p90x - Round 1 beginners



  • chelsiburnett
    chelsiburnett Posts: 317
    arms/shoulders/ab ripper X complete!!!! Man I can feel those abs burn!!!!! Great feeling!
  • MattODriscoll
    MattODriscoll Posts: 30 Member
    Did day 1 yesterday. Am doing it with my girlfriend who has different work patterns to me so we are doing night time workouts.

    Found the press-ups really hard and can certainly feel it today :)

    Bring on day 2
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Nice progress Chelios.

    Just did my first chest, shoulders, & triceps day. Felt like I was watching more before each exercises to see what I was supposed to be doing instead of just getting right into it. I'll be better prepared for next week.
  • Amairee
    Amairee Posts: 71 Member
    Week 3 Day 3:

    Did a good Shoulder and Arms workout today, although my strength still hasn't fully recovered. I think that tomorrow I will attempt to do the Yoga X again all the way through to see if I like it any better than previously.
  • jrivera721
    jrivera721 Posts: 9
    Started today and am somewhat discouraged, I tried to do the push ups the best that I could and couldn't even do one pullup. I could really use a p90x buddy to help me out
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Started today and am somewhat discouraged, I tried to do the push ups the best that I could and couldn't even do one pullup. I could really use a p90x buddy to help me out

    Modify, modify, modify! Use a chair for pullups. Use your knees for pushups. It'll come with time once you build up some strength. Don't worry what they are doing in the video. Stick with it, don't get discouraged, it'll get better, PROMISE!
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Started today and am somewhat discouraged, I tried to do the push ups the best that I could and couldn't even do one pullup. I could really use a p90x buddy to help me out

    Feel free to add me! I do most of my push-ups on my knees and I still can't do one pull-up. I use the bands in the door frame for my pull-ups. Modify what you have to and do the best you can!
  • B3Streeter
    B3Streeter Posts: 292 Member
    Just curious if you guys eat back your exercise calories? On Doubles days I burn over 1000 calories generally, and I try to eat them back, but I dont force myself if I am not hungry. I have a lot left over somedays. Just wanted your thoughts...
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Started today and am somewhat discouraged, I tried to do the push ups the best that I could and couldn't even do one pullup. I could really use a p90x buddy to help me out

    I'll admit it.

    When I started, more then half of the push ups I did were on my knees. Started up then went to my knees. Keep a good straight back while on the knees though. Don't have your knees right under your hips.

    And pull ups, I couldn't do a pull up or chin up when I started. Had to use the chair. I always was terrible with pull ups even when I was in shape. I can now do 2 without the chair then I use the chair for the rest. Almost on day 30.

    It will come.
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Just curious if you guys eat back your exercise calories? On Doubles days I burn over 1000 calories generally, and I try to eat them back, but I dont force myself if I am not hungry. I have a lot left over somedays. Just wanted your thoughts...

    Pretty much never. I know you are suppose to but I don't know how it is possible. I'd have no problem if I could just eat Pizza and hamburgers and fries, but I don't see how you can when you are trying to eat healthy and especially if you are eating less carbs. The calories just don't add up as fast. My daily goal is 1800 and I'm under that probably 90% of the time and I eat 5 meals a day. That's probably why, because I never let my hungrer appear, I'm proactive in that aspect. If I waited until I was hungry, I'd likely overeat. As long as I continue to lose weight I'm not going to worry about it. I'll readdress the issue if or when I plateau.
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Just curious if you guys eat back your exercise calories? On Doubles days I burn over 1000 calories generally, and I try to eat them back, but I dont force myself if I am not hungry. I have a lot left over somedays. Just wanted your thoughts...

    I took a peak at your diary today after I noticed you burned over 1200 calories and you're doing fine. You dont' have to eat them all back, but I do suggest having more protein shakes if you feel like it :-D.
    Keep it up! Doubles is hard and very time consuming! I can't finish everything.
  • chelsiburnett
    chelsiburnett Posts: 317
    Week 2 day 4----yoga is being skipped today..sorry just very busy and don't have the time!!! I will do it next week!!! Just thought I would keep myself accountable!
  • I am sure wiped out from chest, shoulder and triceps/ab ripper. I feel like I will be sore for a few days. My wife and I have had different schedules and she is the one that has been doing my measurements, I will get them tonight and post. Don't think I have the guts to post my photos.

    Keep pushing play!
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Week 2 day 4----yoga is being skipped today..sorry just very busy and don't have the time!!! I will do it next week!!! Just thought I would keep myself accountable!

    I'm having the same problem. Yoga is too time consuming!
  • smurfguru
    smurfguru Posts: 15 Member
    Was supposed to do yoga this morning and I tried and made it until the first plank and then i crumpled.
    I had jiu jitsu two nights in a row this week and hurt my left shoulder Tuesday night. Stupidly, I went ahead and went class last night as well. I'm not sure what I did to it, but it hurts and wouldn't support weight during yoga.
    It's not swollen or anything though. I'm gonna give it a day off and see what happens.
    So I'll be heading to the gym tonight to do some cardio and then do Stretch X when I get home.
  • ShrinkingNinja
    ShrinkingNinja Posts: 460 Member
    Got yoga tonight and honestly.... I am not looking forward to it based on what I have read about it and how boring it seemed on the Cardio X disk....

    Sigh. Would much rather supplement Plyometrics in for Yoga at this point and I haven't even seen it yet. LOL
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Got yoga tonight and honestly.... I am not looking forward to it based on what I have read about it and how boring it seemed on the Cardio X disk....

    Sigh. Would much rather supplement Plyometrics in for Yoga at this point and I haven't even seen it yet. LOL

    All I can say is give it a chance, took me 3 weeks before I didn't hate it, lol. Did it last night and really did enjoy it! It is a very good workout, long, but good.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Bah I just lost my first 30 day progress as I pressed the back button rather than the left arrow button on my keyboard by mistake. :(

    Ok, first 30 days up and I have to say I'm really happy I picked up P90x. If anybody looking to start it is worried about it being too hard then I'm proof even the most unfit can do it. Up to last October I was a shut in for the last 5 years or so as I worked at home 100% of the time and wouldn't leave the house except under duress due to nerves. Last October I got a new job that required me to be out of the house 3 days a week and since then I've been putting my life back to together.

    No pictures as I'm very self conscious of my body.

    Starting Weight: 109.6kg (241.6lbs)
    30 Day Weight: 104.4kg (230.1lbs)
    Lost: 5.2kg (11.5lbs)

    Starting Neck: 45cm (17.7")
    30 Day Neck: 39.5cm (15.5")
    Lost: 5.5cm (2.2")

    Starting Waist: 125cm
    30 Day Waist: 107cm
    Lost: 18cm (7")

    Starting Hips: 118cm (46.4")
    30 Day Hips: 104cm (40.9")
    Lost: 14cm (5.5")

    Total Lost: 37.5cm (14.7")

    Goals for next 30 days:
    Weight loss: 5kg
    Hip Lost: 12.7cm (5")

    That'll see me into 36" trousers and under 16 stone for the first time in five years. I have a ton of clothes from then that I want to wear for the summer!
  • janda060708
    janda060708 Posts: 23 Member
    I was wondering if I could get in on this topic. I've started P90X Lean a million times, but something always knocks me off my game. I would like to get back into it, but I'm looking for some motivation. Anyone out there?
  • alonnadodd
    alonnadodd Posts: 66 Member
    Started today and am somewhat discouraged, I tried to do the push ups the best that I could and couldn't even do one pullup. I could really use a p90x buddy to help me out

    Modify, modify, modify! Use a chair for pullups. Use your knees for pushups. It'll come with time once you build up some strength. Don't worry what they are doing in the video. Stick with it, don't get discouraged, it'll get better, PROMISE!

    Couldn't agree more!!! Like Tony says "Do your best, forget the rest!" Do as much as you can and just keep hangin on!
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