Anyone had a personal trainer?

I found out just recently that I qualify for quite a few free sessions with a personal trainer.

I'm really shy and quite frankly extremely nervous.

I'm wondering what to expect. What has your experience been? Was it worth it?



  • eandrsmom
    eandrsmom Posts: 119
    Have one. Love him! Take advantage of the free sessions and don't be nervous. Everybody has a first session....I nearly vomited during mine. :laugh:
  • sarahbethbeauty
    Do it! And don't be scared, personal trainers are use to working with all different types of people. Personal trainers are there to push you further then you would push yourself. You'd be surprised by how many more reps you can do then you think you can.
  • AEFidgets
    AEFidgets Posts: 243
    Loved mine!!
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    Love my PT, she is absolute fabulous and has not just motivated me to workout but also thought me how to do so on my own.   I will say, I had a trial session with her prior to signing on for a number of sessions to make sure our personalities didn't clash. Other then that, take full advantage of the free lessons and always remember to let them know if ur at ur limit.  
  • mammajo12376
    I won free sessions at my gym and it was wonderful. I was sore but it was so worth it. Make sure to ask him/her any questions that relate to your physical goals or input on what you can do after your trial is over.
  • tmtorres31
    Love mine! Been with him for going on 2 years. I was SO nervous at first, but he has been such an encouragement and support.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Tell the trainer that it's your first session and you are really nervous. It goes very quickly and you will benefit by working with a professional as long as the person is knowledgeable and somewhat sensitive to how your feeling.
  • 6721tracyb
    Have a personal trainer and love it! Keeps me motivated and committed! Also I always thought I had a pretty good level of fitness boy did she teach me! Go for it
  • xxloveiswarr
    I wouldn't say I exactly 'won' the free sessions. It's a program for families of deployed military members. My husband has been gone 3 months and I'm getting stir crazy.

    Thanks for all the feedback!

    I haven't officially signed up for any sessions just yet. I filled out all the introductory paperwork and I'm trying to set up a meeting to discuss goals and all that. I've seen this woman around the gym and she is quite intimidating. She has lots of muscles and looks like she's pretty tough. I have a panic disorder so new people in general really freak me out. I've been dealing with it though and I'm looking forward to the challenge.