under active thyroid and weightloss

kandy80cat Posts: 29
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
, i wondering how many people on here have a under active thyroid and how they are finding loosing weight

i was diagnosed 3 years ago and managed to lose........... wait for it............... 5Ibs in 3 years its so annoying and i get really upset, i went to the doctor to explain that being 5ft2 and nearly 11 stone is too big for my frame and his reply was to go on a diet and do some exercise !!!

i wanted to punch him and say what do you think ive been doing for the past 3 years

rant over


  • genevaturtle
    genevaturtle Posts: 23 Member
    I have an underactive thyroid too. I was diagnosed 20 yrs ago and it has been a continuous struggle. You just need to find what works for your body. Less carbs and more protein work for me. Also, make sure you are getting enough calories each day. Since your metabolism is slower than the normal person now you need to make sure you are not putting your body into starvation mode and making weight loss impossible. Check out Mary Shomon's thyroid information, she has a lot of good stuff and is hypothyroid as well. Good luck!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    my last results were borderline and had to wait a year to be retested...this happened Thursday so will get the results back this week. If they come back borderline again I will be demanding more sensitive tests as I have every one of the symptoms.

    I did 4 months at 1600-1800 calories and was still gaining at around 3-4lb a month. I then did 4 months of 1300-1500 calories and stayed the same. I have had to cut calories far more than what is recommended to lose weight...and even then its like wading thru treacle!

    Back in September I told my Dr that I just couldn't shift the weight and he handed me a 1200 calorie diet sheet and said I'd lose if i followed...helloooooo were you not listening!? So I made my own plan up, being as careful as I can to include all the nutrients I need but such low calories do leave me even more exhausted than i already am.

    I'm really hoping I get a diagnosis this time, I know it is that but what can class as normal readings don't necessarily mean its normal for me!
  • I have underactive thyroid. I have managed to loose 7 lbs in a year good thing is I have maintained that weight loss. It is discouraging when others loose the weight so quick and its taking longer for us. I try to look at myself differently and not worry about anyone else.
    So far I have been enrolled in boot camp and taking krav maga so my excuse is that I am loose fat and gaining muscle. I also accepted the fact that I will never get into my size 6 pants anymore. I fit a size 12 and I am close to fitting a size 10.
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/168593-hypothyroid-me-too

    Please see my previous post on this topic. If you suffer hypothyroidism, you must, Must, MUST see an endocrinologist rather than your family physician. You can go undiagnosed for years if you let your family physician dictate what is "normal" for you.

    For example, I feel best when my TSH is maintained at 1 mU/L. My family physician says 5 is "normal." At 5, I am a zombie barely able to get out of bed.

    Next thing: an endocrinologist can look at your total health and body composition and determine whether insulin resistance is playing a part in your inability to lose weight. There are medications that make your cells more sensitive to insulin so you can lose weight like a person who does not have hypothyroidism.

    Best of success to you.
  • I also have an underactive thyroid. I've recently started taking an herbal supplement that is supposed to help boost my metabolism a little. I was able to lose 12 pounds in two months! My problem is I know I don't eat enough calories, so I'm working on that. The other day, I ate only 700 calories, which is not nearly enough, I walk/jog for 45 mins everday and I Zumba twice a week, and I don't eat those calories back either. Such a struggle!
  • Thanks, im glad im not the only one, thyroid problems run in my family.

    ive always been a size 12ish a uk 14 is too big and a uk12 is too small , i seem to carry weight badly and being so short makes me look dumpy

    im having my bloods checked again next month, i think its getting me down has as i was really ill over xmas and couldnt hold any food down but still managed to put on 4lbs

    I also do zumba classes twice a week and walk every where (did 3 mile walk last night) but struggle with my calorie allowance, i just manage to eat 1200 but when i add on my exercise allowance i struggle, i think i need to live in subway to eat 1200
    im off for a long walk now then off to get my hair cut

    keep up the good work
  • its hard work trying to get my doctor to transfer me to see a endocrinologist as he seems to think im doing ok and it took my sister 3 years to get appointment
  • binkybaby1
    binkybaby1 Posts: 188 Member
    I was diagnosed with an under-active thyroid this past April. I'm also a type 2 diabetic, both run deep in my family. I'm on medication for both. Are any of you on meds for the thyroid disorder and has that helped at all?
  • yes i take 100mg thyroxine every day, i feel better on 100 but i know my doctor will try and get the dose down again which i dont want, within weeks of him lowering my meds i get cranky and tired and just feel yuk
  • genevaturtle
    genevaturtle Posts: 23 Member
    I have been on Levothyroxine (generic for Synthroid) for 20 yrs. I seem to do ok on it. I am not nearly as exhausted as I was in earlier years. I did Weight Watchers last year and have lost 17 lbs. I am still following it although the new plan has thrown me off. I believe exercise is the key to feeling our best with this disorder and finding what works. I know I do not exercise nearly enough and I am really trying to get better. I also choose my carbs carefully. I try to eat those lower on the glycemic index, it just works for me. I hope you all have great success in this constant battle!
  • Hi
    I was diagnosed in Nov 2009 with an underactive thyroid and even though its meds controlled and so far thats ok but i am finding it very difficult to lose the weight, infact i have out more on since being diagnosed. Im hoping that now i am watching the calories i may be able to shift some of the excess. Heres hoping. My next blood test is July as im on yearly tests now.
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