Food Baby :(

I am noticing myself get closer to the weight I want not by the number on the scale, but by how I look in the mirror. Before I get in the shower, getting dressed, etc. My stomach seems to be getting flatter. But sometimes, and it happens a lot, I just get this massive FOOD baby! I'm talking, if I push it out, I could probably pass for five months pregnant. It's so frustrating! What foods could be doing this to me, or what can I do to stop it? Tonight I noticed it after eating wheat thins. I'm aggravated because it makes me feel so bloated and gross, any help would be appreciated!


  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 632 Member
    Many people report being extra bloated from gluten or lactose. Try comparing notes from when you're bloated to your food diary and see if there is a pattern.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    start keeping a little pad of paper with you and jot down whenever you have stomach distress. compare the notes with your food diary to see what you've eaten.

    good chance it's dairy or gluten. cut one or both out for a month and then slowly add back in to see for sure.

    good luck.
  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member
    Possibly wheat?
    I've noticed the same thing with myself. There are times when my belly looks really flat, and others where it just looks so puffy.
    But I'll be watching my cals and everything, so it just doesn't make sense.

    I actually researched the Hypoallergenic/Elimination Diet today and decided to do it. Google it to find out more but essentially you eliminate a lot of foods that can cause allergies or intolerances (ie wheat, dairy, gluten, soy) and eat a simple, "hypoallergenic" diet for a few weeks, then challenge yourself be reintroducing one food at a time and observing your body's reaction to each.
    It allows you to use the process of elimination to find out foods that may cause intolerance.

    I find myself to be sooo easily bloated and I get gas much more often then I think I should :/
    I'll be starting the elimination diet in a couple of days. If you decide to do it let me know and we can support each other. :)
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    I get this to especially on high-carb days. I am already lactose free for the most part so the gluten thing make a lot of sense. I've heard the less gluten you eat the less bloated you end to be. High sodium contents can also cause can fiber because it causes gas. Black beans and broccoli both make me wicked bloated, which sucks because they're two of my favorite foods. I've noticed I've been bloated less when I actually balance me meals as opposed to staring all day and eating a huge dinner. Also NOT eating enough can lead to bloating when you eat because when you do eat your body holds onto all the calories.
  • jwolfe0709
    jwolfe0709 Posts: 50 Member
    I can always tell if my boyfriend has eaten recently or not by the way his stomach looks! lol I should seriously post a before and after it's crazy!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Bread bloats me so probably wheat...I love bread, can't cant eat too much of it :sad:
  • taylorromanyk
    Possibly wheat?
    I've noticed the same thing with myself. There are times when my belly looks really flat, and others where it just looks so puffy.
    But I'll be watching my cals and everything, so it just doesn't make sense.

    I actually researched the Hypoallergenic/Elimination Diet today and decided to do it. Google it to find out more but essentially you eliminate a lot of foods that can cause allergies or intolerances (ie wheat, dairy, gluten, soy) and eat a simple, "hypoallergenic" diet for a few weeks, then challenge yourself be reintroducing one food at a time and observing your body's reaction to each.
    It allows you to use the process of elimination to find out foods that may cause intolerance.

    I find myself to be sooo easily bloated and I get gas much more often then I think I should :/
    I'll be starting the elimination diet in a couple of days. If you decide to do it let me know and we can support each other. :)
    I'll look more into this today after work. Thank you! :)
  • taylorromanyk
    The thought of a gluten free diet scares me, as I'm already adjusting to a vegetarian diet. :$
  • sarahbethbeauty
    I've experienced this as well. Before I lost my weight I never ever noticed bloating or food babies. As my belly gets smaller I notice it more and more. Two of my weight lose buddies said they experience the same thing. I think I always had it but now that I don't 'have that layer of fat I notice it more. I'm guessing my lactose intolerance has a lot to do about it. If it really bothers you try cutting out dairy and then gluten, those are the two biggest culprits for bloating.
  • Elainejk21
    Elainejk21 Posts: 121 Member
    This happened to me the other day as well and it's awful!! I don't know what caused it but it definitely wasn't lactose. I do keep note of when it happens in the hopes that I may eventually be able to figure it out. My step mom did an elimination diet and found out she's allergic to almonds and has an intolerance for gluten, so it seems they do work if you're willing to stick with it.
  • mynameismita
    Overdoing it on bread and/or diet soda give me instant food baby.