So I've been exercising, and keeping track of my food. I lost 4lbs. last week but up 2 this week (hasen't been a full week). Needless to say I am discouraged. I have a goal to loose 20lbs. by my 42nd. birthday in April. HELP!!!! I've heard muscle weighs more then fat but it's still discouraging. Anyyone else experiencing this?


  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    If I'm not mistaken, I think it takes about a month to build up 1 lb of muscle, so that's not it; however, when you just start out a regimen your body needs to adjust. It could be that you are retaining water. Remember that 1-2 lbs a week is ideal/healthy to lose in a week and since you only have 20 lbs to lose, I wouldn't be surprised if you only lost 1 per week.
  • chubbyhousewife
    Hi don't get too discouraged as it is easy to use this as an excuse to give up.

    Measure yourself with a tape measure as when it doesn't show on the scales it can often show in inches.

    I do this as my scales seem to register a different weight depending where I put them on the bathroom floor!!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    Don't give up! Your body needs time to get used to your new diet and exercise program. If you keep it up you will lose. Don't be too hard on yourself, we all have weeks where we plateau or gain. Use it as motivation to stay on track.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    Your weight will naturally fluctuate by a few pounds so don't sweat it. Also, you may have some water weight masking your true weightloss. With only having 23lbs to lose you likely didn't actually lose 4lbs of fat in the one week you may have lose some water weight which you have put back on the following week. The point is after 2 weeks you still have a net loss of 2lbs which averages to 1lb per week which is a great, healthy result. Don't worry so much about each and every weekly weigh in. Instead focus on the general trend (which is that you are losing weight) and how you feel (e.g. clothes looser, more energy).
  • campbellj
    campbellj Posts: 7 Member
    My advice for you is to be patient and don't check the scales for at least a week. You will only feel discouraged if it is not what you expected.

    Keep eating the amount of calories that you need to but don't eat too few. If you exercise too much and don't eat the right amount of calories, your body will try to hold all of the calories and fat it can to make up for ones that you are burning.

    You can do it. Don't give up!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Your body doesn't care that you want to lose your weight by your birthday. I have found that our bodies do not work on deadlines or goal dates. Did you gain the weight in 3 - 4 months or did it take longer than that? The main thing is that you are exercising and eating healthy food within the required calorie range. The weight loss will fall into place in due time
  • 2kidzlater
    2kidzlater Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks everyone! Your all so right. I am in this for the long haul. It's a lifestyle change not an overnight fix. It's just that I've been eating better, exercising better then I have in years. I just thought the first week or so I would see more results.