

  • 1. I am a good friend 2. I am a good listener 3. I have overcome the worst thing that can happen to a mother and lived to tell the tale. I need to be a little selfish sometimes and put my wishes above everyone else and do something that makes me truly happy.
  • I do 2 types of pork chops. 1st you can marinate them in 4tbsps of worcestershire sauce and 1tbsp honey for about 2-3 hours and then grill or place in oven. 2nd you can dip the pork chop in a little egg and then place them in a bowl of dried stuffing mix to coat then grill, gives them a nice cruncy taste. Both are yummy,…
  • Wow well done x
  • Well done on your journey so far. Everytime I mentioned the word "diet" my brain would suddenly send a signal to my tastebuds that they wanted something naughty and I would be starting the "Monday morning diet" again week after week. Then Christmas came and I told myself that I would start a diet in the new year, no pint…
  • Don't beat yourself up too much, a new baby takes some work!! You know it has worked before so when you are ready you have all the tools there to begin again. In the meantime why don't you put some healhy snacks in the fridge that you can grab when you feel tired or can't be bothered to cook a meal. Just believe in…
  • Well done on the weight loss so far! I have only been on the site 3 weeks and have already lost 1/2 a stone, it has really helped keep me motivated and hopefully by the summer I will be closer to my goal weight. Keep it up!
  • Wow well done. You can see the difference in the photos and is a good way to keep yourself motivated. It was an embarrasing christmas photo that finally spurred me on to lose weight and after 3 weeks of using the site, so far so good!! Keep up the good work!!
  • Welcome to the site. I have only been on 3 weeks and its the first time I have really changed my attitued to dieting,so far so good!! There is always someone who can offer advice, tips and general motivation. Good Luck x
  • Nope your not the only one i'm from Nottingham x
  • Hi have you thought about making your own? In the summer I freeze low fat yogurt with pieces of fruit in and this makes a nice low fat icecream treat without the cream! The low fat mousses you can get also work well.
  • Hi welcome to the site, you won't be disappointed. I have only been on a week and everyone has been so nice, I have found some great tips to help me stay motivated, made some friends and have lost weight!! Better start than I have ever had losing weight before. Good luck!!
  • Hi I just joined this week so we can buddy up and hopefully motivate each other 2 keep on track.
  • Welcome to the site, I'm new too and its helping me track what I am eating. I am the same portion wise so bought myself a smaller plate so it looks like my plate is full but i'm not having the big portion sizes. Good luck with your weight loss.
  • Hi don't get too discouraged as it is easy to use this as an excuse to give up. Measure yourself with a tape measure as when it doesn't show on the scales it can often show in inches. I do this as my scales seem to register a different weight depending where I put them on the bathroom floor!!
  • When I used to drink lager I went for Budweiser lite as I think at the time this was the lowest in calories. If you drink spirits vodka and diet coke is the best for calories. Alternatively enjoy your nite out but do more exercise the day before and day after to compensate. Have fun!!
  • Well done with the steps and the weight loss. Will have to get a pedometer and shock myself to see what I actually do in a day. I am terrible and always talk myself out of exercise but have been doing the housework with extra vigour to burn some calories off!!
  • Yeh the snow made me leave my car at home and I realised how lazy I was being just getting in the car to go round the corner. Have also been walking into town to do the shopping, didn't quite realise how heavy the shopping bags would be when filled with fruit and veg but least it gave my biceps a good workout. I don't like…
  • Well done on the weight loss so far you are already closer to goal. My first weigh in is Monday so hoping that there will be a good loss!!
  • Hi Clairelyndsey Thanks for your post and well done on the weight loss so far. My weigh day is Monday so fingers crossed. Tried to do some more walking this week so hopefully this will have paid off. It helps that I do 4 journeys to the nursery with my 3 year old everyday so trying to power walk there and back ( bit harder…
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