itsablondething Member


  • To me... no refined grains/flours, no refined sugar.
  • I'm not willing to give up anything. However, I am willing to give up as much as I want of everything. Otherwise, I wont lose weight. I need to learn to eat those treats as an occassional ting ....and then in reasonable portion size
  • Well... I actually had a job where I weighed and measured people for their work physicals once upon a time. One of the most attractive women I did... so this stuck out to me... was 5'8" and weighed 135 pounds. I am quite certain had she been 20 lb lighter I would have offered her a piece of cake. A woman has curves. Not…
  • People with PCOS have a harder time losing weight because they have higher insulin resistance. You can enhance your weight loss efforts by staying away from highly refined carbs, and sometimes a lower (not low) carb diet will help that. Some physicians will put a PCOS patient on certain diabetic medications aimed at…
  • I love love love an epsom salt bath with a few drops of essential oils of cammomile and lavender....
  • Ok, it is very obvious that you don't like to cook, and you eat a tremendous amount of take out/processed foods, and you are not a big fruit, veggie or milk eater. Ok... simplest way to add some calories and nutrition to your day, that won't require any cooking. Add at least 2 servings a of fruit a day.. an apple, an…
  • Stick to organic only dairy products ( made a HUGE difference in female problems), and use raw milk where I can (legal in PA) 90% plus of all produce purchased is organic (make exception for the clean 15, avoid the dirty dozen like the plague) Make my own yogurt (better control of ingredients) Drink DandyBlend instead of…
  • I've been doing MFP and combining it with the 17 Day Diet, which is a "lower carb" plan. It allows 2 fruit and 2 dairy (yogurt) servings a day, and the doc that wrote it suggests no high carb foods after 2 pm (which would be my fruit and yogurt). I did this because I personally do better and feel better if I cut out lots…
  • Meals cooked and ready to go for the next several days for lunch at work and supper at home (I do huge batch cooking... cook only once or twice a week) Home made yogurt made up into parfaits with frozen fruits (todays variety is made with cascadian farm organic red raspberries) Gala apples pitcher of green tea, unsweetened…
  • In addition to some of the other great ones... plan in advance. If I know I am going away, doing something special, etc, I plan in advance for it. A few days ago, I was going away for a conference. I scoped out local restaurants, and knew where and what I'd be eating, and how many calories it had in it before I ever left…
  • What an awesome achievement!
  • Carbs... don't try to do low carb, just "lower" carb, and type of fat. My personal belief if that health depends more on the type of fat consumed than how much. So, I track Mono unsat, polyunsat, sat... and I avoid transfats like the plague.
  • It depends.. I have months with cramps so severe I can't straighten my legs out of a fetal position, so no, I am not going to exercise at th at point in time...other times, if they are minimal it doesn't seem to aggravate it.
  • I've managed to lose weight while on predinsone, though fighting hunger was more of an issue.
  • My thought would be... are you happy with how you look at 127, is 120 just some "magical" happy number for you? Do you really need to be there? I guess I am asking... would you be happier weighing 120 and being a size 8 or weighing 127 and being a size 6? Is it a weight number or a size number that matters more? Or, should…
  • Regardless of Type 1 or Type 2, these are issues that need close attention with a doc. A lot of type 1s have a lot of success calculating insulin dosages based on sugar levels and carb intake. But this requires sugars at least 4 times a day. And a diabetic should not "low carb" it without keeping a close watch on their…
  • I do love the organic lettuce brigade.... I have to say this, you are right. I try very hard to stick to a 90-95% organic, free range, pastured creulty free diet... and I feel extremely priveledged to earn enough income to do this, because it is so expensive, I had to make it a budgetary priority and revamped my entire…
  • And doing this can lead to a deadly condition called Diabetic Ketoacidosis. (can have a mortality rate of 50% in otherwise healthy individuals) DKA sets off a deady chain reaction in the body. Bad bad bad.
  • If you've just been on insulin for 6 months, you may be considered insulin dependent, but most likely NOT type 1. What I can tell you is this.. losing weight will make you more receptive to the insulin, and so weight loss will most likely decrease, if not entirely eliminate your need for insulin BUT you do need to check…
  • Not as tasty? Wow, the organic veggies I get are generally su:laugh: perior in quality and flavor... though I do end up picking more bugs off of them, and some leafy greens come through totally bug chewed. :laugh:
  • I've been a member of both produce and meat CSAs... a great way to support local farmers. I think it is important to note though, not all CSA are organic, nor do they all produce without chemicals, etc. So, you've gotta read and see what they are doing. I really enjoyed getting a weekly bag a produce... it is like opening…