More People Watching At The Gym



  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    24 hour fitness on sunset blvd.

    What brings you to Hollywood btw?

    Also Hi new friend!
    Getting married. Hubby-to-be needs to be there for his job so we are looking for places in the Hollywood neighborhood.

    I'm a former L.A. girl myself. :drinker:
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    What's wrong with the girls without panty lines?!? I think I'm proudly one of those, lol.
    I'm with you Carissa! I wondered the same thing. And now I wonder how many people have noticed that I DON'T have panty lines??!! I was trying to be LESS noticable! lol
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I live in a tiny town where the only gym belongs to the high school, so I walk. I am out sweating my butt off, huffing and puffing, and this lady stops to ask me what kind of dog I have. Then she asked me how far I was walking. I told her I'm trying to train for a 5k come April, and she says, well maybe I'll get my dog and my walker and go with you. I mean, really, I don't mind if she wants to walk with me, but I'm trying to really shave time off my walk...and she wants to bring a walker. But then again...its a tiny town, and how do you say no? LOL. Luckily, today she wasn't on her porch and i even got some jogging done.!
  • Aylilth
    Aylilth Posts: 125
    haha these are priceless and many of them at my gym too lol
  • kmalex
    kmalex Posts: 39 Member
    At my gym we have these two girls who show up, follow the trainers around at their sessions, and then do the same workout! Hello.... I PAY for these sessions! They make everyone mad. One of the managers last week even went up to them and said something like "If you are interested in personal training sessions I would be happy to talk with you about the cost. If not, then I think now would be a good time for you girls to go and do some cardio on the machines." They just told him they were enjoying their workout and would appreciate it if he left them alone. Seriously? The rest of us would appreciate it if you would stay away and leave us alone!
  • TimWeis75
    TimWeis75 Posts: 30
    I don't get why people do standing bicep curls with their lower backs and scream the whole time they do it. It's obviously too much weight and they're using momentum to lift it. There's no real training going on, just some ego stroking.

    Makes me want to go buy them a wheelchair, they're gonna need it while their back heals up.
  • Staceslim
    Staceslim Posts: 100 Member
    Well I won a membership to a gym from a social for my cousin. This will hopefully make you all laugh. I went to the gym to learn how to use the machines. I had the personal trainer teach me (he was a boyfriend of a friend). He taught me & instead of easing myself into working out I did what he recomended for reps the first day, of course the next day I could barely move so when I was at the gym I must have been a spectical & I don't remember if I actually used up the full benefit of the win. My cousin was pretty upset thinking that I could have seriously hurt myself, I recovered but don't really know if I ever retained any of the training he showed me.
    All these stories are so funny. The one where you closed your eyes & flew over the handle, must have been quite the ride. I think people watching would be so funny in a gym.
  • spaboleo
    spaboleo Posts: 172
    The guy who wears the same thing to the gym everyday because he doesn't lift hard enough to break a sweat. Same shirt, same shorts, EVERY DAY!

    Well, I do that too...
    It it absolutely okay if you wear your cloths twice to the gym...even if you are sweating.
    Of course a good overall hygenic bodystate is recommended!

    And even though it is possible to wash your cloths and get them dry till the next morning anyways.
    At my gym there's the guy who wears a bright red t-shirt, light grey shorts, banda on his head (biker style), and his mardi gras beads. WTF?! I seriously tried to nonchalantly follow him around and take a photo to post on my facebook but he moved around the machines too fast. LOL!

    beads? :laugh: seriously? hahaha...omg
    Don't get too close to this guy or he might start to "trade" his beads :wink:
    I don't get why people do standing bicep curls with their lower backs and scream the whole time they do it. It's obviously too much weight and they're using momentum to lift it. There's no real training going on, just some ego stroking.

    Makes me want to go buy them a wheelchair, they're gonna need it while their back heals up.

    Sooo true.
    Doing "dead lifts" is another good example for such failing behaviour...well, failure :wink:
    They didn't get the name by chance...

    What people must think about me:
    If I come alone to do some cardio-exercise I usually bring along a whole bunch of reading material (books, lecture notes, flashcards) and my phone with earbuds. I really look packed...I got to admit. :smile:
    I don't watch regular TV program...even not at the gym. I do watch some shows and series, but only on demand by streaming and without advertisements, so I need to keep myself busy at the gym with other things. That's why I try to learn a little on the stationary bike. :wink:
    Besides that I can't concentrate on the material with people chatting next to me, the sound the other cardio-machines make, the bad music coming from the studio's I tend to seal off with my on music :smile:

    I know it's a lot effort to set this all up to just cycle for half an may look very weird to others indeed :wink:
  • jessski
    jessski Posts: 24
    I love the guys that obviously have wayyyy too much weight and can barely lift it, and quit after two reps... There is also a larger woman who wears sunglasses and stops working out to sing and dance.with her ipod :) (like slow t) Hgroove dance) Hilarious it always distracts me.
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    The gym that I go to train at is specifically for sessions with the five trainers employed there. I've noticed a few of the times I've gone there were two women in their mid to late forties who share a trainer for one session. They are always wearing super tight workout gear, they are both fairly slim, they both have their hair down (who does then if you're coming to the gym to sweat your *kitten* off) and styled, with a full face of make-up and they complain about their workouts & flirt with their trainer the whole time. I call them the Cougar twins.
  • dwhitten07
    dwhitten07 Posts: 29 Member
    This is why I work out at home or around town and not in the gym, but I guess I am missing out on some things. I mean doesn't everyone what to hear guys make sex sounds or look at some skinny chick who is SLOWLY walking on the treadmill and obviously doesn't need to be there? jk

    but I do like going for the pool!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
  • Kamixa
    Kamixa Posts: 18
    At my gym we have these two girls who show up, follow the trainers around at their sessions, and then do the same workout! Hello.... I PAY for these sessions! They make everyone mad. One of the managers last week even went up to them and said something like "If you are interested in personal training sessions I would be happy to talk with you about the cost. If not, then I think now would be a good time for you girls to go and do some cardio on the machines." They just told him they were enjoying their workout and would appreciate it if he left them alone. Seriously? The rest of us would appreciate it if you would stay away and leave us alone!

    That is horrible! I'm surprised the gym does not revoke thier memberships.
  • barbacasec
    barbacasec Posts: 106
    I love the two ladies that stand on treadmills on either side of me because thats all thats left and then proceed to have conversation "through" me....arghh even with my headphones up loud all I can hear is them yap yap yapping!!
    or the one who smoke a cigarette as they are walking into the gym and then get on the treadmill... .and wonder why they cant breathe at a 3.2 walk....and good the smell is awful ughh talk about an ashtray!!
    and my favorite..... PLEASE PEOPLE USE DEODORANT !!! I love to get a great work out and am all for sweating it out but my god people - YES we can smell you !!!
  • Kamixa
    Kamixa Posts: 18

    My one annoyance at my gym so far is the lady that came into spin class late and even though there were at least 15 empty bikes, she sat directly in front of me. She preceded to fart the whole class leaving me gagging..come on now, couldn't you just sit somewhere else? or maybe stay home if your stomach is bothering you haha.

    I never know who has done it in my class. Every now and then this awful smell will pass by. I try and sit a little closer to the fans now so I don't have to smell it.

    I'm totally going to sit near the fans now, thank you!
  • rlampton
    rlampton Posts: 10
    The grumpy old man who walks the indoor track and uses his cane to swipe and poke at people who get in his way! It is hilarious...especially on homeschool day when all the local kids come for PhysEd and get in his way!
  • Ninerz113
    Ninerz113 Posts: 32 Member
    It drives me crazy when people leave spin class halfway through the workout! There's this one girl who ALWAYS leaves class way before it's over and then I see her running on the treadmill or the elliptical for the next hour! It really confuses me!
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    It drives me crazy when people leave spin class halfway through the workout! There's this one girl who ALWAYS leaves class way before it's over and then I see her running on the treadmill or the elliptical for the next hour! It really confuses me!

    If she always does this it's clearly part of a plan rather than her not being able to hack it.

    Maybe she is training for a duathlon or triathlon and needs to get used to brick training (doing one discipline straight after the other) and reducing transition time between the disiplines?

    I usually run out after spin and don't stretch etc because I don't want to cool down before my run when I brick train.

    Why does it bother you so much? It takes nothing away from you class and has nothing to do with you really?

    The only argument could be that she takes a bike that someone else could have used for the whole session, but if the class isn't full or there is a booking system for bikes then it shouldn't be a problem.
  • Ninerz113
    Ninerz113 Posts: 32 Member
    It drives me crazy when people leave spin class halfway through the workout! There's this one girl who ALWAYS leaves class way before it's over and then I see her running on the treadmill or the elliptical for the next hour! It really confuses me!

    Why does it bother you so much? It takes nothing away from you class and has nothing to do with you really?

    The only argument could be that she takes a bike that someone else could have used for the whole session, but if the class isn't full or there is a booking system for bikes then it shouldn't be a problem.

    This isn't the only person in class who leaves early. There's usually at least 3-5 people who leave early all the time. It bothers me because the class is ALWAYS full and it's hard to get a bike if you don't reserve early.

    And they don't leave before the stretch; they leave about a half hour into the hour long class.
  • roma2011
    roma2011 Posts: 33 Member
    The guy who pretends he's on a team and goes to the gym head to toe in their kit and "name drops" that he plays with them a few times, but you go out with someone who is REALLY on that team and know they have training at that very point in time 1.5 hours drive away.

    This guy was in my spin circuit class on Wednesday, I had a good giggle to myself about it.
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