

  • simply_bubbz
    simply_bubbz Posts: 245 Member
    You're only going to the loo once this week could easily account for an extra 2lbs on the scale, I don't even bother weighing myself if i haven't had a BM first thing that morning, and i go everyday! This, accompanied by your TOM is most likely the reason IMO.

    Get your colon working properly and wait til your TOM is finished before panicking.

    Yes great advice!
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    Last week was my TOTM i lost nothing. Was i bothered? Nope because i fully expected it as i always retain water at that time

    It will show this week instead

    Log your weight for a month, that will show the downward trend

    If after a month your weight is still the same then you need to reasses weather your actually eating more than you think ( weigh all solids, choosing food entrys that match the actual calories in the food you ate, many database entries are incorrect)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    You could have lost fat-weight but gained muscle-weight, that could be why the scale hasn't changed even though you've been working out.

    In one week? No.
  • Silentpadna
    Silentpadna Posts: 1,306 Member
    There's a weird paradox that trips people up with water weight: we need to drink more water to get rid of water retention. Since your fluid intake was down this week it might be a small part of why you're seeing more retention.

    BUT I think it's important that even if we pick this scenario to death and list every possible reason for it, it's still going to happen from time to time no matter how perfect you are with your diet. You need to come to terms with the idea that sometimes your body just holds onto water because it needs it right now. Give it time and it will release it again.

    Yes, the dreaded water weight. As a reminder, all people, healthy or not, obese or not, owning model-like bodies or not, retain water as the body directs. This will be with you when you're trying to lose weight, maintain weight, gain weight, or not trying to do anything. Water weight is not evil or bad - though it may be uncomfortable at times. It won't stop fluctuating regardless of what you try to do.
  • shadus
    shadus Posts: 424 Member
    Since you're on your period and likely retaining water and are exercising, likely that is the primary reason. Give it another week and see where you're at. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water and getting enough fiber if you're having trouble having BMs. Also... water is retained for a variety of reasons and isn't a *bad* thing unless done in excess. The best way to retain less water is ensure you're drinking enough water and keep sodium intake moderate.

    The other possible reasons for failure to lose weight is, inaccurately calculating exercise calories and eating them back... not actually weighing food and underestimating quantities you're eating. MFP massively over estimates calories burned during exercise in my experience... and we are terrible at estimating portions until they have a LOT of experience at it... and even then we're subject to doing it poorly when we're hungry. When in doubt, weigh it out.

    Also remember as others have mentioned, weight loss is NOT perfectly linear, it trends in a general direction... lots of things can effect the numbers from a cold, period, excess salt, not enough fluids, retaining water from exercise, etc in an infinite number of ways short term.

    Gaining enough muscle mass to offset fat loss, on the scale of a week... not possible... also not really a thing unless you're very close to your goal weight and a low bf% to begin with... also hard to gain muscle mass during a calorie deficit except for newbie gains and starting at a high bf% (hence why body builders go through a cycle of cut and bulk.)

    Starvation mode isn't even a thing on the scale of a week of diet and exercise (it's also not really a thing at all if your calories are tracked accurately, yes there is a slight metabolic slow down... but if you're eating few enough calories to get that "slight metabolic slowdown" then you're eating FAR to few to stop losing weight... its NOT healthy to eat that few a number of calories and it drastically increases the chances of regaining weight when you're no longer 'starving'.) 99% of the time when someone claims they're eating 1200 calories a day and not losing weight... they're not weighing food, not accurately tracking, overestimating calories exercising, etc. There have been so many scientific studies disproving the whole starvation myth its ridiculous, that myth as people put it forward currently just needs to die outright as a reason for failure to lose weight. (simple easy to read version.) CICO. BMR. TDEE. There is no magic modes your body has, it obeys the laws of physics.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited April 2017
    Someone please tell me what is going on! I have been doing intense workouts 5 days this week Mon through Friday ate clean except I had a cheat meal last sat n Sunday but the calories were at maintenance so why didn't I lose this week?????? It's that time of the month but idk If that's affecting or not! I know I shouldn't be discouraged and shouldn't let the scale have this big of impact on me but it does!!!! What do y'all assume is going on? I didn't drink as much water this week, could that be a factor? I only had a BM once this week too could that have an effect?** I know weight lost isn't linear so please don't mention that lol I'm just looking to c what could be a factor for the scale because I definitely should have lost something

    Of course it does...big time.

    And 1 BM in a week means you have a whole lot of waste in your system...waste has mass and thus weight.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    You could have lost fat-weight but gained muscle-weight, that could be why the scale hasn't changed even though you've been working out.


    Where you been?
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    Someone please tell me what is going on! I have been doing intense workouts 5 days this week Mon through Friday ate clean except I had a cheat meal last sat n Sunday but the calories were at maintenance so why didn't I lose this week?????? It's that time of the month but idk If that's affecting or not! I know I shouldn't be discouraged and shouldn't let the scale have this big of impact on me but it does!!!! What do y'all assume is going on? I didn't drink as much water this week, could that be a factor? I only had a BM once this week too could that have an effect?** I know weight lost isn't linear so please don't mention that lol I'm just looking to c what could be a factor for the scale because I definitely should have lost something

    Okay I'm just shaking my head here. This is too funny. :D Do people not realize that BM's have actual weight???
  • aylajane
    aylajane Posts: 979 Member
    Were the "cheat meals" at restaurants or at home? If you didnt prepare them, especially if you ate out, more than likely you dramatically underestimated the calories and could easily have wiped out a deficit from the other 5 days (although I vote for BM/TOM/Water weight being the main reason). Restaurant plates are ALWAYS way higher than you think. even if they post their calories - every "cook" adds more butter, doesnt measure portion size, etc. if you ate bread while waiting for your meal, that adds up fast, etc.

  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    As long as you are weighing your food and tracking meticulously, give it time. come back in 24 weeks to celebrate your progress.
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    You could have lost fat-weight but gained muscle-weight, that could be why the scale hasn't changed even though you've been working out.

    In a week?

    no muscle is hard to come by esp for women. I promise you this is not what happened.
  • Breeticus87
    Breeticus87 Posts: 114 Member
    You could have lost fat-weight but gained muscle-weight, that could be why the scale hasn't changed even though you've been working out.

    I agree with Sarah, that is why not only does MFP have weight trackers, but also waist, neck, and hips measurements. A lot of people think they are going nowhere when really they are making a lot of progress.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    I wish this site had a filter that would eliminate the post every time someone says a woman eating at a deficit might be putting on muscle... like how it substitutes kitten for curse words.

    Time of month and BM's are obviously the answer. You're putting food in your mouth and solid waste isn't leaving, do the math.

    this is the best idea ever!
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    There will be weeks like this, OP, when you do everything you can and your body just shrugs at you.
    Then there will be weeks when you don't do anything special and you lose 3 lbs.

    I would also like to give a vote to overall swelling due to exercise. I've been upping my game recently, and I've noticed my body is...bloating? Swelling? Just not happy with me? But I'm hoping it will adjust soon.
  • crooked_left_hook
    crooked_left_hook Posts: 364 Member
    Someone please tell me what is going on! I have been doing intense workouts 5 days this week Mon through Friday ate clean except I had a cheat meal last sat n Sunday but the calories were at maintenance so why didn't I lose this week?????? It's that time of the month but idk If that's affecting or not! I know I shouldn't be discouraged and shouldn't let the scale have this big of impact on me but it does!!!! What do y'all assume is going on? I didn't drink as much water this week, could that be a factor? I only had a BM once this week too could that have an effect?** I know weight lost isn't linear so please don't mention that lol I'm just looking to c what could be a factor for the scale because I definitely should have lost something

    One BM this week? I've totally pooped away 3-5 lbs! That alone could be the problem, it's likely a combination of all the things you listed. Increase but don't overdo the fiber, too much can have the opposite effect of what you are looking for. Increase your water and, my personal recommendation since you are working out quite a bit, is to take a magnesium supplement at night (without calcium, which can trigger constipation). Start with 250mg. I take 400mg per day and it keeps me regular, helps relax muscles, helps me sleep, and prevents muscle cramps in my feet.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    You could have lost fat-weight but gained muscle-weight, that could be why the scale hasn't changed even though you've been working out.


    Where you been?

    just l-i-v-i-n.
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I wish this site had a filter that would eliminate the post every time someone says a woman eating at a deficit might be putting on muscle... like how it substitutes kitten for curse words.

    Time of month and BM's are obviously the answer. You're putting food in your mouth and solid waste isn't leaving, do the math.

    I also wish it had a filter for starvation mode. *slaps forehead*