

  • I'm one of those people who sits on a machine and texts, sorry! But I'm also there for around an hr and a half and do break a sweat. I work from home and watch kids/sick family members so I am constantly replying to an email or checking up on someone. I also use my phone for music and to keep check of calories burned. If I…
  • Never had it. Always thought others were crazy when they talked about their work-out high. I know it's scientific, endorphins and all that, but it's just something I've never experienced, The only reason I work out is to loose weight. I wish i got a high from it! Lucky you!
  • love this site! Really opened my eyes to what I really look like!
  • Thanks! Did it the old MFP way, calories in/calories out...with a little family stress thrown in there. Should I still be doing cardio everyday?
  • So I just go to the gym, grab a machine, and push it as hard as a can for as long as I can? Or are we talking free weights? I'm guessing I should have some sort of routine i.e. legs one day, arms the next...
  • I love it in cookies! Just be prepared for a different texture.
  • I use Vanilla Almond Coconut Breeze. It's 70 calories a cup but I only use about 2 tablespoons for like 8 calories. I've also used the Original kind and the Vanilla. It also doesn't have soy oil in it which I prefer to stay away from soy.
  • Do it! And don't be scared, personal trainers are use to working with all different types of people. Personal trainers are there to push you further then you would push yourself. You'd be surprised by how many more reps you can do then you think you can.
  • I'm the exact opposite. I HATE running. Haha. I've always done really well on the elliptical and felt horrible on the treadmill. I agree, do whatever you enjoy doing. But I would give the elliptical another go in a few weeks, it's always good to switch things up so your body doesn't get use to it. My body got used to the…
  • The minute I saw this topic my thought was "too much" haha. Cheesecake Factory has some of the highest calorie count meals out there. One of the main reasons is their massive portion size. I would go with the veggie burger or get something that may be in the 800-1000 range but split or immediately put half in a to-go bag.
  • I've experienced this as well. Before I lost my weight I never ever noticed bloating or food babies. As my belly gets smaller I notice it more and more. Two of my weight lose buddies said they experience the same thing. I think I always had it but now that I don't 'have that layer of fat I notice it more. I'm guessing my…
  • Starting weight - 210 size 14/16 Current weight - 156 size 10/12 Goal weight - 140 size 8 My husband thinks my goal weight is too low. And I'm in the middle of healthy BMI right now. But I want to be smaller.
  • Check out the website It's great because you can put in your height and weight or goal weight and see what other woman look like. You can get a good idea of what to expect. It really opened up my eyes to see that I am actually a lot smaller then what I think. Of course everyone is different,…
  • Hmm asthma actually sounds plausible. When I do excessive running I get this pain in my check like really bad heartburn and it doesn't go away until I stop and take some breaths and rest. Does that sound like asthma?
  • I don't wake up early to work out. I tend to work out around 3 or 4 or later at night around 8. I guess it could be from a long day but wouldn't I be yawning all during the evening, not just when I work out? Idk. Also, I work out at random times with random levels of energy and the yawning is always there. I wish I could…