mothers who have gotten hemrriods after child birth

Kimmerz1 Posts: 64 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
I know this sounds discusting or gross and nobody wants to ever deal with this issue and its very painful. But since I had my son in 2009 I got hemrroids after giving birth and it was the most painful thing I had to go through and till this day I still get hemrroids off and on and since I don't have medical I can ask for a higher dose in cream medication. I was looking for mothers who have the similar issue and can tell me what to do or what they have done to get rid of them quick.


  • samb
    samb Posts: 464 Member
    You are right most people do not want to talk about this! I unfortunately just had 2 small external hemrroids and it was very very painful and awkward with treating, but I got it to away in a week just by using Preparation H and only using baby wipes. I also don't have health insurance so this was really my only option. However, I didn't have the excuse of having a child, I was just very lazy for a day and they came up out of nowhere :/ Thankfully they went away in a week because I felt like I couldn't even really work out. Good luck!!
  • Sitz baths!!! And diligently use creams, maybe even internally.
  • TammyBee
    TammyBee Posts: 178
    I had the same thing after the birth of my children. My youngest is 10 and i don't get so much anymore. The suggestion i have is more how to prevent. Stay hydrated. Constipation is a big cause.
  • Hi, i had my son 12 years ago and still suffer with them now, ive had mine for too long too do anything about them medically, but part of having them is from having ibs. the chemist sells a good cream for them and it sort of shrinks them
  • girl_brett
    girl_brett Posts: 166 Member
    Like a month ago I was getting them alot! I never used any creams or anything, but I was about to go to the doctor cause they had gotten so bad. I read that by eating more fiber it will help! I have and have not had any more! It also said being overweight is a big factor! Everything started about the same time as far as losing weight and not having any more! I would try to be higher in fiber and the weightloss should help too! Good luck!
  • People don't like to talk about it but it actually is estimated it effects over 60% of the population at least once in their lives (the number is even higher in those that exercise more often)!

    Usual remedies are those mentioned above - cream 2-3 times a day, warm baths (enough to sit in) 2-3 times a day, don't strain when on the loo (most common cause!) and opt for moist wipes instead of dry, abrasive toilet paper!
  • ernurse77
    ernurse77 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi there! You have gotten some great advice! Pretty much the same advice that was given to my husband yesterday after having an internal hemrrhoid banded yesterday.

    Sitz baths are a bath tub that is filled with about 2 to 3 inches of warm water that you sit in for about 10 minutes two to three times a day. Over the counter creams, Tucks wipes, personal cleansing cloths are all very helpful when you are having a flair up. Also, make sure that you are getting enough fiber and not sitting on the toilet too long. Fiber Choice sells chewable tablets of fiber that are actually pretty tasty. However, until your body becomes used to them, you should be warned that you may have some stinky gas for a bit! You want to make sure that your stool is soft. You want to avoid constipation, as well as diarrhea. Also PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH fluids such as water.

    Good luck and feel better soon!
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    i still have those hemmerhoids (sp) and honey they dont go away...mine are 14 and 9 years old!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I got them after giving birth to my daughter 10 months ago but they went after about 6-8 weeks. I eventually went to see my doctor as I was getting worried it was something more serious and they confirmed it was nothing to worry about and gave me a couple of creams to try but in all honesty I don't think they worked. I think that drinking PLENTY of water regularly throughout the day, and eating the right kind of diet consistently for a reasonable period of time sorted the problem out in the end. I think i'm very lucky not to have got them back again but I am now very careful about getting enough fibre and water in my diet every day.
    I feel your pain and hope you can sort it out soon :)
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