What snack or meal do you like best to keep you on track?

Hi there! I'm Amy. I was going through my list of recipes and meals and realized that I have a lot of favorites! :P That being said, the thing I eat that makes me feel full, satisfied, and pleased with myself and my choices is one of the simplest: Greek yogurt with fruit and Grape Nuts. It's crunchy and creamy and both the yogurt and the cereal have good servings of protein. Plus the fiber in Grape Nuts is quite high, and it keeps me feeling full and happy long after I polish off the mango yogurt. I know you all are full of good ideas, so hit me - what snack or meal do you like to keep you on track for reaching your weight loss goals?


  • smokeyg01
    smokeyg01 Posts: 1,064
    Almonds and lots of eggs
  • jphoto801
    When I start the day with a simple bowl of (original) Cheerios, soy milk (light vanilla), and a bit of Fiber One on top - that usually means I'm off to a good start for that day. There's enough protein and fiber going on to get me to lunch, and with that healthy start my head is in the game to continue making good choices.

    Left to my own devices I tend to fall into not getting enough calcium, and this helps with that, also.

    All that said, I tend to play tetris with my day, moving things around so that I have a balanced diet by the evening. The occasional meal that is too much / too little / borderline poisonous can always be compensated for.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    The lunch I had today stuffed me to the brim. Salad of tomato, cucumber, capsicum (aka red pepper), mushrooms, asparagus, a little bit of haloumi and some scrambled egg whites with a dressing of olive oil and apple cider vinegar.
  • just4nessa
    just4nessa Posts: 459 Member
    I'm maintaining now, but PB&J on a toasted light english muffin keeps me feeling satisfied for quite a while. I may have to incorporate Grape Nuts with a banana into my snack regimen though...thanks! :happy:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Huge salads with lots of chicken and cottage cheese! Yummy and high protein.
  • thatjulesgirl
    thatjulesgirl Posts: 200 Member
    Celery sticks (with or without peanut butter) are great. Especially when you're in one of those *I can eat all day* moods... you can go through a whole bunch of celery for pretty negligible calories (without the peanut butter).

    Also like Jack Link's Teriyaki Beef jerky for when I know I'm going to be out of the house... high protein, no sugar, 143 cals for a 50g bag.

    Other than that I find the handiest things are apples, a drink bottle with a scoop of protein powder waiting for water to be added, kale chips or a small handful of unsalted cashews.

    In case you can't tell... I'm a *snacker*. :smile:
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Favorite large meal: 1 head of lettuce + a can of either tuna or chicken + homemade dressing (extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, garlic powder, paprika). I take my time eating that and it keeps me full for much of the day at 465 calories w/tuna, 490 calories w/chicken.

    Favorite post-workout snack: 2 cups of red seedless grapes (MFP tells me 208 calories, but I've seen a range of up to 240).

    Favorite snack during the day: 1 of any of the following fruits: banana, orange, plum, pluot. Depending on the fruit, that ranges between around 60-110 cals.

    Sometimes I get a hankering for straight-up carbs, especially given my salads, and will grab 4 WASA Multigrain crispbread slices (180 cals).

    If I get a craving for both protein and sweets: Plain Greek yogurt + pineapple. These days I'm mixing one 6-oz. container of Chobani + one 15.25 can of DelMonte pineapple in its own juice = 350 cals.
  • jurisdrgirlfriend
    jurisdrgirlfriend Posts: 10 Member
    These are all good - I need to add more salads to my plan!

    jphoto: I agree. I play tetris with my intake constantly to make sure I reach my goals by the end of the day. This approach keeps me flexible.

    Ejourneys: Pluots are one of my favorites. I never had these growing up, but I'm glad someone came up with the idea or got them into stores.

    That jules: What protein powder do you like? I haven't found one that does it for me yet.
  • M22KY
    M22KY Posts: 61 Member
    Roasted salmon, rice, and veggies
  • andrewj87
    Just got hooked on celery sticks with peanut butter, who'd have thought.
  • thatjulesgirl
    thatjulesgirl Posts: 200 Member
    That jules: What protein powder do you like? I haven't found one that does it for me yet.

    I like the one I get from my old gym (in Australia) but I'm pretty sure they don't ship O/S. I've heard very good things about Dymatize, though :)
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Cocoa roasted almonds and nutella on fruit. Especially apples. I love nutty and sweet things!
  • jennjychung
    jennjychung Posts: 10 Member
    a small bowl of unsweetened almond milk, whole wheat bran flakes (no raisins), and couple shakes of cinnamon. the cinnamon is my favorite part..it brings out the natural sweetness in the cereal. this keeps me full for a really long time! i've been trying to stay away from fruit with a lot of sugar (bananas, grapes) because i noticed my body craves sweets a lot more when i eat them often. ive switched to avocado halves, tomato, and baby carrots with nonfat greek yogurt for snacking.