More People Watching At The Gym



  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Dang, I now wish I had joined a gym so I could experience these stories! Lol. I have a home gym downstairs- super convenient. Power Rack, treadmill, IronMaster Quick Lock Dumbbells, Ironmaster SuperBench, etc etc etc - BUT -

    I DO remember when I went to the gym when I was oh, I dunno, 15? 16? Out of shape and kind of weary - I felt like everyone was watching me, now I realize them might of been! Lol.

    But I did have time to witness the younger guys flexing infront of the Dumbbell racks. Or curling infront.. which is fine. I do it - strictly for form purposes(I lift at home - noone to impress, lol).

    This thread has inspired me to go to the gym maybe once sometime, just to see what's going on. Lol.
  • jonawells
    jonawells Posts: 2 Member
    how about the guys that wear the noise cancelling full ear covering head phones (beats by dre, skull candy, Bose) but don’t work out, they just walk around with a look like... hey look at me, "im too much in the zone for regular ear buds, I need the noise cancellers bro..."
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
    I get grossed out by the old, heavy, hairy guys in the hot tub........I think the water is just contaminated after that! eewww!
  • Lexie71
    Lexie71 Posts: 144 Member
    The teenager wearing unlined white shorts to swim in..... no one wants to see that!!!
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    5. The guy who makes sexual sounding grunts with each rep.

  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Haven't read through all the replies but we have one guy that walks in without a shirt. Sometimes he even lifts with no shirt! There's also this other guy who does abs and runs EVERYDAY. That's it. On rare occasion he might go to a new machine or two but for the most part he's strictly an abs and running guy.
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    oh! oh! i got one...

    the three girls that come to zumba class that stand in the back and don't do anything except laugh and talk to each other.

    rawr!! i want to throw something at them

    I thought that was just at my zumba class!
  • Kamixa
    Kamixa Posts: 18
    I'm one of those no-panty lines people at the gym. If I go to spin class in anything but a thong, ill get road rash on my legs ouuuuch.

    My one annoyance at my gym so far is the lady that came into spin class late and even though there were at least 15 empty bikes, she sat directly in front of me. She preceded to fart the whole class leaving me gagging..come on now, couldn't you just sit somewhere else? or maybe stay home if your stomach is bothering you haha.

    My old gym had quite the specimen. He was a guy in his 40s with a braid down to his butt and coke bottle glasses. Not only did he grunt very loudly, he always wore those super thin strap tank tops that show your nipples. I can't make this stuff up.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member

    My one annoyance at my gym so far is the lady that came into spin class late and even though there were at least 15 empty bikes, she sat directly in front of me. She preceded to fart the whole class leaving me gagging..come on now, couldn't you just sit somewhere else? or maybe stay home if your stomach is bothering you haha.

    I never know who has done it in my class. Every now and then this awful smell will pass by. I try and sit a little closer to the fans now so I don't have to smell it.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    ...with a braid down to his butt and coke bottle glasses. Not only did he grunt very loudly, he always wore those super thin strap tank tops that show your nipples. I can't make this stuff up.

    What? You gals don't like that?

  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    oh no. I'm so guilty of most of this.

    I go comando except for in yoga (worried about the inversions, after all).

    I have twice at the gym (and numerous times on the street) run in only a sports bra. Really, it's only because I'm so warm I think I'm going to puke. Yesterday I got so warm at the gym I got off the treadmill and stood outside- I think they had the heat on! I'm not a super model but I worked my tail off to be comfortable enough to do this. My bras cover a lot of skin, and I wear really generous shorts (man's basketball shorts) so It's really only a few inches of belly difference between that and a tank top.

    I sing on the treadmill, and because I run sometimes I steal the one right next to someone because the one further away feels unsteady or the emergency stop clip isn't in the best shape.

    I don't grunt when I lift, but I do count...
  • Browneyedgirl4
    Browneyedgirl4 Posts: 16 Member
    1. That old man on the treadmill, he is at every gym, including mine. I was there for an hour and a half and he walked the treadmill the entire time.

    3. The girls without panty lines. It's true. There were about 10 women there tonight and NONE of them had panty lines. WTH?

    Just wanted to say that I'm proud of that old man, and ANY person who makes it to the gym, regardless whether they're walking or running. They're making an effort for their health, a massive KUDOS to them!

    I avoid panty lines. No one needs to stare at my undies shifting around or going up my bum when I run (c'mon, it happens sometimes!). Nothing wrong with wearing a thong so that people don't have to be faced with the gross visual. I dislike when women DON'T wear discreet undies and you've got a quadruple-bum happening!! :tongue:
  • pammbroo
    pammbroo Posts: 550 Member
    Bald (not that that's a bad thing at all, but just giving you the full picture), very feminine mannerisms, super tan (all year round), big snake tattoos, festive colored workout clothes and a bright, yellow speedo with matching goggles when he swims in the morning.

    Interesting character....
  • At my gym there's the guy who wears a bright red t-shirt, light grey shorts, banda on his head (biker style), and his mardi gras beads. WTF?! I seriously tried to nonchalantly follow him around and take a photo to post on my facebook but he moved around the machines too fast. LOL!
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    bump.....these are too funny!
  • Cazador64
    Cazador64 Posts: 23
    When i used to goto the Gym
    people prob noticed me i always felt like i needed to do more then the person beside me.

    If i was on cardio i had to do it faster longer and harder then the next guy.
  • Steph70508
    Steph70508 Posts: 110
    There is an older woman at my gym that counts off her reps in German. Nothing against the language, but the tone and pitch she uses, sometimes I'm not sure if she's counting or having an orgasm. Its pretty disturbing and funny at the same time!
  • Oh boy - Guilty Guilty Guilty.

    1. I wear underwear to the gym. I'm sure I probably have panty lines. I also don't think I care. Stop looking at my @$$.

    2. I take machines right next to someone when there are empty ones nearby. I always have a reason. There is one elliptical at our gym that still has the book rack on it. There is always someone on the elliptical next to it. I read. I need the book rack.

    3. I've caught my headphone cords in my arms before when running and sent my cell phone flying off the treadmill behind me. The other day, I did it with a few papers I was reading about trying to read about coaching soccer.

    4. I use the bars to help when I'm walking at a steep incline. Just for 30 seconds here and there when I'm dead exhausted and my other alternative is just to keep pushing the decline button just to have to incline it again 30 seconds later.

    Now on to my pet peeves:

    1. The parking lot. Really? It's REALLY that big of deal to you to get a close parking spot?? It's not that cold out. And you're here to work out. Start with a brisk walk to the door.

    2. Most Sundays I like to swim. Week after week I see the same few people hang out in the hot tub. They are there the entire time I'm swimming (generally 60 minutes). I feel like they have a gym membership just to hang out in the hot tub.
  • Crazyjro
    Crazyjro Posts: 20 Member
    at my old gym we used to have to sign up for the treadmills and one day i was on it and this lady came up yelling at me that it was her time and i have to get off right now! so i told her to check the board and of course i was right but she still stood right behind me until i was done, and i did not get off until the very last second! did i mention there were free treadmills!

    one more thing it was not at the gym but at great wolf lodge! there was a man doing his ab work on the landing of the little kids slides! ya seriously :laugh:
  • Lisa__Michelle
    Lisa__Michelle Posts: 845 Member
    Oh boy - Guilty Guilty Guilty.

    1. I wear underwear to the gym. I'm sure I probably have panty lines. I also don't think I care. Stop looking at my @$$.

    I have panty lines too and I could care less if it annoys someone because yes I wear underwear. I don't know why people are looking at my *kitten* to notice. When I go to the gym, I am really oblivious most of the time to other people and do not pay attention to what they are wearing because I am focusing on myself.

    Hmmm.... I found it hard not to notice though the other day when a girl came right beside me as I was doing an arm workout with dumbbells on a bench. She stood there and stared for at least 10 minutes. She then came and sat right beside me and just STARED at me in the mirror. I thought she was waiting for me to finish so we didn't hit arms, nope I gave her a chance to go and she never did. After about 5 minutes of staring at me, she got up and stood beside my bench again and stared. She repeated for about 20 minutes and then left. I never saw her workout and she was gone.
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