

  • keep you chin up, it is so heartbreaking when you go through a lot to lose weight and nothing comes off, i am on lifetime meds fora under-active thryoid and today is the first time i have weighed myself in 3 weeks and lost 6lb, and this is the 1st weighloss in over 3 months of working hard so it will happen to you too.…
  • i have made toad in the hole for tea tonight, with mash veg and gravy !!!! yummy
  • i am on the 1200 cals too my typical day is breakfast : tea with ss milk and sweetex, 2 slices of warburtons bread, toasted and spread lunch: chicken stirfry with rice noodles Dinner :2 x chicken breast with vegtables and jacket potato snacks : alpen chocolate and orange bar, penguin bar, frube yoghurt, sliced peppers,…
  • Hi, i have found that tracking what i eat and drink shows that i drink too much tea, last week i counted 23 cups in one day so im gradually cutting back as 23 cups of tea is 46 sugars a day !!
  • We went to orlando as you can see fro my profile picture in november and when we got home all i wanted was veggies, i was sick to death of the lack of choice, chicken strips and fries, hotdog and fries, burger and fries, they do have salads but were pretty boring and in one place in islands of adventure i got a salad and…
  • i use my slow-cooker / crock-pot around 4 times a week, my favourite is pork in apple gravy. boneless pork shoulder or leg 2 apples (pink lady are good in this) onion carrots celery and any other veg you have in your fridge i put the slow cooker on high add the vegetables and place the pork on top, i do not add any water…
  • sounds alot better than my boring chicken strifry that ive had for about 8 days running
  • sounds alot better than my boring chicken strifry that ive had for about 8 days running
  • Hi, i had my son 12 years ago and still suffer with them now, ive had mine for too long too do anything about them medically, but part of having them is from having ibs. the chemist sells a good cream for them and it sort of shrinks them
  • Hi, i have a under active thyroid, my symptoms before i was diagnosed were weight gain, loss of appetite, brittle hair and nails, tiredness, mood swings and bloated face , panic attacks and heart palpitations. even on medication i struggle to loose weight, but im not tired any-more and my panic attacks are nearly non…
  • Hi Gina everyone is really friendly on here and welcome
    in New Comment by kandy80cat February 2011
  • im from plymouth uk , only started on here a few days ago but already have better motivation and help from alot of people on her
  • yes i take 100mg thyroxine every day, i feel better on 100 but i know my doctor will try and get the dose down again which i dont want, within weeks of him lowering my meds i get cranky and tired and just feel yuk
  • its hard work trying to get my doctor to transfer me to see a endocrinologist as he seems to think im doing ok and it took my sister 3 years to get appointment
  • Thanks, im glad im not the only one, thyroid problems run in my family. ive always been a size 12ish a uk 14 is too big and a uk12 is too small , i seem to carry weight badly and being so short makes me look dumpy im having my bloods checked again next month, i think its getting me down has as i was really ill over xmas…
  • ive just registered for the st lukes midnight moon walk with a choice of 7, 13 or 26 miles, i have done race for life the past 3 years so thought i would try and do something else this year my lovely son said to me " your only doing it coz they give you a bacon buttie when you finish the walk " lovely child
  • mine depends on the weather and what food im eating, in the summer im really bad but ok in the winter, i would definalty get it checked out though, i dont control mine through medication i try to keep it under control buy changing what i eat, lettuce is one thing that really makes me ill and raw onions
  • again the same as me, i have what they call ibs irritable bowel syndrome and get the same problems, i bloat get cramps and upset stomach so i have learnt what i can and can not eat
  • im sensitive to alot of foods too, i cant eat to much wheat, milk and cheese as they make me bloated and ill but a fresh fruit smoothie is great 1st thing. berry blast whatever berries i have to hand , small amount of fresh juice banana mango ice and blitz in a blender
  • Hi, im the same as you, i cant eat breakfast so i either have a smoothie or a slim fast milkshake for breakfast, then i have a snack then lunch then snack then tea/dinner then snack so i eat 3 meals on normal unless i have a early aerobic class then i have lunch at 11am and tea/dinner at 4pm and then a stirfry when i get…
  • i eat around 1200 calories per day and burn roughly 400-500 calories exercising so i get extra exercise calories added to my daily allowance for example today so far i have burned 111 calories going for a brisk walk with my dogs so when i add this exercise to my food/exercise tracker i get a extra 111 calories added to my…
  • i track everything even if its a carrot or pepper for snacking on
  • im a 30 year old mother of a soon to be 12 year old yikes !!! i feel like a single mum as i work and my husband works alot of hours so we hardly see each other
  • Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend
  • Hi, ive only joined today but everyone has been so nice and supportive feel free to add me as a friend
  • i know i love cheese and cheese and cheese and bread but i have willpower i think lol and will not eat any i hope need more friends please to keep me motivated
  • im so glad im not the only one struggling with weight gain and having a under active thyroid