

  • Um, yes! The other day, I was craving a burger and after looking up 5 guys nutrition, I just bought the ingredients and made my own which was waaaaay healthier. Also, Cheesecake factory...I know its bad, so the past 2 times I've gone, I've just ordered the thai lettuce wraps as a meal (they are normally an appetizer to…
  • I'm totally going to sit near the fans now, thank you!
  • That is horrible! I'm surprised the gym does not revoke thier memberships.
  • I'm one of those no-panty lines people at the gym. If I go to spin class in anything but a thong, ill get road rash on my legs ouuuuch. My one annoyance at my gym so far is the lady that came into spin class late and even though there were at least 15 empty bikes, she sat directly in front of me. She preceded to fart the…
  • 1. Lentils! (I put them in alot of food, mostly red lentils. low cal, fiber, protein and filling!) 2. Homemade soups! great for the whole week. 3. fiber one bars. esp 90 calorie ones. Good if i need a snack, even right before the gym. 4-weight watchers dark chocolate raspberry bars...mmm 5. special k red berry cereal (well…
  • i think its only a difference of 120 calories a day. I currently way 138lbs and im 5'4. if i list sedentary as my actvitiy level my calories are just at 1200.
  • I would say yes exercise. Being skinny is great, but being healthy is even better. It will give you more energy IMO and may increase your appetite. If I were you, I'd try to eat breakfast (even somethig small). Your digestion system will be better off if its working constantly instead of at the end of the day when you eat…
  • yes! maybe i will do that instead. what a great idea. mmm
  • Wow, I am literally drooling at work haha. So many good ideas! I think I'm going to do the strawberry cake mix with diet lemon lime soda. I'm definitely going to use the muffin tin idea and make cupcakes so they will be better portioned. I'm bringing them to a dinner, so i will keep 2 at home for me and my boyfriend and…
  • Shovel!! =) It burns alot of calories! Or clean some cars off.
  • Wow! thanks for all the great ideas! I def love the idea of using some of the veggies that are in season. I'm going to make a couple soups this weekend and use the freezing idea too! BTW, I am from the US, not the UK =). Roasted veggies sounds absolutely delish as does the butternut squash soup mmm. Thanks again!
  • I've noticed that whe I get up earlier, it sometimes messes with my body's eating schedulle too. I'm wanting all of my other meals earlier than usual because breakfast was so early in the day. I'd suggest eating something nice and filling for breakfast (if your stomach can handle it), or maybe pack some healthy snacks for…
  • Yeah, I've definately been doing that.I've started taking the five floors of stairs up and down from work, so I'll just log it in every day. Thanks for the suggestion =)