Elliptical seems impossible!



  • DaveMurphy6
    DaveMurphy6 Posts: 130 Member
    do three minutes tomorrow..then 4..then 5..take it day by day or even week to week..got your whole life
  • koumbay
    koumbay Posts: 78 Member
    i was the same as you, the first few times I was on the elliptical I would do 2 minutes and it seemed like forever and I was ready to die at the end of it, now I have done up to 35 minutes straight and I could go even longer! and sometimes that's after doing 30 minutes of another cardio exericse, just keep trying, eventually you will build endurance, it takes time though.
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    I have an elliptical at home and love it. Like you, when I first started, it was hard. I set mine for a 20 minute fitness session and it takes it up in incline and resistence, varying the workout on its own. If you can only do 5 minutes on it right now, that is fine. I was the same way but just kept adding a bit at a time. The important thing is you are doing something. That is great and good job!!
  • sadein
    sadein Posts: 40
    I don't like ANY of the stationary cardio machines. However, if I have to do one, I usually choose the elliptical. I even have one at home. Like someone else said, start really slowly, if it has an adjustable incline, make sure it's at zero. I also have to have some sort of distraction so I watch something on my ipod, music isn't enough. I try to do 20 minutes prior to my strength training so I watch The Daily Show or Colbert Report which are both around 20 minutes. If I remember correctly I think I did 5 minutes my first time and I had already been exercising and was not overweight.

    Sooooo, don' t be too hard on yourself, set attainable short-term goals, such as 5 minutes. Ultimately the elliptical is great, no-impact cardio. Keep in mind, you may never enjoy it but you will appreciate it.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The amount of time that you work out is more important than the intensity for your purposes. It is more important that you elevate your heart rate to the fat burning range or so for 20-30 minutes, 3x per week consistently.

    Just ... no.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    Just go for 1 minute then take a break. Then do another minute and break. Do that 5 times and you did 5 minutes. : ) Then after a week or so go for 1.5 minutes. Pretty soon you will say screw it im going 10 minutes straight, then 20, then 30. Just keep going. If you are doing exercises that are easy for you then you are not doing the right ones.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I love the elliptical trainer! But, like someone already said, if your gym has more than one kind of elliptical, try a different one. Mine has 2 different kinds, and I despise one of them and love the other.

    Learn to adjust the settings so you can start out taking it easy on yourself and learn to adjust to it. Lower the resistance so you can start and build up from there.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    Congrats on wanting to change your life. Don't give up. The first time I did elliptical, did 2 min, thought I would die. Got off pretending I had to go to the ladies, I was so embarrased. But, didn't let it beat me, gradually added minutes & resistance. You can do this. Good luck!
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    Work up gradually, I remember too when I was at a point I couldn't last longer than 10 minutes on the lowest intensity. Having something to read or watch (the ones at my gym have individual TVs) I find really helps too when I'm trying to push myself to go longer. Just keep at it :)
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    I was honestly the SAME way when I first started. I couldn't do the Elliptical for more than 1 min. Instead I started to do speed walking on a treadmill on a incline for about 45 mins. Then after around a month of doing that I started to do spinning, which is super hard too. I couldn't even do the standing while cycling for more than 2 mins either. I kept at it though and each class I could do it more and more. Finally after about 2 weeks of going to classes 4 days a week, I could at least stand and spin the whole class.

    After saying all that, I've been doing spinning for 8 months now, when I finally attempted the elliptical again about 1 month ago, now I can do 45-60 mins with no problem at all. It's all about building your endurance. Now I do spinning, jogging, and the elliptical.
  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    I love the elliptical, it's such an over-all great workout. I found it very difficult at first. Working arms and legs at the same time is tough for anyone! Don't get discouraged. A couple of minutes is better than nothing! And it will get better, just like anything you aren't used to. Good luck!
  • auval622
    auval622 Posts: 15 Member
    I love the Elliptical!!! I started at 10mins then now I can do about an hour it took me about 6 months to get there...u can do it:)
  • FitNewEm
    FitNewEm Posts: 12 Member
    The Elliptical really hurts my legs.
    I do much better on the treadmill.
    I'd invest in really good bra or wear a compression top over your workout bra, if the treadmill makes you 'bounce" too much.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I love my elliptical, but I didn't always. Just start out slow. Same as any type of workout. I agree with walking on it at first. I would just walk leisurely to start. I like to pulse when I'm on mine. Start slow, buildup to a near sprint, then bring it back down to a brisk jog.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Two thoughts on this:

    You can control the speed and resistance on the elliptical. Take both right down and very gradually build up the time you do.

    Elliptical isn't compulsory! If you don't enjoy it, find exercise you love, you'll be far more likely to stick with it!
  • sarahbethbeauty
    I hate the elliptical. I run a a lot of long distance runs, but I can't last a minute on the elliptical. The movement feels unnatural. I don't like that I can't keep my own stride length (the elliptical makes me feel like I'm doing the splits) and I hate holding the handles so far away from my body. I hate everything about it. It might just not be for you. Try something else.

    I'm the exact opposite. I HATE running. Haha. I've always done really well on the elliptical and felt horrible on the treadmill. I agree, do whatever you enjoy doing. But I would give the elliptical another go in a few weeks, it's always good to switch things up so your body doesn't get use to it. My body got used to the elliptical so I had to change my routine and ended my plateau.
  • ohnoetry
    ohnoetry Posts: 129
    Echoing everyone's sentiments: it takes time to build up the strength for the elliptical. I know many hardcore fitness people who just laugh at people using the elliptical, but for some it's harder than the treadmill! When I first started, I thought I'd pass out after fifteen minutes, now I can go for more than 60. Some machines are easier than others. I find that the ones that move your arms along with the rest of the machines provide a harder workout, so maybe use the ones where you're just moving your lower body first? Those put less stress on you. Also, find out which incline and resistance works best for you. For some reason, I feel it's easier to go up in incline (less stress on my knees, I think) and I started at the lowest resistance, now I start at 4!

    It takes time, but you can do it! Maybe you can start with just five minutes as your workout for the rest of your daily routine?
  • skyeliz525
    skyeliz525 Posts: 54 Member
    Congratulations on all you've done so far!

    First off, do you remember the story about the tortise and the hare? Slow and steady...eventually you'll be so comfortable that 45 mintues will fly by!!!

    I agree with several of the other posters, start slow, work your way up by adjusting time and resistance as you go. Before long you will be where you want to be. When I first started on the elliptical machines several years back, a trainer at the gym noticed I was struggling, told me to start slower, get some good tunes in my ears and stick to the beat of the music. And he recommended trying reversing the direction (backwards motion instead of forwards) if I felt tired. I don't know why but after 30-45 seconds, it seems to help me recover, and I can reverse back to the forward motion.

    Keep up the good work!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    You have to approach it the same way a lot of folks have to approach running - slow down! That should help, but also, just keep trying it and your body will adjust. I find I burn more calories when I slow down and up the resistance anyway. Flying along at a low resistance just doesn't cut it.
  • RheRhe1
    RheRhe1 Posts: 2 Member
    Just check the level when you start. I didn't know how to work it and I lasted about 1 minute. When you start the machine it automatically starts you at a higher level than 1. It was about my third or fourth time on the machine when I figured this out. I changed that level to 1, quickly. Eventually I worked my way up some levels and I lasted about 30 minutes. You can do it, you just have to pace yourself. Go fast, then slow, fast then slow..