More People Watching At The Gym



  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Drives me nuts when my lab jumps on my chest when I'm doing skull crushers.... or runs between my feet when I'm deadlifting.... or attacks the weight bag when I'm throwing some jabs.... or steals my shake..... or farts when I'm squatting.... or stands in front of the mirror when I'm admiring myself..... or eats my chalk.... or throws her food bowl at me.... or farts when I'm doing lunges.... or steals my towel... or farts when I'm doing hack squats....
  • Ninerz113
    Ninerz113 Posts: 32 Member
    What's wrong with the girls without panty lines?!? I think I'm proudly one of those, lol.

    Haha ME TOO!

    EDIT: I just thought of mine. The older man that showed up wearing ONLY compression boxer shorts - no workout shorts over them! My fiance wears the special compression/spandex boxers for working out and trust me, those are not meant to be worn by themselves! They are underwear. So hilarious!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Since the majority of my workout comes from atop a treadmill and I am usually there for 40-90 minutes, I have a lot of time to people watch. Some of my favorites include:

    The guy who gets on the treadmill to run at 10mph for no longer then 2 minutes.

    The guy next to me who sees me being a fat kid on the treadmill and tries to challenge and/or keep pace with me... not knowing I'm going on a 9 mile run.

    The girl who is grossed out because my shirt is DRENCHED in sweat and her makeup is still perfect.

    The guy who works out in Jeans and/or Boots!

    The guy who wears the same thing to the gym everyday because he doesn't lift hard enough to break a sweat. Same shirt, same shorts, EVERY DAY!

    There are plenty more, but I think these are my top 5!

    Ahhh I used to ALWAYS run on the treadmills (then I got a giant ball-of-energy dog and took to the streets) and this super skinny desperate housewives looking chick hops on next to me. I'm already about 10 minutes in and she starts jogging with me... after 20 minutes she throws off her headphones and goes "will you just stop already, there's NO WAY you can run this much" why? Cuz I'm not a size 2? Sorry lady... love challenging people's perceptions of me!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I wear boxer-brief type undies to avoid VPL in tight pants/shorts. :smile:

    My peeve is the people who crank the incline all the way up on the treadmill, then hold on to the top. Isn't that defeating the purpose of the incline? Wouldn't it make more sense to lower the incline to the point where you can walk without holding on for dear life?
  • Papaya81
    Papaya81 Posts: 90 Member
    This is a funny thread...haven't had the opportunity to read through it all yet, but I had to give a few of mine while I was thinking about it...

    1) At my old gym, I always ended up working out around the same time as this one guy and I noticed when I was swtiching up machines that he would wait about 3-5 minutes and switch to the same machine as me, just a few away. So it went like...treadmil, arc trainer, bike...and he was there alongside me the ENTIRE time....too bad he wasn't sexy.

    2) The hot trainer with the big ego who doesn't do anything ALL day long

    3) Note: I used to live by a private college and all the sorority girls would come looking like they were out of an 80's music video with their ponytails off to the side, cut-off shirts with bright colored sports bras and spandex. ANNOYING. its a gym...

    4) The older woman who didn't understand personal space and would manage to set her yoga mat down RIGHT next to yours in an empty room with tons and tons of space. So much for relaxing and doing some stretches...

    5) The older attractive man who always ran for like 1 hr straight...starting before you got there and not leaving til after you have left. ugh.

    My gym now is not as exciting because its at work, so most peopl are still on their best "work behavior"
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Some old men in dressing rooms have no discretion at all. That's probably what bothers me the most. Probably the worst I've seen is a guy who was standing next to the entrance of the locker room, facing the door, applying gold bond powder on his package. Are you freaking kidding me? You couldn't just turn around? I'm not saying you have to act like a middle schooler who takes a shower in his bathing suit, but for the love of God.

    I think a lot of women come to the gym dressing like they want to be stared at. I try my best to be all business when I go to a gym, but some women are totally distracting. I don't see why anybody (men and women) need to wear such tight stuff when they workout... especially a weight lifting workout or something like that. What's wrong with loose fitting gym shorts and a t-shirt?
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    At my gym, I don't understand what the point is of becoming completely topless in front of everyone when there are plenty of changing rooms, shower stalls, and bathroom stalls that nobody is ever in! One day, my partner and I walked in to a lady with her breasts hanging for everyone to see and she was literally 2 FEET from an emtpy changing room!!!!!! I should not have to be subjected to someone else's bare breasts and vagina with no bra and underwear on if changing rooms are open! If the bra and panties have to come off, please move to a changing room!
  • jesseBYAH
    jesseBYAH Posts: 446 Member
    These are all so funny! My gym is on campus so its mostly young adults with a few older students and professors mixed in. Our gym is brand-spankin-new this year (don't be jealous- I put up with a crappy university gym for 4 years before they finally completed it!) and all of the cardio machines have little tv's on them. I was on the elliptical one day and someone was watching a church/gospel public access show right next to me. Not that I have anything against that, it just struck me as an odd choice for working out! I did a double-take when I looked over at her tv, lol

    The free weights and benches are on the first floor of my gym, and at any given time, I would say that 20% of the people in there are working out on the machines while the other 80% are standing around, talking to each other or admiring thier own guns, etc. Silly meatheads :P

    As others have said, there are always a lot of young girls that dress to impress with tight clothes and full makeup. Just silly! Sometimes I come in at the end of the day with my makeup on but I sweat like crazy and let it get all nasty looking. The grosser I look at the end of a gym day, the better I feel about the workout I got! haha
  • DowntimeDesigns
    DowntimeDesigns Posts: 134 Member
    Ahhh I used to ALWAYS run on the treadmills (then I got a giant ball-of-energy dog and took to the streets) and this super skinny desperate housewives looking chick hops on next to me. I'm already about 10 minutes in and she starts jogging with me... after 20 minutes she throws off her headphones and goes "will you just stop already, there's NO WAY you can run this much" why? Cuz I'm not a size 2? Sorry lady... love challenging people's perceptions of me!

    Hahahahahaha, that story is priceless! I love surprising people with my runs...

    As soon as warm weather breaks, I'm taking my run to the streets as well! however at 26 degrees this morning, NO THANK YOU!
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    Ahhh I used to ALWAYS run on the treadmills (then I got a giant ball-of-energy dog and took to the streets) and this super skinny desperate housewives looking chick hops on next to me. I'm already about 10 minutes in and she starts jogging with me... after 20 minutes she throws off her headphones and goes "will you just stop already, there's NO WAY you can run this much" why? Cuz I'm not a size 2? Sorry lady... love challenging people's perceptions of me!

    Hahahahahaha, that story is priceless! I love surprising people with my runs...

    As soon as warm weather breaks, I'm taking my run to the streets as well! however at 26 degrees this morning, NO THANK YOU!

    My other option is to come home from work (mind you, home is a 900sq ft condo) and find a 70lb ball of energy followed by a 50lb ball of energy... so it's up at 4am to go run... I think my record was -12 lol
  • kbray003
    kbray003 Posts: 52
    The women in the locker room weird me out more than anything. I realize some people may be going to work/social after they workout, but that should only require a quick shower and blow dry right? Well, apparently not. The other day this lady was walking around in her robe cleaning out her ears with q-tips and I'm thinking "seriously?... at the gym?..." Or the lady that sits on the benches in the locker room butt naked and puts lotion on every single inch of her body (i might do just my legs). I mean, freshening up after a workout is one thing, but all this is a little extreme and should be done at home.... It's just weird to me.
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
    Twinkle Toes!!
    I just noticed this guy tonight... He was young-ish (mid twenties tops) looked rather fit (he's tall (well over 6 feet) and lean) he was wearing your standard matching nike running gear. He was on the treadmill tonight and if he was going faster than 4.5mph I'd be shocked. He was making the motion like he was jogging but taking REEEEEEEEALLY tiny steps. I was waiting for him to bust out a eukele and start singing "Tip Toe Through the Tulips"

    He kept this up for the better part of my 30 minutes on the elliptical. I got to watch this in all it's glory as I was right behind him. I was staring in wonderment when the hot guy on the stair stepper next to me stifles a laugh... I look at him and realize he too is witnessing the spectical and we both lost it. People turned to stare at us the Crazy Laughing Cardio People.

    Last week I was on the elliptical for the first time in a while and after my 20minutes warming up on it I jumped off. You know how the machines at these places are so close together? There was a drop dead gorgeous guy on the one next to mine and I ended up jumping off light headed/off balance and nearly hit my head on one of the swinging arms of his machine. I missed it but I was sooooo flustered by his "oh man! you ok?" that I took a step in the wrong direction and knocked over the garbage can full of discarded machine wipedown rags which I then had to pick up along with all the sweat soaked cloths, RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Sooooo embarrassing!

    Freaking awesome!!!!
  • kbray003
    kbray003 Posts: 52
    It really annoys me when girls don't put a shirt on... I don't care how great their body looks. Maybe running by yourself is one thing, but working out in a gym in just a sports bra is a little slutty.... just my opinion though.
  • kbray003
    kbray003 Posts: 52
    oh! oh! i got one...

    the three girls that come to zumba class that stand in the back and don't do anything except laugh and talk to each other.

    rawr!! i want to throw something at them

    Yeah this is really bad in Yoga when everything is supposed to be quiet and peaceful!!!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    It really annoys me when girls don't put a shirt on... I don't care how great their body looks. Maybe running by yourself is one thing, but working out in a gym in just a sports bra is a little slutty.... just my opinion though.

    I have mixed feelings about it. I can't really say it is slutty since girls show more in bikinis at the beach and a lot of them do not look like sluts. However, I would think I would be uncomfortable with everything bouncing around (boobs) while working out with no shirt on.
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
    Hmm one time I was at the gym on the treadmill and wondered what would happen if I closed my eyes while running. Apparently, you flip over the bar of the treadmill and land flat on your butt. A lot of people, including me, got a good laugh out of it and now I know what happens :P

    Holy crap!!! thats freaking hilarious!!!!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    It really annoys me when girls don't put a shirt on... I don't care how great their body looks. Maybe running by yourself is one thing, but working out in a gym in just a sports bra is a little slutty.... just my opinion though.

    You must go to my gym - I 100% agree with you!
    We also have this girl who probably has lost alot of weight, but wears low hip hugger pants and a sporta bra to run in ... and she has lots of abdominal flab, and stretch marks... and wow... its just not attractive!

    I would never, ever say antyhing because that would be mean ... but I will NEVER be running in just a sports bra any day in my life no matter what my size!
  • kbray003
    kbray003 Posts: 52
    I swim laps at my gym's pool and like to get in about 30 minutes or so. I really hate the people that come in and know nothing about swimming laps and take up an entire lane and all they do is thrash around and make a lot of noise, and splashing, and create waves for me to swim through and then leave after doind this for a few laps. It's great for people to try new things, but I never see them try again later and Im there a lot. They also don't wear goggles so I doubt they're serious. Worse than this are the teenies who stand in the lane and talk. There's only 4 lanes and they take on just to stand around like it's a community pool or something.
  • kbray003
    kbray003 Posts: 52
    no panty lines here. I dont need my panties riding up and distracting me so i go commando under my underarmor!

    Amen sister... I am proud to be one of the commando force...
    I never thought I would be that person ... but after chaffing on a couple of long runs... no more chaffing after the commando style has been adopted!

    I workout in run shorts with built in underwear.... so comfortable. I don't wear underwear with other workout clothes.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,544 Member
    I've seen quite a few of these folks at the Y where I work out but probably my favorite was from when I decided to try a new class on a Saturday morning. I always check out the other folks who are going to take the class to see how fit they are to get a gauge of if I'll fit in or not. There was this unbelievably fit man (no idea how old he was, he was totally bald and that skews my perception). He was wearing a lycra SKORT. and did the class barefoot. It was a cardio/strength class. Wow. He had a different skort on the next week but still no shoes.
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