not something like a torn rotator cuff or a fractured clavicle. I am to baby it a little bit longer, ice it twice a day and take ibuprofen.
    So what do you think about going about the babying? I know when it comes to shoulders and arms I can just work out the right side for the next week or so. But what do you think about yoga / chest & back / core disks?
    I really want to still work out but don't want to make the shoulder worse. Any ideas would be appreciated!!!

    So glad it's nothing serious!! I would take it easy if I were you! My husband hurt his chest/back (not sure exactly) but he's been out of commission for about 3 weeks. I'd be really careful about the yoga, maybe do the second half of the dvd that doesn't have so much in planks and upward/downward dog. You don't want to push it and lengthen the time to heal! Keep us posted on how that shoulder does!!
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    gotta rest the shoulder a little, go to a PT get some ultrsound and ice it to decrease inflamation works like a charm :)
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Week 6 Day 1 done. Hard to believe it's going by so fast.

    Like I said in my comment on my page I guess it's called, Chest, Shoulders & Triceps seems more like strength training then calorie burning with weights like the first month. Seems like there is more down time waiting for Tony's kids to finish up 12 - 15 reps after I'm done doing my 8-10. My heart rate is not getting up as high as the first month during the non cardio days.
    I try to fit in some Jacks, skipping or some running in place if there is a large gap between that and the next exercise. You could always jump a chapter to the next exercise.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member

    I came across this. Kind of depressing, but it does make a little sense.

    Although I just started this on Mon, I might take this guy's advice and modify the program a bit.
    I kinda agree with the diet plan, but then the diet plan was written in 2003 I think so is a little out of date now with current thinking. I have modified the diet plan a fair amount as I wasn't happy following a very low carb diet and I like to keep my protein intake high. MFP is the perfect tool for helping shape your diet to what you actually need, I stick in what I'm planning on eating then add or remove things based on my total intake.

    The constant pushing of things like the Recovery Drink, Bars and Shakes is a bit annoying but then I don't begrudge Beachbody trying to make money, you don't need these things and if you want them then there are plenty of cheaper (and dare I say it, better) alternatives.

    The exercise is high impact, I don't think it tries to hide that at all, complaining about that is like complaining that a cheese sandwich contains cheese. Low impact exercise does nothing for me, I know for some people it works but then I'm guessing for that lucky group wouldn't be considering P90x in the first place unless they wanted to get ripped.

    The programme is about 7 years old now and things have moved on a bit but the programme works if you commit, there are more than enough forum posts & videos on the net to prove that it works.
  • It has been a few days since I have checked in. I am much better at checking in when I am working and I had 6 days off. I have still been pressing play and yesterday was day 1 of week 2 of phase #2. I was pretty shocked how sore my biceps and forearms got from week 1 of phase 2. I love that feeling tho. Nice to see how everyone is still sticking to it and showing some great results.

    A litle late but here are my #'s from the first 30 days. I did not do all the same ones as others. I didn't care about my legs and neck. Here it goes. I do have to say that I think my numbers are a little more drastic than i think they should be. I had just finished insanity and had not seen the results I had wanted and I think my body was in a transition period and really took off during my first 30 days of p90x. My wife did all measurments, I would have had no idea how to do it.

    I was 194 lbs on day one and day 30 I was 179 lbs
    Arms were 12 3/4 in and are now 13 1/4 in
    Chest was 41 1/2 in and now 39 in
    Abs/stomach was 42 1/2 in and now 39 in
    waist/hips was 39 1/2 in and now 37 3/4 in
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    mixing it up today going to do Insanity workout for my cardio, getting ready to feel like I am going to have a heart attack:tongue:
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Yep, I did it. I swigged on a glass of the ole gin ' n tonic. My first drink in about 40 days. I was going to have a glass of wine but I figured once I opened the bottle I'd have to finish it this week. I just wanted one drink. I used diet tonic, no cals there. It tasted really good and i don't regret it.

    You deserve it. For all the hardwork you've put into this. Good job!
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Im in my ninth week of P90X doubles. I figured I would check in here.

    I love this program. I am all about the effcicnciy of getting my whole workout done with no wasted time in an hour or 2 a day.

    the first 2-3 weeks were pretty brutal learning the moves, obviously i was a joke at yoga but it is def one of my favorites now.

    I also read tonys book recently and watched some of his seminars on youtube, he certainly knows what hes talking about and i can see all of these great changes already in my life. prior to starting I was 276lbs, could barely put on any of my clothes, i had been wearing 1 pair of 'fat jeans' for 6 months. my girlfriend even told me i don't snore anymore, and i haven't had heart burn since i started which was a common occurrence.

    ive lost about 35 lbs in the nine weeks so far and im told that the last phase is where it really starts to come off. This program is changing my life and i really think ill be able to stick with it for a long time. I plan on doing another round over the summer doing an insanity/p90x hybrid.

    the combination of p90x and MFP is probably saving my life.

    PS the hardest part is not drinking, i really could use a G+T

    Welcome! And good job on all that weight lost! Amazing.
    I am also doing Doubles, this is my 2nd week of Doubles and I'm loving it. I also plan to do an Insanity/P90X hybrid once I'm done and take a break! :-D
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    A litle late but here are my #'s from the first 30 days. I did not do all the same ones as others. I didn't care about my legs and neck. Here it goes. I do have to say that I think my numbers are a little more drastic than i think they should be. I had just finished insanity and had not seen the results I had wanted and I think my body was in a transition period and really took off during my first 30 days of p90x. My wife did all measurments, I would have had no idea how to do it.

    I was 194 lbs on day one and day 30 I was 179 lbs
    Arms were 12 3/4 in and are now 13 1/4 in
    Chest was 41 1/2 in and now 39 in
    Abs/stomach was 42 1/2 in and now 39 in
    waist/hips was 39 1/2 in and now 37 3/4 in

    Damn you guys losing more weight than us girls. lol
    Great results so far, keep it up! :-D
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    I think I may have said this already, but I officially love Yoga X. So weird to say that considering my low opinion of it the first few weeks. I don't even mind it's 90 minutes, I think it flies by. It's really two 45 segments, so I just look at the timer and think if I can get to the 45 minute mark, it's downhill from there. I'm glad I didn't replace it and do a cardio exercise instead. Now it's the only workout that still makes me a little sore the next day, I keep pushing my limits on it every week and I feel great afterwards. Okay, I also think the two girls in it are pretty hot, so that never hurts. :noway:
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    I think I may have said this already, but I officially love Yoga X. So weird to say that considering my low opinion of it the first few weeks. I don't even mind it's 90 minutes, I think it flies by. It's really two 45 segments, so I just look at the timer and think if I can get to the 45 minute mark, it's downhill from there. I'm glad I didn't replace it and do a cardio exercise instead. Now it's the only workout that still makes me a little sore the next day, I keep pushing my limits on it every week and I feel great afterwards. Okay, I also think the two girls in it are pretty hot, so that never hurts. :noway:


    I did Yoga for the first time this morning in 4 weeks! And I'm gonna have to agree with you. I actually loved it and I think I might do it on my off day! :-D
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    I think I may have said this already, but I officially love Yoga X. So weird to say that considering my low opinion of it the first few weeks. I don't even mind it's 90 minutes, I think it flies by. It's really two 45 segments, so I just look at the timer and think if I can get to the 45 minute mark, it's downhill from there. I'm glad I didn't replace it and do a cardio exercise instead. Now it's the only workout that still makes me a little sore the next day, I keep pushing my limits on it every week and I feel great afterwards. Okay, I also think the two girls in it are pretty hot, so that never hurts. :noway:

    I TOTALLY agree with you!! I really hated it the first couple weeks and now I love it! And I watch the timer the first 45 minutes too. I am incredibly sore today! But a good kinda sore! I really pushed this week and squeezed out and extra 50 cal over last weeks burn! YAY!
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    I think I may have said this already, but I officially love Yoga X. So weird to say that considering my low opinion of it the first few weeks. I don't even mind it's 90 minutes, I think it flies by. It's really two 45 segments, so I just look at the timer and think if I can get to the 45 minute mark, it's downhill from there. I'm glad I didn't replace it and do a cardio exercise instead. Now it's the only workout that still makes me a little sore the next day, I keep pushing my limits on it every week and I feel great afterwards. Okay, I also think the two girls in it are pretty hot, so that never hurts. :noway:

    I TOTALLY agree with you!! I really hated it the first couple weeks and now I love it! And I watch the timer the first 45 minutes too. I am incredibly sore today! But a good kinda sore! I really pushed this week and squeezed out and extra 50 cal over last weeks burn! YAY!

    Oh, and just to clarify, I'm agreeing with the loving of yogaX, not the hotness factor! Though some of the guys insome of the other workouts aren't bad... :blushing:
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    Today was the first time I was able to complete most of the exercises in ARX! I had to take a few breaks here and there and I can't do 25 just yet of some of the moves (like the cross-legged up and over thing and the weird v-up thing), but the whole 16 minutes felt a lot better this time around...still hard, but better lol :ohwell:

    I'm going to try and squeeze in Yoga X sometime today...I'm still on the fence about it. I like it, but I don't at the same time and I'm sure once I do it a few more times and improve, I'll look forward to it!

    Week 3 is almost over and I'm definitely feeling stronger :) Not too sure if I have any results with my measurements or weight (I don't own a scale...) but we'll see. I'll be taking Day 30 pictures and measurements anyways. And maybe I'll even post them! :blushing:

    Keep up the good work everyone! We're all doing such a great job! KPP!
  • LovelyTasha
    LovelyTasha Posts: 51
    Today was the first time I was able to complete most of the exercises in ARX! I had to take a few breaks here and there and I can't do 25 just yet of some of the moves (like the cross-legged up and over thing and the weird v-up thing), but the whole 16 minutes felt a lot better this time around...still hard, but better lol :ohwell:

    I'm going to try and squeeze in Yoga X sometime today...I'm still on the fence about it. I like it, but I don't at the same time and I'm sure once I do it a few more times and improve, I'll look forward to it!

    Week 3 is almost over and I'm definitely feeling stronger :) Not too sure if I have any results with my measurements or weight (I don't own a scale...) but we'll see. I'll be taking Day 30 pictures and measurements anyways. And maybe I'll even post them! :blushing:

    Keep up the good work everyone! We're all doing such a great job! KPP!

    I'm right there with ya. The other day was the first time I fully completed ARX as well!!! Way to go!! :-)
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Am I the only one who looks in the mirror, sucks in the tummy, flexes the arms and pretends he is a ripped machine of P90X glory? Perhaps I am, but a guy can dream, can't he? Someday, someday....
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Am I the only one who looks in the mirror, sucks in the tummy, flexes the arms and pretends he is a ripped machine of P90X glory? Perhaps I am, but a guy can dream, can't he? Someday, someday....

    I was just thinking today, I rub my bicep a lot at work. I hope they are growing. :happy:
  • markymark39
    markymark39 Posts: 60
    I am thinking doing Legs & Back /Abs today after doing Plyo yesterday was not a good idea. Legs are screaming!
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    I so look in the mirror and pretend I have muscles now! Someone told me yesterday ...hey your arms are looking good I cansee your tricep developing I was so excited :smile:
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    I am thinking doing Legs & Back /Abs today after doing Plyo yesterday was not a good idea. Legs are screaming!

    I'm glad you found that out for us. Not that I was ever considering doing that. I think my calves started to twitch while reading that. :smile:
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