p90x - Round 1 beginners



  • smurfguru
    smurfguru Posts: 15 Member
    Week 2 Day 7 for me. Stretch X tonight (luv the stretch DVD) and a jog.
    I rarely ever do nothing on a rest day. If nothing else I'll hit a jiu jitsu or muay thai class. I get bored and antsy without a daily physical outlet now.
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Were you able to do the Dreya roll with a twist? ;)

    LOL Yeah right, I was practially LOLing the entire time thinking they are nuts! But I did try! Gonna do it again tomorrow :)
  • smurfguru
    smurfguru Posts: 15 Member
    I miss doing the core workout. That was my favorite part of the lean routine. Looks like it's only used in the recovery week on the classic.
    I could never do the twist though. :-/
  • alonnadodd
    alonnadodd Posts: 66 Member
    That Dreya roll is killer! they make it look so easy! I can barely get to my fit let alone spin!
    Week 2 day 4 - Yoga. Ug. Made it through though. I actually found it slightly more difficult today then last week... weird.
    Legs and back tomorrow!!
    I've decided to switch from lean to classic. We'll see how it goes!
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Yoga today and dare I say it...I actually ENJOYED every looong 90 minutes of it! Didn't think I'd ever be able to say that about
    yoga x!!
  • My husband and I just bought the program;it should be here on Monday! I can't wait to get started! Good luck!
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Core Synergistics again tonight, I didn't get to it until after 9pm which is about 2 hrs later than I usually work out. I was tired and probably only gave it a 90% effort at best. I just wasn't feeling it tonight, had a hectic day at work and at home, one of those days I really could use a stiff drink (but I'm holding off on booze at least for 30 days, dangit!). I'm kind of bummed this workout is only used 4 times in 90 days? Really is that right? I might swap it out somewhere down the line, maybe for Yoga a couple times.

    Glad to see everyone is still kicking some *kitten*. Good job everyone!
  • Screwed up and did core syn yesterday when I was supposed to do yoga......Oh, well! I did yoga today and it went well. I forget how much I like core syn, it is one of my top workouts.

    Those dreya rolls come with time..... Stick with it and once you get the form down they are not that bad. I think they are more form then strenght and just take a little time. I don't think I was able to do very many until my last recovery week in rd one.

    Nice to see everyone grinding it out and keeping in touch. NIce to to see how everyone is doing.

    Oh, my day 7 is a day off for me. Unless i am golfing, volleyball, hockey, broomball, softball or just playing around with the kids, it is a day off. I don't try to make a point to do anything special. I set it up so my day off falls on my golf league night. I work nights and it is just easier that way.

    Nice job all!
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Nearly half way through my first recovery week of classic, been working through the programme with my wife, really enjoying it so far.

    Anybody else made changes to the programme? I swapped all the yoga for core synergy, and will be swapping out all the cardio bar pylo from the second month on for intervals and total body from P90x plus.

    What supplements have people been using? I've been using power 90 whey protein, xtend, adam multi vitamins and recently started a course of malace fat burner.
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Screwed up and did core syn yesterday when I was supposed to do yoga......Oh, well! I did yoga today and it went well. I forget how much I like core syn, it is one of my top workouts.

    I messed up my week as well so I had to do some rearranging. Actually FORGOT that it was recovery week for the first couple days! I guess it just didn't seem like that much time had gone by yet!
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    First attempt at Core Synergistics tonight. Still pushing play. First 30 days almost done.
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    I've decided to switch from lean to classic. We'll see how it goes!

    And I've decided I'm going to try my best to switch from classic to doubles. Let's see what happens!
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Core Synergistics again tonight, I didn't get to it until after 9pm which is about 2 hrs later than I usually work out. I was tired and probably only gave it a 90% effort at best. I just wasn't feeling it tonight, had a hectic day at work and at home, one of those days I really could use a stiff drink (but I'm holding off on booze at least for 30 days, dangit!). I'm kind of bummed this workout is only used 4 times in 90 days? Really is that right? I might swap it out somewhere down the line, maybe for Yoga a couple times.

    Glad to see everyone is still kicking some *kitten*. Good job everyone!

    You sure burned a lot of calories for not feeling it! Good job :-D
  • smurfguru
    smurfguru Posts: 15 Member
    Chect & Back and Ab Ripper X tonight after work.
    Hate it when I have to be in to the theater early for work and don't get to work out first. :-/
  • Legs & Back with ab ripper X Complete!!! Burned 539 calories!!!!!! I am excited about that!!!! Hope everyone else has a great workout day!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Pushed through 1 hour of Yoga today ... totally psyched about that!
    Seeing ever so slight improvement!
  • BananaBee3
    BananaBee3 Posts: 224
    Yesterday I was able to fit in 50 min of YogaX which is the most I've done of the dvd! I'm pretty proud of myself actually for taking the initiative and working out at work even if I wasn't able to fit in the entire DVD. This afternoon I only had time to fit in 1/2 of the Legs/Back because of my plans tonight and my weekend off now turned into a working weekend :explode:

    Gonna bang out some Kenpo or Plyo tomorrow morning before work! I wonder if my neighbors below can hear me jumping around lol...I hope not, since I'm going to be jumping around at 630am on a Saturday! :laugh:

    Nutrition today is actually pretty good so far. I still have a lot of protein to take in and I'm trying to watch my sugar intake...I forget how much sugar fruit contains...only eating 1 serving a day is hard for me!
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    I liked Core Synergistics much better tonight, was able to push harder. I''m getting anxious about the 30 day results, I HOPE I see some changes!!!
  • day 3 of my recovery week (kempo) in the books! My hamstrings are a little tight after kempo and now I get to sit in a car all night at work. A little stretching will be a good thing tomorrow.
  • LadyBarb
    LadyBarb Posts: 116
    I'm starting in the morning day 1
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