

  • When I start the day with a simple bowl of (original) Cheerios, soy milk (light vanilla), and a bit of Fiber One on top - that usually means I'm off to a good start for that day. There's enough protein and fiber going on to get me to lunch, and with that healthy start my head is in the game to continue making good choices.…
  • You didn't specify the motivation of ditching cereal. What would you replace it with? Two cups of Cheerios and some skim milk would be an exceedingly healthy snack or breakfast, especially before going out for a jog or whatever.
  • Black bean "it's not hummus so let's not call it that" dip.
  • One of those cases where "I don't eat those anymore" is easier than managing how much you're allowed. In my case, anyway. Sometimes a few chips is worse than none. :smile:
  • I am so making a pumpkin smoothie this weekend. I've never even thought of that.
  • I can't think of another reason why you're still going on with this. Make it disappear? Make what disappear? I never said that a sweet potato is more nutritious than a white one - because that isn't true, and they both have strengths. I said that it's more nutritious in one specific way, as an example. Big difference.…
  • Running Room or similar stores will serve you faaaar better than Footlocker-type places. The shoes available will have some crossover, but the staff will be very different and will be more invested in helping you be comfortable and avoid injury.
  • Once a day you could take care of your fruit serving with a smoothie. Have a blender? :D Bananas, blueberries, strawberries, a little peanut butter, milk, a dash of vanilla, etc. I'd add a little protein powder if I was a bit low for that day. Not really required.
  • Thank you for re-posting the thing that I said that was entirely accurate, in the hopes of preventing disinformation being taken as true. Not sure what you're doing. Still waiting for my orange / steak comparison you graded me on, though. You know, that thing I didn't do. Because those things are not comparable, as I took…
  • You're grading me on a thing I never said or implied. I'll let you think on that for a while until you calm down. It's grown-up time.
  • Of course. :D That was my opinion all along - in fact I often mash them together for an unholy slurry of goodness.
  • "That doesn't make them "more nutritious." That just means they have more of one specific nutrient." All else being equal, that would actually be the definition of more nutritious. A person was saying that sweet potatoes were not more nutritious. (statement) I pointed out that in one way, they certainly were. So "not so"…
  • At the risk of this getting off on the wrong foot, have you compared the before-after on that amount of peanut butter? That's 200 calories for only 3-4g of protein. The oatmeal itself already has more protein than that, so it's not like you're solving a balance deficiency in the serving. Personally, I tend to go with…
  • I don't recall stating that there was only vitamin A. Is there a particular reason why you would think that I believe that there is nothing more to food than that? I was responding to a blanket statement of "no" to the notion that sweet potatoes are more nutritious (in this one area, they certainly are and it's not even…
  • Both types of potato are very healthy for you in their unaltered forms. I enjoy both as part of my current weight-loss diet. As much as I love white potatoes, though, I'll give the slight edge to sweet potatoes for two reasons. a) They have a lot more moisture, so I find I'm less likely to add "lubricants" such as…
  • Maybe you should compare the vitamin A amounts in the two types before laying on the bro science accusation - the statement isn't strictly incorrect.
  • So true. Anyway, I'd describe my lifting face as pretty much the same as my normal face - with 37% more crying.
  • You and I are friends now. No, you don't have a choice. That's just how it goes.
  • I suppose my favorite is my newfound jawline - having a big fat head isn't ideal. My son recently hugged me and was like...what's this? That's a rib cage, son. I have one now. On the other hands, my wife now makes fun of me being totally butt-less. I have negative butt. I'd need to add butt just to get back to zero butt.