tracking fruit and veg

bahrainbel Posts: 194
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Do you guys track your fruit and veg, or not?

I seem to be getting mixed messages about this.

Thanks, Bel xx


  • might4
    might4 Posts: 99 Member
    I track everything that passes these lips to keep myself on track. Fruits for sure because that can really add calories if you are not careful. Fruit and veggies are GREAT foods - but in my opinion...calories are calories and I am tracking every last one of them.
  • DawnMarie1970
    DawnMarie1970 Posts: 97 Member
    I track everything that passes these lips to keep myself on track. Fruits for sure because that can really add calories if you are not careful. Fruit and veggies are GREAT foods - but in my opinion...calories are calories and I am tracking every last one of them.

    I agree, I track EVERYTHING! It keeps myself honest :smile:
  • i track everything even if its a carrot or pepper for snacking on
  • yeah, i always track them. 50cals on some grapes ive just eaten, its alot to miss off!!
  • tlussier
    tlussier Posts: 42 Member
    Personally I track EVERYTHING as well! A calorie is a calorie! :)
  • I track everything too, If I did not track fruit, it would not be accurate on calories. While I am at work for nine hours, I may eat 3 or 4 pieces of fruit, it adds up, so I am sure to track it.
  • Ok, thanks.

    I am just starting, so I will track everything too.

    I may have been trying to cheat a wee bit :tongue:
  • emchamberlain
    emchamberlain Posts: 133 Member
    The mixed messages might be coming from people on WW, where fruit and veg are free.
  • Actually, that is probably right! Everyone seems to be on about these "Propints" - I think that is Weight Watchers.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I track everything.

    I love fruit & veg.

    I'm also not paranoid about going over on my sugar allowance when it's from fruit.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    I think here you should track everything, at WW the points are set different. here its set different! dont try to mix the two systems. here track it all and eat back at least some of your exercise calories. thats the way the web site works. Good luck to you
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I track everything that passes these lips to keep myself on track. Fruits for sure because that can really add calories if you are not careful. Fruit and veggies are GREAT foods - but in my opinion...calories are calories and I am tracking every last one of them.

    I agree, I track EVERYTHING! It keeps myself honest :smile:

    Me too!

    Love it! :laugh:
  • If i didnt track fruit and veg i would eat about 10 bananas a day to feel full :laugh:
    I only snack on bananas if i have been working out alot, i stick to apples etc which are half the amount of bananas!:blushing:
  • bka8
    bka8 Posts: 92
    I do track all my food, but I dont worry about fruits and veggies as much? Those kinds of food are the ones you want. Non-processed fruits and veggies (not canned) are super good for you so I try not to get overly obsessed with counting those kinds of calories - its the processed and packaged food that I keep a closer eye on.
  • I do track all my food, but I dont worry about fruits and veggies as much? Those kinds of food are the ones you want. Non-processed fruits and veggies (not canned) are super good for you so I try not to get overly obsessed with counting those kinds of calories - its the processed and packaged food that I keep a closer eye on.

    Me too, I don't worry about my veg. I'll track my fruit cause of the sugar in it but not veg, besides a raw diet is the healthiest one you can have so i don't mind. A calorie is a calorie but no all calories are created equal. Fruit and veg are the calories you want. So if i'm over cause of carrots then let it be so.
  • might4
    might4 Posts: 99 Member

    OMGoodness - That is the best!!!!!!!!!!!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I track everything that passes these lips to keep myself on track. Fruits for sure because that can really add calories if you are not careful. Fruit and veggies are GREAT foods - but in my opinion...calories are calories and I am tracking every last one of them.

    I agree, I track EVERYTHING! It keeps myself honest :smile:
    I too track all I take in....and not all of my exercise. It's easier for me to underestimate the calories coming in, and to overestimate how much time I've spent exercising. Because I LIKE food, and exercising, not so much. (I'm starting to love yoga, though....and Zumba....and had an intense but brief fling with an elliptical during a 1 week gym trial....)
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    yes. especially fruit cause its higher in cals. I just generally put in 40 cals for my veg every day no matter what type i am eating that day.
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