shadus Member


  • I'm a recently diagnosed type 2 diabetic, there is a pretty good diabetes group here, discuss blood sugar numbers and all the fun things that impact life. It was originally specific to type2's but there's more than a few type 1s and type 1.5s…
  • 1) Do not weigh yourself daily. Really. Weight loss is NOT linear, but a trend line. Weighing yourself daily actually tells you NOTHING about how you're doing. Weekly is a far far better metric because that is the time frame you're normally looking at to see the loss of pounds. Weight can naturally fluctuate in a daily…
  • If you're talking high carb, high fiber... just about any bean, many peas, oatmeal... quite a few more that are 'moderate calorie/carb' and high fiber, but if you're looking for high carb/low sugar specifically then the beans, peas, oatmeal are the main go to. Probably most things made with stone ground wheat or oats as…
  • I've had them on occasion, I subtract fiber and sugar alcohol carbs from total carbs. Works ok for me, I usually stay under 26g/day (net). What i've found is more satisfying though, is jerky... requires a lot of chewing which seems to help. Get one that has 1g/carbs per serving or less and it's pretty awesome how much you…
  • Since you're on your period and likely retaining water and are exercising, likely that is the primary reason. Give it another week and see where you're at. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water and getting enough fiber if you're having trouble having BMs. Also... water is retained for a variety of reasons and isn't a…
  • 85 this morning.
  • One last thing to try-- this may be dawn phenomenon (big bg jump while fasting after sleep), try eating a table spoon of peanut butter or something high in protein and fat RIGHT before bed, since you're experiencing higher numbers now that your base line bg numbers have dropped, may be a case of they're dropping far enough…
  • 98 this morning, 91 yesterday. My meter says my 7d avg - 93, 14d avg - 94, 30d avg - 98, and 90d avg - 105. yay, keto... steadily getting better... feel pretty good about all of it since my last doctor visit had me at fasting 204 and a1c of 9.5. Doctor going to be very surprised come May at my checkup. ^_^
  • I've not had issues going on keto ever except first week. Fiber is just plant material your body can't digest... does no real harm, does no real good unless you need more matter to poop adequately... usually things high in fat and protein seem to provide enough matter and the fat lubricates enough everything flows…
  • As far as the dawn phenom goes, try a tablespoon of Peanut butter or something with some protein and fat *right* before you go to bed. It helps the am numbers a lot it seems like. Ymmv.
  • To "fill out" your features, you're going to need to gain weight. Any sport including swimming will help you fill out your features and gain muscle (eg: look more fit and toned) *IF* and *ONLY IF*, you're eating more calories a day than you're expending. Doing a sport, weight lifting, etc without eating adequate calories…
  • Fry- with butter or coconut oil, wrapped in bacon. Honestly, in my opinion keto isn't worth a short term switch up. It works best when you get fat adapted for actual weight loss, if you're interested in losing water weight, just take a diuretic. If you're doing any diet you've already lost the majority of the water weight…
  • Hey, just a small note here, go see a neurologist. I was having micro-seizures with the same symptoms.
    in Brain Fog Comment by shadus April 2017
  • I'm sitting around 41d @ 25lbs lost... give or take, due a weigh in here shortly.
  • Strip steak covered in bleu cheese with mushrooms cooked in garlic oil. (Normally cook them medium-ish, this one ended up medium to medium well-ish, was a bit thinner than my normal ones. Still delicious, just a bit drier than it should have been.)
  • Especially first couple weeks of keto, it is *extremely* common to have "keto flu" which is a sodium/potassium deficiency.
  • today 86 and 96 2hpp (lunch), yesterday 89 and 103 2hpp (lunch). Glad things are back to "normal", when I was sick I was running 140 fasting, 110 2hpp.
  • I'll note: He's promoting his own diet. I don't believe anything he's saying should be taken at face value, I would be interested in seeing the specific scientific studies that back up his claims, the sources he cites back up small bits of information he's saying but not his over all assertions in any way shape or form…
  • 106 today... but i ate out last night for the first time in a month. Steak & Broccoli.
  • Try some jerky or chewing some gum during the day. You may not be getting enough chewing. I eat jerky pretty often (wild bills or home made mostly, it's really carb friendly) because until I've chewed a certain amount, I just never feel at all satisfied. <- is the one I usually get,…
  • I'll definitely check out the book, that sounds interesting. Over all, I really just dislike the ADA's recommended diet... I'm sure it works out ok for some people, but it really makes no sense unless you want the effects of being diabetic to continually get worse instead of looking for ways to lessen the impact of it on…
  • Yeap, well aware of many, but having never made one, it's nice to have a starting point that someone finds appealing and isn't a person just trying to get clicks on a website.
  • Suggestion-- Get a blood glucose monitor if you don't have one, it really helps me when the weight loss isn't coming fast enough to keep focus. A1C responds too slowly to really help motivate you, BG responds quickly. If you can, walk a little bit after finishing eating. Even if its just a lap around the interior of your…
  • I was being really really lazy today, so -- tuna salad (3oz), chicken salad (10oz), mayo to make them, lemon juice, spices & some servings of beef jerky. cals: 910, carbs: 6g, fats: 43g, pro: 121g. Generally speaking, I gotta have something to really chew to feel full... dunno why. So... since chicken and tuna salad don't…
  • So did that this evening after the meal, think i'm going to get a 3h pp as well just outta curiosity, but -- 12:50 - 103 1:00 - brunch 6:15 - dinner 7:00 - 86 7:15 - 100 8:15 - 100
  • There are two types of pickles- sweet pickles and dill pickles. Sweet pickles (also known as 'bread and butter pickles' are not very keto friendly, dill pickles typically are. Personally, I could drink the brine off them all day... love that dill/vinegar/salt flavor.. it's really good for re-hydration too. Bread and…
    in Pickles? Comment by shadus March 2017
  • I'll give the 1h pp checks a shot and see what my numbers look like vs the normal 2h pp.
  • Any suggestions on a decent recipe for this?
  • My three goto snacks are jerky, pork rinds, & hard boiled eggs dipped in buffalo sauce (we make a half gallon at a time and eat it on a lot of stuff (even prior to keto- burgers, fries with cheese and sour cream & bacon bits, wings, etc)-- half gallon of franks, 4 sticks of butter, tbsp of garlic and onion powder, 2 tsp of…